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RE: Steemit: I Really Need Your Help, I am Facing Some Dire Situations

in #help6 years ago

LOL way impressive!

I'm assuming MRI's were involved in the concussion drama. So I'm not going to ask about the brain tumor ;-)

All joking aside, seizures were my son-in-law's first clue re the brain tumor.

I'm hoping your seizures were mild. His were were so severe they caused muscle damage and broke his shoulder... clavicle? Something like that.

It's been 2 years. He's doing pretty well, Thank you :-)


They only did did a CT scan to see I had a brsin bleed. I was curious why they didn't do an MRI. nearly two weeksb later i'm n still bruised upand sore in weird places. My massagev therapist thought it looked like i had displaced rib. I'm going to find out why they elected not to go mr. V an MRI tob rule out brain tumor b4 too late. I'm glad your son's doing better!

They had to stand on their heads to get proper x-rays of his shoulder ... some 3 months later! My daughter's take away was don't let them talk you out of anything you feel like they're not doing quickly enough.

They may not be thinking about the brain causing your situation because of known pre-existing but ... yeah I'm with you.

We've been rather surprised by the number of people showing up with brain tumors in our circles. I didn't hear of brain tumors until I was 15 and then I didn't encounter another person with a brain tumor until I was 40 and then in the last two years they have had 2 in their circle of friends and 1 in my circle of friends. Plus we are both encountering many mentions of people with brain tumors. Makes me almost curious enough to find a chart that reflects real numbers.

I'll just be content if you find out why they aren't checking you.

I'm definitely asking on monday!! It needs to be at least ruled out

Well I'm glad I said something even though I really thought that they would have had a look about while you were down!

I'll be waiting to hear how the rest of your story goes.

Well and of course I'm glad you're not dismissing the idea.

Hugs and Prayers!

Thanks so much. I was rather disoriented at the hospital after two concussion otherwise would've asked about MRI

Well it's awful that patients don't have advocates who look at bigger pictures. You feel like you were muddled and didn't think of it. Most people wouldn't even know to wonder. Certainly 3 years ago, I would have left it at heart problems.

Point is, damaged people and their friends and family shouldn't have to be resorting to internet searches and tales from friends in order to see if there's a bigger picture or more options. And still, that doesn't happen unless they are curious or suspicious.

It's just more broken system stuff.

You were probably presented as a heart patient with a concussion from a fall because fainting because heart. A perfect closed loop.

Maybe they feel the CT was sufficient to know if they needed an MRI.

The flip side is that they have to be able to triple justify every move they make. Legal, Insurance, etc.

Again it's the system that's coming apart at the seams.

Back in the dark, dark (like when my grandparents were sick) ages the GP was more like an advocate looking for the big picture and coordinating specialists. Now, not so much. And I really feel this is also part of the broken system.

Pretty much it was completely ruined when a certain insurance company started forcing patients to make an actual visit to the GP before going to a specialist.

Extremism excels at turning good into bad.

Anyway, stop thinking you should have been in any condition to have been your own advocate.

Yeah it's an effed up system for sure. MRIs are more expensive too. All about money. I try my best to advocate for my patients who are ELDERLY often have no near family, etc etc. But younger people need advocates too. Such is life. Healthcare is sad. I'm glad i work in physical therapy it's not quite so bad but, it's getting worse. I refuse to make unethical decision on MY patients just to get them out the door or make insurance happy