If you own any Electroneum Coins,
you surely want them to rise in price.
For this to happen, they need to be traded on more Exchanges.
As it is now, ETN is traded on a single exchange, on Cryptopia.
But we can change that!! We can have Electroneum on Kucoin Exchange!!
Please login to Kucoin, click on “Vote for Coin” and vote for Electroneum listing!
Look, every vote counts, we can not do it without YOUR support!
And if you are not Kucoin Exchange member yet, this is your chance to register there.
KuCoin is a new cryptocurrency exchange launched on September 15, 2017. The platform uses KuCoin Shares (KCS) in a similar way as Binance uses Binance Coin.
The Kucoin Shares are ERC20-compliant tokens built on the Ethereum blockchain.
You get a discount on trading fees if you own any of KCS tokens. In fact, the platform shares whole 90% of trading fees with users!
In addition, KuCoin is also known for posting coin pairs before they hit other major cryptocurrency exchanges. It features a list of coins scheduled to be added in the near future. Often, the new coins are added with special prizes and special incentives.
I, and many other members, strongly believe that Kucoin is the most user-friendly exchange available today. Join us, you will believe that too!
Let's see Ectroneum Fly!!
I am seriously afraid that I will have to change my opinion about blogging on Steemit ...
Wow, it makes sense here to upvote your own comment. Post your post - upvote it, comment it - upvote it, you will earn and be successfull, whooo hoooooooooo
Let's hope that somebody, someday will read this ;-) The info surely would not be valid any more but maybe the upvoting logic will! Ha ha, I will still upvote this, LOL
of course!
Thank you for your upvote @mister.steaming :-) I hoped to get more views for it here, gosh it is tricky...