"Top Reasons Facebook (FB) is going down fast"
Mark Zuckerberg originally referred to his users as "Dumb Fucks" this meme is now being circulated.
Cambridge Analytica is not unique. This is the underlying model of Facebook's business model (if you can call it a 'model').
Facebook's IPO disaster was a sign of things to come.
Lawsuits are just the beginning. People are angry.
Cook County is suing for 'fraud' - this is a public government suing Facebook for SERIOUS violations. Fraud isn't something you can just get over. It takes years to make a reputation and minutes to lose it.
According to Edward Snowden, Facebook is a surveillance company.
Once the genie is out of the bottle, hard to put back. Perhaps some users didn't think this was going on and others didn't care. But now there's a movement to control how Facebook spies on you.Users are abandoning their accounts, deleting them, and it has become 'cool' to delete your Fakebook account. #DeleteFacebook