Welcome back to my DTube Hebrew reading & language series.
The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.
This week's reading is from Genesis 1:13 onward.
Talking about light, night, and the reasons for which each was created.
- Signs
- Appointed times that we are to, set apart, remember, be with Him.
- Days
- Years
The last two everyone knows about. The first two have been twisted.
Signs; Warnings and great events that we should see coming. For example: The star of Bethlehem which was like a street sign warning of a cliff or upcoming rest stop. These tell of good things to come and bad things to come. The star over the house of bread, or Beyt Lekhem, announced the birth of the bread of life, otherwise known as the Mashiach (Messiah) - a word which simply means "anointed one."
Appointed times; I like to call them appointments with God himself. Some are to be celebrated, and others are to remember something significant that the Almighty has done. Example(s): Shabuote/Pentecost which occur on the same day. YHVH gave the Torah (the instruction manual of life) on that day. Tousands of years later, He gave the Counselor who leads us to all understanding. Yes, the eleven disciples knew that the Ruah (Spirit) came upon them on Shabuote. They were at the temple for that particular appointed time.
Interesting that Alef-tov reads "ote" which is the word for "letter" or "sign". Number 1 above is the plural of that feminine word "Ote-Ote" or "signs". Feminine plurals end in "tav" and masculine plurals end in "mem"
What's more. There were no Jews (sons of Judah) when the Holidays (Holy Days) to God were ordained.
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Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.
I prefer to sit next to the scroll of His loving instructions on shabbat
Shabbat Shalom
Thank you. Shabbat Shalom
Well described. Another great lesson from you in this wonderful crypto time!@hebrew,
Shabbat Shalom~
A great lesson, my friend and every time I learn more about Hebrew, which is an ancient and beautiful language! Thank you @hebrew for your work!
I love looking at these different scripts that people from the past have been writing about their culture and the system how everything worked.....and these language are still being used as each language has something some different pinch in itself ..love to see it...
I am still reading through the Tanakh day by day, but it's nice to come back to the beginning and read slowly for new learners.
You seem to be books lover .
always you teach us something dear. god bless you.
@upvote & @resteem done
i know something from here, thanks for share.
@upvote & @resteem done
good learning post dear, thanks for share.
@upvote & @resteem done
You are right, there are signs all over. I can clearly see it. Everyone else as well, as long as they are willing to see.
Prophecy is one of my passions. I really try to limit what I write here to language learning, but the depth of prophecy is mind boggling. One prophecy is that "knowledge would abound" in the last days (of this age). Recently a Hebrew manuscript was discovered as they continue to digitize the vaults of the Vatican. One page of Revelation (Hazon) was found in the "junk box" and a scholar read it and translated part of 1:18 .. and I have in my hands the nails of sheol and death. A bit different from most readings of that passage. It would make sense, that he has the nails in his hands rather than keys.
I am really happy that knowledge is abounding!
I prey as much as I possibly can, perhaps until the end of time and beyond. Many nonbelievers will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase, that’s for sure.
It's amazing to finally see your messages and teachings on dtube, signs were used in the bible a lot, just like the tearing of veil during the death of Jesus.
I'm really amazed at Alef-tov, I do not the femininism and the masculinity also have different way they are written, I guess I've learnt this one.
כל הכבוד! יישר כוח👍🙏
Nicely said!
Hiii @hebrew / Shabbat Shalom, always like and glad to see your post and try to comment & Upvote on your article just to appreciate and support you for your effort you doing to create and aware the language of hebrew here on steemit. so many peoples learnt the lessons about it and so many like me who did not no much about this ancient and historical language now much aware about it. Its all due to your passion and teaching style. May you live long and take care.
nice to see you back brother this is great initiative love to see your effort brother.
Well, since i have followed you my cultural understanding about the Hebrew language is touching the peak. Although i have understood a few basics of this ancient language, but credit goes to your efforts.
Being a student of Cultural studies i am really thankful to you for this wonderful and interactive session for all the Hebrew learners.
Peace to you @hebrew :)
I am glad your are reading and supporting my blog. It is much appreciated. Thank you.
It was a very fluent vlog. I just found you. And after that I will be one of the most strict followers. I'm sure that. Maybe you will see my comment. Very good, sir.upvt @restm done
I go through my comments giving a better reward to those who support my blog with any kind of vote. Thank you. I read most of them that don't contain the word amazing, if you know what I mean on that one.
Welcome - if you go back to the beginning of my blog, you can learn the letters, sounds then how to read Hebrew. The lessons are short.
Another great Lesson. This is very interesting about the signs.
Another wonderful piece you have here.
I really want to appreciate you for taking out time to always upvote my post. My the God you serve keep you and your family for us.@hebrew
Happy sabath!
I do actually visit blogs of my supporters. I cannot always do it every day, but I try. Thanks for stopping in, you never miss one!
How nice of you sir to go round everyone's blog that visits your post, you are a good and blessed man indeed, please keep up the good work.Oh @hebrew!
Great Lesson again Sir!
It's really an honor for us to learn from you sir!
I was waiting for your post!
you are posting after 9 days!
this is very defrent language . parsonaly i am happy to larn about hebrew
thanks for Genesis 1 - Part 7
everyone should know about there language...
thanks for your such informative post dear..
I am always with you @hebrew is most popular & ancient one..
i wii be all time waiting your post
we love your post...thanks for shareA great post my friend @hebrew
I am happy to make them. Supporting #DTube as a better alternative to other video platforms is another goal of mine. I am glad you liked it.
i first read your post. just like an teacher.
thanks, i teach something from here. i can express something about hebrew.
@upvote & @resteem done
thanks for the great share.
i'm always with you.
My ancestor language i like it but cant speak but here i can fly with my efforts efficiently with my fond
Thank you so much Dear @Hebrew for this knowledge. After reading your post i search for more information about Hebrew Language & i found this information. I hope you like it.
Hebrew at a glance:
Native name: עברית [ʔivˈʁit / ʕivˈɾit]
Linguistic affliation: Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, Central Semitic, Northwest Semitic, Canaanite
Number of speakers: c. 7.4 million
Spoken in: mainly Israel, and also in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, Panama, the UK and USA
First written: 10th century BC
Writing system: Hebrew script
Status: official language in Israel; recognised minority language in Poland
@upvoted & @restemed.
Thanks @dannywill. I almost missed your response when I refreshed. Thank you for your support.
You are most welcome Dear @Hebrew. Eagerly waiting for the next lesson.
Great lesson as always!
was eagerly waiting for it!
Dear Sir, @Hebrew you influencing us to learn something New & Beautiful. Thank you so much for that.
Learning some Hebrew Signs:
Emergency-Yeh tsee aht'
Exit-'Hey room
Stop!-Ah tsohr'
Hospital-Beit 'Holim
School-Beit Seh' fehr
Danger! Landslide-Sah kah mah' Ma poh' leht
@Upvoted & @Resteemed.
wonderful post. great work very heard but hebrew language is the best language i love hebrew language . thanks for @hebrew
A good method of learning the language. Everything is clear and understandable, although I always thought that the Hebrew language is complicated. Thank you for the message.
Amazing ancient language. Because only extraordinary people are able to translate. Oh yeah, is there an app that can translate it? Regards!
I am very glad to continue our study of Hebrew, this ancient and beautiful language. Now i am trying to learn it! @hebrew thanks for increasing our knowledge :)
@upvoted & @resteemed.
i am new in steemit. i like your such type of post sir.
@upvote & @resteem done
hebrew good lesson like it sir
Your message is brilliant @hebrew, I always wanted to get to know your language, which is truly great and wise, it's amazing!
Thanks. I like your nickname but could you stand back a bit? Hehe.
in our area there is no longer anyone who can teach all things about this could even be said to no longer understand.. I really interested with everything it. .. Thank you much enlightenment, have a nice day!I am very glad to learn this ancient language of my @hebrew.
Wow! Great post sir. 🤗💙

Thanks @hebrew sir for sharing this post.
Upvoted + resteemed your post.
thank you for sharing this. tanakh in dtube. God bless!
@hebrew - Sir this article is very helpful for all people who like to learn Hebrew... Thank you & Shabbat Shalom...
Thank You for your sharing valuable and knowledge full post.
Outstanding post and amazing photos. Thank you for sharing
wow this is really amazing
thanks for this great post,,,,,,,,,,,,///////awasem
it's a great theme ..great to share....
I'm impressed
It's really....Perfect review and I agree
Great to see your post back after a long dear so good to learn from it :)
I was just thinking that I hadn't seen a post from you in a while and was wondering how you were. Shortly thereafter, I see this post!
Signs are one of the most subjective things that we experience. For instance, when I was growing up, I would see signs that said, "Watch for Ice." I said that was a good deal because there was plenty of ice on the road, and if someone was willing to give me a watch for every time I saw ice, I'd have lots of watches to sell. I was being facetious, but my interpretation of the sign was wrong. In the same way, there are lots of signs that we see all the time that can be interpreted incorrectly. Sometimes that's because we're not paying attention, and sometimes that's because there's a veil over our eyes. (That's something I've been reading on recently.)
Isn't it interesting how sometimes we can work and work, yet yield no results? Yet other times, we can just agree, all of a sudden things start falling into place. Those are normally after the signs have been correctly interpreted and we've placed ourselves in a position and posture to be ready for what is coming.
God, help us to see the signs, understand them, and be willing to obey... and then actually move. :)
So true! I love how much thought you put into every comment. You are what makes Steemit what it is.
please sir see my introducing post.
awesome post.. really amazing... i just love to read this.. your all post inspire me.. i always learning some new from your post.. thanks for sharing this post
great job
waiting for your next post