Hedera canariensis, Willd. (H. helix var. canariensis, DC. H. algeriensis, Hort. H. maderensis, Hort. H. azbrica, Hort.). High-climbing: pubescence more scaly, hairs with 12-20 rays: lvs. large, bright green, roundish ovate, usually cordate at the base, entire or with 3-7 rather short lobes of almost equal size: umbels larger, often solitary or few; calyx-lobes broader: frs. black, sometimes ½ in. thick. Canary Isls., Madeira, N. Afr. Gn. 25, p. 141; 34, pp. 492, 496. G.M. 54:319. Var. arborescens, Koch. Not climbing, forming an upright low shrub. G.M. 54:957. Var. variegata, Hort. (H. maderensis variegata, Hort.). Lvs. entire or slightly 3- lobed, edged yellowish white. G.C. II. 15:657. G.M. 54:320.
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