Venezuela needs our help. Lets create something together to prove that the Blockchain is here to make the world a better place.

in #help7 years ago (edited)


Lately I have been thinking of social projects, ideas that would be supported by the Steem blockchain. Since I joined Sndbox about a month ago I started feeling the need to do some real life things fueled by Steem. I have been thinking and thinking for days on end and today, out of nowhere a guy from Venezuela talked to me on Discord. He was super grateful for an upvote I gave him over a week ago, and he was telling me how just a couple of SBDs can mean a lot to the people in Venezuela. We all know their economic situation is super delicate and unfair to say the least.

So I started asking him questions about how valuable 1 SBD was for him, what could he buy with it. He proceeded to kindly explain me the hell they are living in at the moment, and how expensive it is to buy food when there is food to be bought. I felt terribly, I felt like a knot in my stomach. He talked about his family (4 siblings) and how they struggle to survive. How everyone is leaving the country heading to Peru, Colombia and other places looking for a better reality, a less unfair one.

Well... he said that people earn in average USD 20 a month in Venezuela nowadays, and that it is not enough, hell no. I have a Steemit friend from Venezuela ( @jonsnow1983 ) and he told me all this before. So I sent this random guy 5 SBD as a humble donation to help him and his family, even if it just means a week of food for his family (thats what he said). Needless to say, he was SUPER, EXTREMELY thankful, with kind and polite words he thanked me with his heart.

I must admit that sending that small donation made me feel better, like at least I tried... I did something. And the knot in my stomach went away. Then I kept thinking... I have to do some kind of project in which I help people in need from Venezuela to support this community that is going through the hardest time ever. Helping the ones in need feels good, it must release serotonin in my brain because I felt so good after helping this random guy. So I would LOVE to help the people from Venezuela regularly.

I have seen that Nigeria, Philipines and other communities are getting a lot of support here in Steemit and I love to see that. But I have not seen any kind of organization helping the Venezuela community (please let me know if there is already something going on). I see a void there, and I want to fill it.

Now I am thinking of ways to make this real, and create a project that supports users from Venezuela with either upvotes or SBD transfers. I know that this can be tricky, because we don´t know what they are going to do with the money. I have the best intentions and I hope everyone uses the support to buy food and the basic stuff for their families (hygiene, transport, shelter, clothes). But the truth is that we don´t know what people will do with the money.

So now I would like to ask everyone reading this for a little guidance... just a few tips will mean a lot to me. If you could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. My (very raw) idea is to create content explaining both the project and the situation in Venezuela with up to date facts and numbers (cost of living and average monthly income). The idea would be to get some Steemit support through upvotes. Then I need to find a way to give the money away, thats tricky I guess. I have two trustable friends from Venezuela ( again @jonsnow1983 and @jokossita ) and they could help with this part. We would need to find the people in need of help and send them the SBD, if that makes any sense. Also, I would like to ask everyone that received our help to make a post with pictures showing what they bought with the support, or explaining how they used it. This would be to show the supporters that their upvotes are going to a good cause.

The ideal would be to send the SBD to people that wants to help and commit themselves to help the ones in need with that money, creating content (proof/evidence) with videos and pictures to prove that they actually used those funds to help others.

So far this is just an idea, but one that would make me really happy to make real. Please let me know what you think, if you think this idea is weak and has flaws, please let me know about them, I am very open to criticism. If you think you can help in some way, also let me know how, it would be highly appreciated!.



In the name of Venezuela and in my own I thank you for your interest in helping the VENEZUELANS to solve the terrible crisis that we are going through.

Really little can be explained with words so that the harsh reality in Venezuela is well understood; because the situation only knows and suffers as it is in the sad reality who live and endure every day in this hell and in the flesh; any other linguistic expression will be imaginative and simplistic.

In any case, as your purpose is to help us welcome because we need it and very grateful I am for your noble gesture.

So if you seems good, I suggest contacting support groups for "healing" such as: @reveur ven @nnnarvaez @moisesmcardona @votovzla @provenezuela.

Finally, I also introduce myself to serve as an intermediary or leader with your help and that of many others, to create a humanitarian aid group in the city where I live.

Thank you in advance for helping us, Honey.

Con humildad (no humillación) y muchísimo agradecimiento leí, voté y reestemee este post. Aunque a nivel mediático mundial pareciera que es una situación política en realidad es humanitaria.

El dinero o los aportes en STEAM DOLLARS alivian el día a día, pero el daño y las consecuencias abarcan generaciones completas e insisto, un dinerito extra ayuda, pero las consecuencias de nuestra situación nos perseguirán al menos 50 años. (desnutriciòn infantil por ejemplo).

Pasará mucho antes que Venezuela vuelva a producir talentos intelectuales, deportivos, etc., etc.

Gracias por este paño de agua tibia (no menosprecio la intención, la ayuda es enorme y significativa) pero el daño absoluto no se reparará con dinero. Necesitamos ayuda, pero no solo económica.

Una vez mas gracias al autor y quien muestre empatía con nosotros.

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo y por tu comentario @jguillermo.
Y entiendo lo que dices de que una ayuda monetaria o un acto benéfico alivian el día a día.
Pero bueno, mi punto con este evento era demostrar que la Blockchain sirve para todo tipo de cosas. Esta en nosotros que uso le damos. Me parece que nos brinda todo para que llevar a cabo eventos como éste sea fácil y sin impedimentos. Yo a conocí a @freddy0274 en Steemit. Gracias a la rapidez y efectividad de la Blockchain pude transferirle dinero al instante y sin comisiones. Me parece increíble eso.

Un saludo, y gracias de nuevo por tu comentario!

You need a social economics foundation in place, Am willing to discuss further if it suits. But mostly all I get is great Idea and people walk away. Tired of typing to those who do not want to read.

I feel just horrible for the people down there and I have interacted with a couple on steemit but it raises a ethical problem for me about talking to people in repressive places, I discuss my issue here:

does anyone have any guidance or ideas on that?

I deal with a few people in so called repressive places, but stay away from religion and politics. I comment on the things they write about but never ask for their opinion on what their politicians are doing. If they want to volunteer their opinion without being asked, there is nothing I can do about that. Should that situation occur you can always claim to not know enough about the situation for a meaningful discussion and wish them well. Hope this helps. Greetings!

When I read about someone who can't afford to buy knock off Chinese Oleos I just want to put "Thanks Socialism!" on there but I don't want them to get in trouble by agreeing. The problem with your and my solution is that we are then victims of the chilling effect that comes from limitations on free speech.

Maybe, but we are also dealing with 2 sets of laws at the same time. We pretty much depend on the other person to let us know what their situation is. I'd rather communicate on a limited scale than not at all and don't feel the need to blame socialism; it's not like capitalist countries have never gone bankrupt. The resulting unemployment and hunger feel the same regardless of a socialist or capitalist system failure. Greetings!

I blame socialism in Venezuela and corruption.

Well, you could, but not without some outside help like an artificially low oil price and some other shady dealings. Corruption is par for the course any time mega bucks are involved, some places just hide it better.

That's funny because I was considering a comment about how it can be propped up and appear to work when the oil prices are absurdly high.

We appreciate your support friend, I know Jonsnow and he is doing an incredible job helping people in need in my locality, certainly many Venezuelans are going through crisis, most of them live on their rewards in steemit. Actually the current salary per month is only about 3 dollars, the situation is getting worse and worse, thank you very much for the attention and the support you want to give to the Venezuelans, there are many organizations helping in other countries and certainly here there is no great to support, the best way to support I think it is helping those who persevere and want to develop on this platform understanding and and providing the highest possible quality content possible, it is difficult to know what people do with money, but there are people who do good gestures like Jon and certainly you have to support them, thanks friend,

Sorry for the english

Your english is fine bro!

And yeah, I know Jonsnow too and I know that he is doing great things, I really respect what he does.

I think that by giving them a breakfast we can do two things, first giving them a treat, it is always nice to get a free meal specially in tough times like their situation. And second, we can promote Steemit in a low profile way. We are there not for promotion, but people will ask where this comes from, or who supports this, and then is when they are told about Steemit.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

A Jonsnow1983 I had the opportunity to meet him in a meetup, and I hope to support him soon in this project and others that we plan, and hopefully we will join more. Thank you for all the support and to mention the situation of the country. We appreciate it very much.

very interesting post...
thanks for sharing it...
upvoted and followed...!!

great post man! there is a potential through steemit to be able to help others through solidarity, that's for sure, and living in Greece, I will be happy to help you. keep me informed!

Hey! Yeah I agree that Steemit gives us the opportunity to use it in nice ways.

The event was run today Sunday morning in HULA (hospital universitario de los andes) one of Venezuelas most important Hospitals.

@freddy0274 organized it, and him and his family cooked 100 breakfasts (arepa like a sandwich and Nestea) and gave them away to the relatives of the hospitalized patients there.

It was a success and we plan on doing another one next Sunday this time giving 150-200 breakfasts to people in need. All powered by Steem Blockchain.

Thanks for your interest and support!

I am Russian. We had dark times a few years ago (I earn 200$ a month). I am suggesting to make Steem Labour Exchange. (Every Steemian has a wallet and can use liquid USD. One person can create post with small jobs. It can be special tag. Other persons can do job. )

That sounds like a great idea!

I have been thinking about how useful it would be to have a tool/app that connects freelancers (graphic designers, translators, illustrators, coders, artists, music producers, architects, lawyers, economists, etc) with clients. Run on the Steem Blockchain would be super convenient since payments are fast, secure and with no fees.

Thanks for reading!

I followed some Venezolanos and make it a point to visit and vote for some of their posts every week. This is what I can do right now. Saludos!
Edit: I've also thought about a collective pool that would distribute, but that would be too easy to target for abuse. Also with a steady stream of votes there is always something in the pipeline in case they get robbed when they collect the cash. Just something to keep in mind when you set something up. Thank you for your effort in support of our Venezuelan brothers and sisters.

Yeah I really like that in Steemit the possibilities are endless.

Thanks for reading and commenting bro!


Wow, I'm Venezuelan, everything I've said here fills me with feeling and gratitude with @dontstopmenow. You can not imagine how important it was for me, and my family, which today we have a plate of food on the table, which is not we would know if we would have it two days ago, help provided by @dontstopmenow to my person was a hope to my home, we give a better sleep, because we can sleep peacefully knowing that my son will have breakfast to go to school, grateful to all those who willingly help in this project, and you brother @dontstopmenow I have no words to fill the gratitude of my family, you gave a new smile to my mother, thank you very much

(traducido en google)

Wow, soy Venezolano, Todo lo expuesto acá me llena de sentimiento y agradecimiento con @dontstopmenow no se imaginan lo importante que fue su ayuda para mi, y mi familia, la cual hoy estamos con un plato de comida en la mesa, el cual no sabríamos si lo tendríamos dos días atrás, le ayuda proporcionada por @dontstopmenow a mi persona fue una esperanza a mi hogar, nos regalo un mejor sueño, ya que podremos dormir tranquilos sabiendo que mi hijo tendrá su desayuno para ir al colegio, agradecido con todos aquellos que de buena voluntad ayuden en este proyecto, y a ti hermano @dontstopmenow no tengo palabras que llenen el agradecimiento de mi familia, le diste una nueva sonrisa a mi madre, gracias mil gracias

Very good post, thanks for helping all Venezuelans, it really has not been easy everything we are going through. I will follow you, I invite you to go through my profile too. A lot of success for you. Cheers ;)

Cheers! Thanks for your support :D

I'm venezuelan, i found a light here in steemit, i won't ask you nothing because i think i have an amazing opportunity here on steemit to make a difference in my life and to make things better for me. But i think your idea is wonderful and you can count on me as someone that can help spread your words here in my country and to help the people that don't have the same chances i got right now.. i've had also these ideas to motivate the people where i live to join this platform... i want a better country and if it start from people like you helping it will be amazing. thank you for this.

im from Venezuela and for this post to just exist i just wanted to thank you sooooo much!! i found the steemit comunity to be really great with all of us the Venezuelans in here, so is not only that we have a place to earn some most needed $ but a place to found confort in this darkness times we are living in my country.

again Thank you so much


Te cuento que hoy se llevo a cabo el evento, se repartieron 100 desayunos de Arepa y Nestea en el HULA (hospital universitario de los andes).

Todo con la ayuda de @freddy0274 y su familia que cocinaron las arepas (con jamon y queso) y las entregaron en la mañana a la gente que estaba en emergencias en el Hospital.

El domingo que viene hacemos otro evento similar pero para 150-200 personas

Un saludo desde Uruguay!! :D

como amo mi Venezuela que triste todo esto que esta pasando

Es triste leer esto y sentirse identificado ya que soy un joven Venezolano profesional que esta en busca de ingresos para poder costear el proceso de emigración, imagina tener que despojarte de todo hogar, familia, amigos para poder entonces al menos tener la certeza de que con trabajo duro puedas optar por las cosas que básicamente todos queremos una casa propia formar un hogar con tu pareja, literalmente vivir tranquilo. Cosa que en mi pais es muy dificil para no decir imposible (con 2$ o 10$ de sueldo al mes) para comer hay que hacer magia. Es una realidad que solo el que vive acá entiende.

Saludos, estaré al pendiente de sus publicaciones

Me imagino que debe ser durísimo.

Te cuento que hoy se llevo a cabo el evento, se repartieron 100 desayunos de Arepa y Nestea en el HULA (hospital universitario de los andes).

Todo con la ayuda de @freddy0274 y su familia que cocinaron las arepas (con jamon y queso) y las entregaron en la mañana a la gente que estaba en emergencias en el Hospital.
El domingo que viene hacemos otro evento similar pero para 150-200 personas

Un saludo desde Uruguay!! :D