Attention! I ask for help in treating the dog. Operation is necessary! A dog named Lada fell under the car!

in #help8 years ago (edited)


There was a trouble! The dog was run over by a car!.

All money collected, collected here, I will give on treatment of a dog!

Who can help!

Can not eat normally, on the breast wound wound, fractured pelvic bone, 12 injections a day ... It's a pity to look at her, to tears ...

 keeps, does not cry, a fighter.

This is a very kind dog named Lada.

Her life has been bad since childhood. She was always unlucky. When she was still a puppy, she fell from a small height and hit her head. Now she sometimes, when she experiences, her head trembles.

Lada is always afraid of everyone, and it is very hard for her to get used to someone new.

This summer she got very sick, she had a very high fever, she refused to eat. Then I found a tick on her forehead. Perhaps this illness was because of him.

But then we managed to save her.

Lada already became a mother, she had puppies, when they grew up, the mistress gave them in good hands.

And now, now this trouble.

Lada got under the car on Friday.

The mistress's son went to the store, and took Lada with him, she was used to walking without a leash. They live in the village and there are few cars. When the boy went into the store, the dog was left to wait for him ...

At that time, the car was hit by a car. The driver of the car was found. It is only known that it was a green car. Witnesses say that, the dog started barking at the car, and the driver even more dispersed the car and hit the dog.

I understand that this was a deliberate attack.

Lada was taken to a polyclinic for animals, which is in the village but there was nothing to help them. They directed the mistress to lead the dog into the city. On Saturday, the hostess took the dog to the city veterinary clinic. They made a picture in the polyclinic. It turned out she had a closed fracture of the pelvic bone. Another problem with the jaw. The dog can not eat. Only liquid food. Still a seam on the chest.

A picture of the hip bone! Operation is necessary. Need to insert a titanium plate.

Recipe. A lot of medicine for the first time. To anesthetize and support the heart.

Friends, let's together help to cure a dog!!!

All the money I collected will be given for treatment !!!

Thank you all very much!



your smile is not positive!
I believe that we can help the dog!
you can not lose your hands!

Andrianna it is very merciful!
I love animals!
save her!

hi! I am glad to see you! yes, I saw that you love animals! many thanks for your support!
the denyuzhny help I will give everything on treatment to a dog Lada.
still I want to ask for you forgiveness! I tried to support you as the newcomer and as you from Russia, and shared your posts with the friends! But my account was bought from swindlers, I was added to the black list and as I noticed, and you and other new users suffered because of me! but I didn't want to set up you! I am not guilty. also I will prove it!

Hope the dog gets better.

Upvoted and resteemed.

I hope for it too! I will give all money which I will gather!

If its too complicated you should put her to sleep.
She doesnt need to be in pain just because shes someone pet.

what do you mean?
she can not sleep all day!
She gets 12 injections a day!
to anesthetize and support her.

I mean the last injection of course.


Он имеет ввиду эвтаназию. Без комментариев.

Боже бедняжечка! Рестимнула, надеюсь соберется сумма. Сейчас еще донат перекину

Это очень добрый поступок! Деньги пришли. Я передам все на лечение. Надеюсь, она все еще сможет бегать.

Очень на это надебюсь! Бедное солнышко, такая крошечка(((

Warning! This user is on my black list, likely as a known plagiarist, spammer or ID thief. Please be cautious with this post! To get off this list, please chat with us in the #steemitabuse-appeals channel in

Ohh that poor dog i upvoted you 100% , please take care of this cute little baby :)

I will give all monetary help on treatment!!!

while I can not yet donate. but I pray that the healing process will be faster

So kind of you. Hope she gets well!

I hope too. I will give all money which I will gather!

Great job !!
thanks @andrianna

I hope that we can help Lada. and she will recover!

Im sorry, but this seems to me crazy... there are children and people who dont have food or water, who are sick without help and there are still people who ask for money for a dog operations... moreover the dogs like this - "unlucky from childhood".. fell from a heigh, got sick, hit by a car... It is obviously a dog who dont want to live anymore.. and I think it would be better to stop her suffering and rather donate the money to some child who has a future and can contribute to society... thats my opinion..

So you think that people have more value then animals? This seems crazy to me. Don't answer.

So you think that people have more value then animals? This seems crazy to me.

... what?

This whole post seems a bit weird. When I said how she should have done it in a transparent way, she reacted quite aggresively.
Not saying its a scam, but not very trustworthy either.

I see what you mean. I don't know this member, but we can only judge by the contents of the post and it seems fishy to me too. Besides, we all have emergencies all the time, and that's what family and friends are for if we can't afford it ourselves. People that personally know you won't suspect you.

excuse me! I do not need to do such a job, in order to be appreciated!
you saw the number when the picture was taken! I'm not asking you to help me! I'm also helping this dog in my niggard!

@acidyo Whatever it was, but my experience shows that people who start talking about helping people as soon as someone wants to help animals, they do not really help either people or animals. All these " there are children and people who dont have food or water, who are sick without help" and bla-bla-bla. Such people do not help anyone because they do not understand that all living beings suffer equally.

@acidyo I mean that we share the same planet. And we're equal in our rights on it. But despite this fact people do much fore harm to animals world, then animals do to people. So that's why I'm answering like this. This lady in comments insists that it's not important to help this dog at all. But think about this: dog suffered BECAUSE of people. And this poor little thing is not guilty that the planet is overpopulated and people suffer from it.

I hope you are a vegetarian.. othervise your answer has no meaning..

do not compare the chicken with the dog!
Do you eat dogs?

Why just chickens? What about cows, lambs, goats or pigs? they are as good companions as dogs...

I do not eat cows, lambs and pigs!
I did not think that you would react like that! If I knew, I did not ask for help here!
This is not my dog! And I know that the landlady has no money for her operation. But I also do not have so much to pay for everything! In turn, I will also give money for treatment!
I'm not a millionaire to pay for everything!
For my animal, I would give everything that I have!

and girl, I can see you have about $4700 account value.. Are you sure you want to help this dog so much?

How can you be so !?
you have your feet! Go to work, and make money!
The dog suffered through the vein of people !!!
You are lower than dog dignity!
your level of humanity is 0
I'm sure that if someone gets into trouble, you'll pass by!
Because you can not help yourself!

Леночка, золотые слова

my roof is blowing! When I see such vile people!

Ну они цари планеты, что тут поделаешь... Во всяком случае они так считают

inber, она еще учительница! чему она то детей научит!

Tell me, please, how do you specifically help people, since you love them so much? Maybe you adopted a child, since you are so fond of children? Or did you go to Africa on a mission to help the hungry children? No! You sit at home on the couch and judge others! And, yes! I am vegan

I have 2 cats from shelter, other one found abandoned near the road and the 4th unwanted... and also a dog whos owner left him for weeks tied on a short rope on an abandoned land... I am a teacher and I do what I can to help my students, sometimes also from my pocket... and I made a few donations for people also, when you ask about it.. you dont know anything about me, but you think I just sit on a couch and judge others :D

But you just judged another person about whom you also do not know anything. Why are you so indignant that someone is judging you? Moreover, you were not too lazy and climbed into the purse for this person and checked how much she earned. This is tactless. I have the right to say so, because I am twice as old as you and saw many people like you. You have a very bad position.

Im not indignant, I am laughing :D

and according to the post I tought it is her dog, thats why I checked the purse :)

My dear, you will not be so funny when someone starts teaching you how to live and what to spend your money for. I do not see anything ridiculous in your behavior, only tactlessness and ill-manner.

I completely agree with you. Of course we care about animals, but this is not animal rescue centre. And as you said, there are PEOPLE who don't have anything to eat let alone medication or money for treatments. @adrianna, your account is worth a bit of money, why not use that towards treating this dog? Just a suggestion.

I already answered! that I, in turn, will help! but I can not give the full amount of money.
I am a student! Steem is my job! and this money goes to school!

It can be, but riders wear a lot of protection and are skillful :)
please take care@andrianna

they need to be punished! Because today a dog and tomorrow a child, God forbid!
Such people as the driver of this car should be punished!
It's my opinion
All the money that I will be able to collect I will give for treatment!

my opinion is that a dog should be on a lead.. I also live in a village and there is no chance my dog would got hit by a car becasue he is in fenced yard and outside on a lead... be responsible of your animals..

This is not my dog! But I know that the landlady has no money for her operation. But I also do not have so much to pay for everything! In turn, I will also give money for treatment!

hope my vote will help for this poor little dog.

Thank you! I, in turn, will also help!

That's so unfortunate, Poor dog. Upvoted and Resteemed!

many thanks! I will give all money which I will gather!

Why only that? Power down a bit, pay for the operation, document everything (on video) and then I might give you some money.
Because otherwise I cant trust you.

Firstly! I do not need!
You need a dog for surgery!
I, in turn, also sacrifice than I can!

You -> money -> surgery
You -> Show us you paid
We -> money -> You

so low on your part! but you call yourself a man!
How can you help? $ 1 - you can keep your pills!

I said I might give her some money if she proves, shes not a scammer. I call that cautios and inteligent, not low :)
What pills? :D

Upvoted, hope the dog will get better soon =)


Yes, I hope so! but if I only knew that there are people like those who wrote me comments above, it would be better if I did not ask for anything. They can not help themselves, they try to prove something. I'm sure that these people did not help anyone in their own life!
thanks for your support! I'll send the money that the DOG host collected, and add their own.

Upvoted - I hope things turn out ok.

Another problem is that this platinum may not catch on! then the dog is just in vain tormented. but let's see what the doctors say.

Fingers crossed all turns out well. Thanks for your compassion in doing this by the way. :-)