Something deeper is going on.....
It takes a lot to have someone removed from the home.
So James's mother had to go to court and file for a restraining order because the authorities can not just tell you to leave unless you are physically hurting someone at the moment or an order was filled.
Does James's mother believe he fell off the wagon? He has been making statements which could be viewed as paranoid. Paranoia is a classic sign of drug abuse.
None of this is my business, I feel bad for James and will send him some $, but he needs to seriously reflect on what he done to end up where he is now. Like I said before, it's not easy to remove someone from the home. Ask any landlord, even squatters are almost impossible to be removed.
Wishing James a safe journey to a secure place and hope things work out well for him. I miss his reports.
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I don't know. He sounded rattled. He's done a lot for the truth community and I feel bad for him. Hopefully he can land on his feet. He admits he had problems before with drugs and alcohol. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he's telling the truth. Thanks for helping.
Absolutely, I've been subbed to him for a few years.
I hope things work out for him, he must have really angered his mom for her to do that and like I said, she had to have had a restraining order for the cops to come and make him leave. Also for him being required to notify cops before returning to get his things. He had to have been served because the court decides whether or not to grant. If your a no show its automatic. But you must be served.
He must be lost without Buddy. I will give him the benefit of doubt because I only know him as a voice on YouTube. I just hope he takes time to think about why she really did what she did.
That paypal address in not valid it says on paypal the James requires all payment to go thru his website.
Could you please provide that address or have James change his paypal to accept direct payment
I just pulled this address directly off his YouTube account. He said it was working because that was his lifeline to pay for his Uber.
That's the address I tried, it stated he only accept payments thru his web site?..