Etherum Wallet Help Needed: How To Add BNT Token?

in #help8 years ago (edited)

Bancor Network Token ICO

I participated in the Bancor ICO last week. It wasn't a great first impression. I've years of experience with Bitcoin and other alts but hadn't done anything with ETH. So I set up a wallet, and sent 10 ETH (1 BTC worth at the time) to it. When the BNT ICO started, I tried to send all 10 ETH but didn't understand "gas", and it kept giving me an error like "this won't really go through."

Sending Frustration

So I sent a single ETH at a time. The first transaction took 45 minutes before it confirmed, which was after the one hour "guaranteed open" window had passed, so I checked their site which said the network had been slow, and that they're leaving the window open for three hours. Great! So I can send more.

I sent a second ETH, and that transaction sat pending for several minutes, and then I got a dialog saying it had been canceled, and it disappeared from my transaction list! However, the second ETH was gone, I now had 7.99 ETH.

Finding the Tokens

At that point I decided not to throw good money after bad, and didn't send any more.

I searched for "how to add BNT token to my Ethereum wallet" and followed some steps but it shows zero balance.

Later someone on Trollbox helped me use to check my address, and I do see 200 BNT in there, so those transactions went through.

Accessing the Tokens?

Which brings us to the help I need: how do I fix my Ethereum Wallet (v 0.8.10, Windows 8.1 x64) such that I can see the BNT contained in my address?


I would post this in "steemit" "bitcoin" also.
I don't have the answer but will re-steem this in case someone sees it and can help.
I'm sure there are a lot of good people here to give the answer.

Thanks @buster544! Upvoted you comment and followed you. :)

Thanks for the tag tips as well! Updated them.

I followed you also to see what response you get. I'm sure someone has the answer
Good Luck!!

FYI, the wallet software apparently updated after a reboot or something, as I now see the 200 BNT in my Ethereum wallet. So, problem solved! :)

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Great post upvoted and resteemed <3 Good luck.

FYI, the wallet software apparently updated after a reboot or something, as I now see the 200 BNT in my Ethereum wallet. So, problem solved! :)

You can't buy Bancor token cz i think tbis offer is ended now....
You can buy polybius... Its really awesome... Tokens of 8k BTC is sold

Thanks yeah my question is how to see, and access, the 200 BNT that tells me are in my wallet address -- just, the "Mist" client Eth Wallet doesn't show them. Upvoted your comment and followed you!

it's a complicated process i waited to get mine from Liqui Exchange. . .theres a guide on bancor page ..and it's not for the weak lol...whooo..

they changed their sites up a bit since the sale is over ...but..I would just knock on the door..becuase you will need the thread on


You will be dealing with this Tab Contracts..hopefully some1 will come and carry you further

FYI, the wallet software apparently updated after a reboot or something, as I now see the 200 BNT in my Ethereum wallet. So, problem solved! :)

By the way I found the answer here:

For some reason this wallet keeps "forgetting" about the BNT, I have to keep adding it per the above link. A little frustrating, especially as it's consuming 186 GB on this laptop for a few BNT...

Neat, though, that when I search for "ethereum wallet how do i see bnt" this post is the second link to come up! The first, being the above URL, which is also neat. Anyway, I'm posting the above link so that when I come back here, I'll see that I've resolved it, even though I can no longer edit this post.