Ok i read your pinned messages as well as help and everything else. i am new of course and you guys really need to fix this site for newcomers. First off, how do you know if you are into the system or have to wait two weeks, have no clue what you mean by this because i can post and like and comment or at least a little which is another problem, it tells me i need more blockchain money??? where do i find this? where do i find my money at? i tried to do the money on block chain tells me that "we are ready to exchange the money" and then no tab to exchange no nothing, nothing on the help list, i am getting quit tired of reading so much and wasting so much of my time trying to find help here and i can not do anything, absolutrly retarded how you people have 100 different services and i have to put an email a password for everything, why not just have it all connected with your 100 character password already that is about dumb because when you do your blcokchain you just put in a simple passpord and that has all your money in it, like mmmmm, how much more can this company be stupid, if i dont get answers soon you will lose a client, how can i tell others about this program if i can not figure it out and you wonder why facebook and all this other social platfroms are blowing you away, get your shit together or ill just stay on my simple wordpress and facejail that bans me everytime.