The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt is contained here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.
Last we left off with creation, the seas and dry land. Today we continue in b'resheet (Genesis) with the second part of day two. Look for the word for "that" (ah-share) and the word for "good" (tove) as we read. We can now easily learn "tree" (ayts) and "seed" (zerah) as we read.
I noted some structure and gender below. As with many languages, Hebrew has genders for things and people. I highlight some very basic examples of subject and object references to gender. And I will continue to explain them as we run into them. Learning languages is a combination of reading, speaking, listening, understanding and vocabulary.
Subject; the person or thing performing an action.
Subject pronouns; I - he - she - it - we - they
Object; the one impacted by the action.
Object pronouns; me - him - her - it - us - them
(there is no "it" in Hebrew because things are either he or she)
Notice also that word order is switched when the subject is used, otherwise the he or she is part of the verb.
There is no word-for-word translation for most languages, for that reason the above would be interpreted as "the earth brought forth" and in this case it was "green vegitation."
The image says "she brought out" which is more accurate. When I read this the first time, I noticed that everything on the earth seemed to be created on the first day. Now the Almighty merely brings the grass and trees out of the ground and causes things to become...
Think about when you were conceived. Seed and egg joining. A brand new string of DNA. Everything you are now was there and just needed to become. You were probably bald and your hair needed to be bought out.
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Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.
Thank you for posting these lessons @hebrew.
Very much enjoy the opportunity to read and see the Hebrew language especially in this particular way.
All the best to you.
Thank you for another great lesson! Trying to catch up.
In fact big thanks to @hebrew for this great opportunity to learn hebrew language. He is a good man giving us hope every week.
its really awesome job of The ancient language of ivrit,,, i appreciate you
Thank you very much @Hebrew. UpVoted and Resteemed. Going to listen now many many times. Until it sinks in. I love to Listen to this Holy Language every night before I go to sleep.
I am reading a bit faster now. I think if people need slow letter by letter pronunciation, they can listen to the first few. I still don't read as fluently the native speakers.
That's very modest of you Sir..
You are humble and a great teacher... I'm sure you will equally make an excellent father..
Thank you for coming down to see us this week..
More power to your elbow
@hebrew Your posts are always explicit and understandable your way of teachings are also excellent. Thanks for everything @hebrew
This is very good. Highlighting the corresponding gender really helps. Upvoted.
Great effort to introduce this amazing language thanks a lot.
This is an excellent Lesson. I have a friend who just joined Steemit a few days ago who paints Stories from the Bible (among many other things) and will see if he could share some of his work here with us ... @RevelationArt
That's great. Steemit is growing and I appreciate you and your friends always finding my posts and supporting me.
Your Blog is a Blessing.
My son made this painting from your earlier Lessons .... A Separation between Water and Water.
To me hebrew language is like a language of an art. I love the way you mentioned Almighty merely brings the grass and is very interesting language, but also very difficult to learn. I kept looking at these words and it’s really beautiful language. It also makes it a bit easier because you don’t use “it” in Hebrew.
Great return of clases friend nice explaining thank you master of hebrew
que bueno que regreso el Profesor, estabamos esperando
Hola @rafagonzalez , es totalmente normal que pongo un post una vez cada semana. Intento no faltar!
Que bueno, solo que lo esperábamos ayer sábado a las 7 pm hora del oeste; como cambió de fecha para publicar, pensamos que le pudo pasar algo o que estaba nuevamente enfermo...
Como sigue de la gripe?
The ancient language of ivrit...this is really great and it caught my attention, thanks for sharing that wonderful part of the scriptures and thanks for the messages you passed crossed in your write-up about the ancient language @hebrew. I have learnt something totally new and different today.
Welcome to my classroom as it were. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
You are welcome @hebrew and thanks for educating me tonight, you just added a student to your class.
knowledge.Great explaining thank you so much master @hebrew, for the
Day By Day Learning from's clear that you are a good teacher as like as well smart always share with us some unique things which is really appreciatable. @hebrew
Thank you. I appreciate your loyal following. My comments are getting hit with lots of spam which makes it hard to distinguish who to vote for.
Agree! The best way to learn Hebrew language is to actually spend time among people speaking Hebrew. That’s the way I learned my second language. Also read, watch tv... And the most important is the motivation and willingness to learn. One thing that caught my eye and I’m curious how do you call on materialistic things if you only use she or he instead of it? I also noticed no word for word translation in many languages. I guess that’s what makes it the most difficult in language learning. Great post though!
Thank you. Technically the Tanakh that I read from is a word for word translation (left to right) which is what makes it great for learning. Still, it won't be exact. The example from today translates Kuf-yud ((kee) as "that" right at the end "God that good". I usually see it meaning of that word as "because" but it is only different in order for it to make sense in English.
Great work and excellent ways of teaching. Thank you very much for the effort you have put on this today. It always been great to learn again this week from you sir @hebrew
I'm new to this class but this is incredibly interesting.
i assume i'll have to check your previous posts well
Welcome! That is a very nice username you chose. My blog goes from the first letter to vowels and into reading. Nice to meet you.
Thank you so much. Actually I didn’t expect a responce. People use to blog and then disappear like they don’t care about their”audience”
I’m glad you act differently.
Nice meeting you too
I love your language very much and thank you for another great lesson
I appreciate your readership - love the profile picture.
Thanks for the Hebrew this post very important lesson and useful.
your good work and great dtube video
For your post propagation.
Thanks for the information of the Bible. the useful language.]]]]]]]]]]]]]
this post good topic & for sharing'
thank you another good lesson. hebrew language is the best language. i like it. well done upvote and resteem
The truth is that I do not know many things about the Hebrew language and the way in which it is applied.
I like the gender identification that can be seen in the image. The different uses of hebrew in genres and distintion of subjects has captured me.
I find it interesting. I will investigate a little more.
Great lesson and important language.this is valuable post.
Have a great day. Thanks @hebrew
Thank you for given us.That's very good video and context lesson @hebrew.
Hebrew is such a great language!!!Thanks for sharing.

It is valuable and very useful ancient language.
Upvote Resteem
This is a very valuable article.We are very useful in learning the language.
Thank you for submitting such an article.
Resteem Service
Definitely perfect lesson of Ivrit language. It's harder to learn but has some interesting. Nice you decided to shared @hebrew.
hebrew excellent language
John 1:1 In the beginning, before the world was created, the word already existed and the word was with God and the word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through Him. And nothing was created except through Him. The word gives life to everything that was created. And His life brought light to everyone. The light shines in darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.@hebrew
Jesus is the beginning of Genesis and the end of Revelation. That is why He is called the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. The one that is, and who is to come!
Jesus appeared in the beginning of creation as the light of the world. Jesus appeared in Genesis 3:15-16 "And the seed of the woman will bruise your head and you will bruise his heel". The prophecy of His coming manifested in the beginning.
When we talk about the creation, we are talking about Jesus Himself, because before the world ever being in existence, He has been in existence. When we talk about life, we are talking about Jesus because He is the resurrection and the life. When we talk about light, we are talking about Jesus, because His life brought light to the world. When we talk about power, we are talking about Jesus, because as many that believes in Him, He gives power to become the sons and daughters of God. When we talk about the beginning and the end, we talk about Jesus, because He is the beginning and the end.
To crown it all, Jesus is the fulfilment of word of God.
Thank you. Yes, and it gets even richer when you see him as the alef and the tav. Plus more parallels that line up in the original language. I do hope you will study His heritage.
Thanks for sharing the another lesson... It is great... It's really helps me... Thank you again...
I will try to take the step by doing it in Spanish, to see if I can learn something
It looks like you are on the right track with your blog. I have seen Spanish tutorials which are equally interesting how much clarity Hebrew adds.
I've seen several on YouTube but I think they do not master the language as well as you, anyway everything that adds learning is well received and thanks for taking the time and visiting my blog
You explain basics of Hebrew in very good way .
Nice article . Shabat Shalom.
Great lesson of Hebrew language.thanks for sharing. very useful information.

100% like and resteem
hebrew is a great language,, that's why I try know about it ... you always share it for us
thanks hebrew
upvote & resteem done
@hebrew this language was ancient but you makes it midern day by day by your heart & soul effort
@resteem done
Thank you so much another great post for hebrew learning post..
upvote & resteem done
wow another great informative post for ancient language ( עברית ) learning post for me.
thanks for sharing @hebrew
upvote & #resteem done
It's great lesson on Hebrew , thanks dear .
Shabat Shalom
a debt of gratitude is in order for excellents lession
what's more, highliting
@upvote and @resteem is finished
Thanks to you sir for you lesson... ☺ i'm waiting for your post sir... really appreciate your work sir...👍
Genesis 1 - Part 6. You're the best teacher in this platform. Great effort.@hebrew, That would be greatest lesson from you now. Very easy to understand pronunciation. Every details given by you. This time you update
It's really informative blog lesson @hebrew. I like these and your past effort. You're the best steemian in this blockchain @hebrew.
Your best of teacher
Nice lesson thanks for sharing it with us great to see your posts always its so knowledgeable
Excelente la analogía que haces que ante de la vida estaban los elementos que Dios requirió para crearla. Ósea las cosas no nacieron de la nada.
Existían elementos previos y de sexo, materia y naturalmente de elementos de la naturaleza que brindaron el verde de la vida, de las cosas; de todo. Muy buen post.
Estoy contento leiste el blog y entendiste todo e ademas que puedo entender lo que me escribas.
Claro hermano, hay gente que sigue.. hay gente que solo vota.
thanks for another good lession
@upvote and @resteem is done
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excellent learning post.thanks dear👌👌
May God long live you.@resteem @upvt done dear friend
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wowww greatest explanation about hebrew language
upvote and resteem done @ hebrew
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thnx for your great lesson!thanks a lot
@resteem @follow done
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İt is wonderful. I love hebrew😍
Happy sunday Sir. Thanks for the good work sir need to take my time and study this GOD bless you, happy
I need to get Hebrew Bible for more understanding on this thanks. GOD bless you