量子霸权”:需要的是理性分析和不过度炒作——————"Quantum hegemony" : what is needed is rational analysis and not overhype。

in #hegemony5 years ago

新华社北京10月27日电 (记者张莹)日前,谷歌公司研究人员领衔的团队宣称成功演示“量子霸权”,相关论文全文被英国《自然》杂志正式发表。该团队研制了一个包含53个有效量子比特的处理器“西克莫”,它在测试中仅用了约200秒就完成当前全球最好的超级计算机需要约1万年才能完成的计算任务。

Beijing, Oct. 27 (xinhua) -- zhang ying A team led by Google researchers have claimed to have demonstrated "quantum hegemony" in a paper published in the British journal nature. The team developed a processor called "sikmo" with 53 effective quantum bits, which in tests took only about 200 seconds to complete a computation that would take about 10,000 years for the world's best supercomputer.
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The Google claims to achieve "quantum hegemony", the industry is divided. Some scholars speak highly of the achievement, saying that it is a "remarkable achievement" and a "milestone" in the field of quantum computing. Its significance is comparable to that of the Wright brothers who flew an airplane for the first time in human history. But the opposition, led by IBM, argues that a supercomputer developed by IBM can perform the calculations shown in Google in two and a half days, misleading the public by claiming "quantum hegemony".


As competitors in the industry, the two giants are at odds, at least on a technical level, that may be hard for the casual reader to judge. But despite the technical controversy, quantum computing has a revolutionary significance compared with traditional computing, and it shows an exciting prospect for human beings to break the limit of computing processing, which no one can deny. In this sense, the Google team's breakthrough of more than a decade is a "big step" in quantum computing research.


However, recent interpretations of the breakthrough have raised doubts in the industry about whether it is truly a quantum breakthrough that could usher in a new era of computing power. Others pointed out that whether it is beyond the traditional computer 10,000 years or 2.5 days, it is only a demonstration of some power of the quantum processor, and it is still far from the critical point where quantum computing can truly replace the traditional computer, especially the engineering difficulty of realizing the quantum computer cannot be underestimated.


Of course, any application of basic research will undergo a gradual and cumulative evolution. Just as it took about 10 years for the Wright brothers to make their first flight to the birth of the earliest commercial aviation, how long did it take to move from "quantum hegemony" to commercial quantum computing? Even the most optimistic, such as sundar pichai, Google's chief executive, reckons it will be at least a decade. If it's going to have a big impact on society, it's going to take longer.


The promise of quantum computing is inspiring many of the world's best physicists, electrical engineers and computer scientists to go all out. However, the progress of science and technology is always a long process, which is closely related to the development of supporting disciplines, the investment of social funds, the change of international scientific and technological cooperation environment and other factors. The advance of quantum computing still needs a long journey. For the results of Google, rational observation and not overhype, is the appropriate attitude.