
urgh thats a shame, looks like im deffo leaving steemit then, just like i left jewbook when they went censor stupid :(
Thanks for enlightening me though :)

I wouldn't recommend leaving.

Technically nothing is censored as everything is stored on the blockchain.

Steem is the blockchain, Steemit is just an app on this blockchain.

i will be leaving mate, sorry but that red flag is as good as censorship, if steamit do not respect my rights and freedoms why should i respect steemit, respect has to be earnt, and as steemit is effectively a soulless entity, it should automatically respect the human curators. That red flag is in breach of all of our human rights. Im out until either the red flag is removed, or i gain the ability to block the cretins who click the red flag.
Shame though, steemit could have been something amazing, unfortunately it seems to be owned by guberment, or at least the slaves of guberment :(

I am with lordtricky. When you cannot attach a photo to your post because your score is too low, THAT IS CENSORSHIP. What is the ratio of posts with pics vs posts that don't that get eyeballs? 1000 to 1? THAT IS CENSORSHIP. Branding is a YUGE part of blogging, without a brand/pic/avatar, you are stuck in the mud. THAT IS CENSORSHIP. When a post gets flagged it is sent to the bottom, it is shaded, most people don't even notice it enough to hit show, AND THEN reveal, THAT IS CENSORSHIP! And people do this for no other reason than they got their panties in a bunch. IT IS CENSORSHIP and it needs to stop! Dropping someone's score to oblivion is anti-free speech and is driving good people who love their mothers away from this platform. Furthermore it is a breach of Terms of Service to disable people's accounts in such a manner!

Well said mate, I Left facebook because they gave me a 3 day ban for speaking the truth, which made me look ignorant to the many people i was mid conversation with. If they can make me look like something im not, then i will not patron their platform. I had high hopes for this place and even churned out some awesomely informative posts that earned me nothing, which i can deal with, What has really got up my nose, is day in day out you see people sharing their referral lists for faucets and the like, so obviously i joined them and posted my own referral list for it to get red flagged, when the content is real and accurate, and i only shared sites that actually pay out.
Had i shared a scam site then my attitude would be far different, but i dint, i shared genuine sites that do pay out.
It really does seem like these cretins are only here to stop people from earning, and are actually earning themselves by bragging about removing peoples voices, its a disgusting practice that needs sorting and fast.
I do get that the site owners dont want legal issues, but there dont have to be any, copyright is a sick joke, nothing i can say today, has not already been stated 1000 times before, Pictures that are online are free for all otherwise they wouldnt have been put online, you cant claim ownership of something that has been put in the public domain.

Bragging about removing people's voices, yes, I know all about that, and it is sick.

Well said, i have already retaliated by down voting all of @steemcleaners posts, shouldn't have to resort to tit for tat, but when forced because the platform does not respect our rights :(