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RE: New To Steemit? - Steemit Tips You Need To Know To Succeed On Steemit

in #help8 years ago

OK, maybe there is a breakdown between our languages. Let me explain again. Asking someone to follow you is a noobie mistake that this post was about to help you avoid making. Asking someone to follow you...

just annoys the hell our of whales or anyone that has been here for a while and labels you as f4f, or a follow for follow. You may have heard that a minnow is a new person on Steemit, right? Well, an f4f'er is like pond scum. Something you scrape off your shoe and forget about.

So, don't beg or even ask people to follow you. Understand? It only hurts you on Steemit. Go read the post again to fully understand.


Haha I thought he was trolling you.