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RE: The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #1

in #hebrewlast year

And from among his brothers he took five men

It's interesting that the names of these five men are never mentioned. I wonder who they are? The account in Sefer Yashar says four of Joseph's brothers, who is the fifth?


That looks like a very interesting read. There are many manuscripts of the Tanakh that also differ in vagueness or added detail. Those differences are noted in the footnotes of the book I am reading.

There are also thousands of interpretations of "the Bible" in English and I have read four, cover to cover, in my lifetime. This is my first time through in Hebrew and I am in y'rmeyahu currently. I will be done with it this year for sure. I am traveling the road most traveled to get a baseline in relation to 'versions'.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

I'm a big fan of the Targums and Jubilees along with Yashar.