Formerly known as 'Variegata', Hedera canariensis 'Gloire de Marengo' is a vigorous climber with bright, glossy, variegated green leaves and smooth, deep red leaf stalks. The three-lobed leaves are 10 to 13cm (4 to 5in) long and triangular shaped. It is an ivy that requires a sheltered wall. In colder areas and in severe winters, it may get damaged. The silver-variegated leaves will brighten up a dark corner, but avoid total shade, as the light brings out the variegation. To grow well, it requires well-drained, alkaline soil.
The English Ivy, care as a houseplant is not difficult for those just starting out or seasoned indoor plant veterans. English ivy the common name for Hedera helix is probably one of the most durable of all houseplants, but care must be taken with watering. Like many ivies, the English ivy does not like drying out for long periods of time. On the flipside, they also don’t like over-watering.