A Second Chance To Live...
Now.. it seems I have been through so many roller coaster’s in my life. This one is perhaps the most toughest one. All though I have no idea what my family went through, it has been ingraved in my memories for many years. Well I didn’t have a choice. Because every time my cousin would come over, the aunties and uncles wouldn’t let me forget. They would say “Where is the girl who fell of the 4th floor building” and pull my cheeks and become tearful.
That night, I remember it was during winter. There was a cold breeze and there were howling noises coming from the foxes from outside. I remember, We sat near the wooden fire. I asked Maa (Mum), “What had happened to me when I was small.” She sighed!
She said,” When you were only two years old, you accidentally fell from the 4th floor from your dads market.”
I was shocked! How was that possible! Wow god must of liked me very much. I joked. Mum gave me a stare.
.... Maa said to me that, they were doing refurbishment in the building. She said we use to live on the 4th floor inside the market. There was a site manager, builders and workers working in the site. The place was hectic and Everyone was busy doing something or another.
Maa said, whilst everyone were busy doing stuff, I crawled out of the apartment and went towards the stair case. No one knew, I sneaked out. Then! A sudden bang noise! There noises coming from down stairs. There were screaming and crying noises! Ee gedha kar? (Whose baby is this,in bengali) also Repeating ya Allah! ya Allah!
My mum said she was panicking and just screamed! “where is my baby!” She went mad! She looked down from the forth floor, down towards the stairs. She saw all the workers hurdling around a baby. That time, there were no safety barriers put in place yet.
My mum, screamed and ran fast as she could.
She saw me bleeding heavily and Saw me unconscious. It must of been her worst nightmare.
They rushed me to the hospital. The doctors took me away. My mother felt that she wouldn’t see me again. But she didn’t lose hope. She called my father who was overseas to work. He said “spend as much as you need. But I want my daughter alive.” The doctors tried their best and said “Theres a high chance she won’t survive. “ They put me in a life machine and I was under the supvision of intensive care unit. It was a tough time for everyone.
But, as some say miracles happen. Well for me yes!
The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes. I started regaining consciousness and my respiratory system was working as normal. I was week but I sure was a fighter. Or perhaps, there wasn’t much room in heaven that time! Lol!
No....to tell you the truth, I believe that it wasn’t the money that saved me. It must of been my mother and father’s devotion and prayers to God, that got me breathing again. It was the night and day sweat and the tears that pulled me up. It was the love between a parent and their child and the strong bond of not letting go. That gave me a second chance to live.