Truth #1
jag5096 • Jun 5, 2017 • Category: Health and Lifestyle | Success and Motivation | Crypto Currencies | Blockchain | Art and Photography
Everything is attainable if you have a little patience, respect a PROCESS that has been PROVED for over 3 years and you know someone that could use some help. Most research only BEGINS after 3 years if you are LUCKY. All researchers are looking for funding. If you could create a positive change for a struggling small business in your COMMUNITY, see the progress of simply a simple SUPPORT system ( people refer to as scam or PONZI) and UNDERSTAND the impact it has on society as a whole, then you have an AMAZING understanding of CRYPTOCURRENCY. There is a plan for my BEAUTIFUL niece Courtney to go to college that I paid $2000 for. Another one for my AMAZING nephew Michael to research the Heart condition he was born with. One more for my sisters, HOME based Cake business, so she doesn't have to leave the house and has the choice to home school my nephew. Currently working on the rest of my FRIENDS and family. We (my amazing group of individuals) are not seeking to be monetarily wealthy or even put more $$ into the pocket of the already wealthy ( too EASY). I built my group around the idea that I only wanted 2.5% return on my investment in them. Truthfully and HONESTLY I didn't even care about the 2.5%. My vision was to help individuals that created a positive change in my life or have been there to support everything I do. Without making it look like I wasn't getting anything out of it. Which is a hard task when you (myself) do not care for anything else other than the well BEING of your (my) peers. Every plan I have set up over the last 5 weeks cost ME anywhere from $10/week over the course of 6 months, $250/week over 2 months and $1000/week over the course of 2 months. That sets up my Courtney for college, Heart research and development research for Michael and a future for the rest of my family. Do the MATH, and then tell me it's a scam. If you aren't very math smart. MESSAGE me and I would be Honored to put it in a LANGUAGE you ALL can UNDERSTAND.
The power of educating ourselves is PRICELESS. Information and EDUCATION is the only way to positively impact the UNIVERSE atm (at the moment).