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RE: Help me put together the ultimate guide of tips for new members! (Information Bounty) - Paying 1 STEEM per qualified response! (Details inside)

in #help8 years ago

Same here @pbock. I'm actually in the process of teaching myself some blockchain development right now in order to do my own blockchain project.

An app to study Steemit activity by timezone would be a great idea! Great for scheduling your posts for a time when there is maximal activity in your time zone.

Have you checked out It has a bunch of cool apps for doing different things in Steemit, including an app called Steemit Countdown, which allows you to monitor the elapsed time of posts!


Cool !

I imagine the "steemit activity by timezone, person or overall activity" project would be even more usefull to everyone as an API. imagine if they integrated that into things like steemstory to say when a user is on average the most active compared to the majority of the community, or into any of the posting tools with drafts to make scheduling a breeze with "options" for different time-zones that are automatically optimised for getting the biggest "eye-share" :)

That's sounds wickedly awesome! An API would certainly be the way to go and would be most convenient if we could embed this API into our story draft in order to determine whether or not this was a good time to hit POST ;) Great idea - we should totally send our thoughts to @furion and the development team!

Yeah. No idea how to go about contacting them, maybe ?

Extra functionality could be studying the amount of upvotes by non-followers based on time posted (until at certain cut-off value, as above that it gets into Hot and Trending ?), as that should be a pretty good indicator of people seeing it when browsing "new" or another tag.

I'm itching to play around with the Steemit API now...

Same here @pbock - I also want to see if I can develop an application using the Steemit API especially after seeing all the awesome tools already available on See what you can come up with using the API and let me know!