Jesus the Nazarene : Yeshua is often called Yeshu(a) ha Notzri .... from the Hebrew Word Ne·tzer
ne·tser (נֵ֫צֶר, n-ts-r), pronounced Nay'·TseR, meaning "branch", "flower", or "offshoot". Derived from na·tsar.
St Jerome (c. 347 – 420) linked "Nazarene" to a verse in the Book of Isaiah, claiming that "Nazarene" was the Hebrew reading of a word scholars read as ne·tzer (branch). נֵ֫צֶר,
The text from Isaiah is:
There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch (נֵ֫צֶר,) shall grow out of his roots.
ve·ya·tza cho·ter mig·ge·za yi·shai ve·ne·tzer mi·sha·ra·shav yif·reh.
In ancient Hebrew texts, vowels were not indicated, so a wider variety of readings was possible in Jerome's time. Here branch/Nazarene is metaphorically "descendant" (of Jesse, father of King David). Eusebius, a 4th-century Christian polemicist, also argued that Isaiah was the source of "Nazarene." This prophecy by Isaiah was extremely popular in New Testament times and is also referred to in Romans and Revelation.