Codeine is a joke... They tried that when I broke my back... I took 28 of them in a day and still hurt so they gave me oxy. Now I take 110 mg of methadone and 120 mg of oxy a day (and I still hurt!)
Morphine seems to wear off after about half an hour. Methadone is good because it lasts about 24 hrs (I take it 3 times a day) Then I take Oxycodone (30 mg) 4 times a day for breakthrough pain. I guess I'm lucky, I broke my back really bad in '85 and the orthopedist said I'd be in a wheelchair in 5-10 years. I've got RA in my hands and feet and OA everywhere else, plus bursitis in my shoulders. Without my meds, I can barely move, but I refuse to quit!
We have to keep going or else what is the point. Sounds like you have been through the Mill, I am due back at the pain clinic in August, hopefully they have some good news for me, a miracle cure would be ideal :)
Codeine is a joke... They tried that when I broke my back... I took 28 of them in a day and still hurt so they gave me oxy. Now I take 110 mg of methadone and 120 mg of oxy a day (and I still hurt!)
I am being slowly taken of codeine over 2 years
It doesn't do any more good than aspirin.
I have tried everything, one thing that did help was Morphine but I am allergic to it.
Morphine seems to wear off after about half an hour. Methadone is good because it lasts about 24 hrs (I take it 3 times a day) Then I take Oxycodone (30 mg) 4 times a day for breakthrough pain. I guess I'm lucky, I broke my back really bad in '85 and the orthopedist said I'd be in a wheelchair in 5-10 years. I've got RA in my hands and feet and OA everywhere else, plus bursitis in my shoulders. Without my meds, I can barely move, but I refuse to quit!
We have to keep going or else what is the point. Sounds like you have been through the Mill, I am due back at the pain clinic in August, hopefully they have some good news for me, a miracle cure would be ideal :)
If they have one, please let me know... I'd love to get off all this crap!