Today's trivia - Preguntas para comenzar tu dia #12

in #helpie7 years ago

Hi fellow steemians!

As a member of the helpie club you get to participate of a special feature, every day a trivia post will show up on your feed, for participating of said trivia you can win an upvote from @helpie, its that simple. The next day the answer to the trivia will be revealed.

Yesterday's Trivia answer:

c) 75% - 25%

Up to 25% of a post's payout is awarded to curators (the people who upvoted the post) as a reward for discovering the content. The other 75% is awarded to the author. If curators vote for a post within the first 30 minutes of it being created, a portion of their curation reward is added to the author payout. This portion is linear to the age of the post between 0 and 30 minutes. Therefore upvoting at 15 minutes old will donate half of your potential curation reward to the author.

Special Mentions:


c) 75% - 25% is the answer we all know, however I've read that it really depends on a lot more factors, it's not as clear as that!

I read a post from @themarkymark about this, in it he says:

after looking at 7 different ones [posts] (I looked it more like 100, but I didn't want to bore you) we see the actual curation rewards range from 12.36% to 20.6% but never even close to 25%. In fact I've found some that are in the 6% range with lots of votes.
We can assume larger whales and popular posts curation rewards will be less than smaller authors with fewer votes. We can also assume most people self-vote their post at some point before payout.
Although there is no clear answer what the number is, if we just average the min/max we will get 16.48% average curation rewards per post.''


"Answer is C, rewards are split 75% to author, 25% to curators. Authors rewards are then split in 50% directly to Steem Power and 50% is SBD. Curation depends on your timing and your vote weight. So if you are looking a great post and few votes and you upvote it, the post itself will gain visibility to others, that's why you are getting paid to discover great posts. Vote weight makes curation better. So both timing and vote weight counts towards curation.''

Today's Trivia Question:

What is @cheetah?

a) It's a user that looks for plagiarized content in Steemit.
b) It's a group of steemians that report different types of abuse in Steemit.
c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.
d) it's a bot that downvotes copy/pasted content in Steemit.

Hola queridos steemians!

Como miembro del club de helpie tienen la oportunidad de participar en una pequeña actividad, cada día se publicará una pregunta a manera de trivia, por responder de estas preguntas pueden ganar un voto de @helpie , es así de sencillo. Al día siguiente se publicará la respuesta.

La respuesta del trivia de ayer:

c) 75% - 25%

Une mención especial para @raserrano y @soykatonline por su perfecta respuesta:


''La respuesta correcta es C.
Los premios se dividen en 75% al autor y 25% os curadores de contenido. El 75% luego se divide en 50% que va directo al crecimiento del Steem power y luego el otro 50% va hacia SBD. Los premios de curación dependen directamente del momento en que se vote el contenido y el peso del voto con respecto a los que han votado el post. El pago se realiza debido a que al darle un voto el contenido es mas visible para otros usuarios.''


''En este caso, la respuesta correcta es 75% para el Autor del artículo o comentario., y un 25% para los curadores o usuarios que votaron dicho contenido.

El 75% se subdivide en 2 del cual la primera mitad se le paga al autor en Steem dollars y la otra mitad en Poder de voto.

El 25% para curadores no se paga en partes iguales. Se pagará a cada curador de acuerdo a cuanto % de su voto haya puesto en ese artículo/ comentario, y también cuanto valor tenga su voto.''

Si un curador vota dentro del tiempo de 0-30 minutos , parte de su ganancia como curador será donado al autor. La relación de cuanto se dona al autor funciona de manera lineal, el curador al votar en el minuto 0 donará 100% de su ganancia ,en el minuto 15 donará el 50%.

Pregunta del dia:

¿Qué es @cheetah?

a) Es un usuario que busca contenido que ha sido copiado y pegado en steemit.
b) Son un grupo de Steemians que reporta abusos dentro de la plataforma de steemit.
c) Es un bot que busca contenido copiado y pegado en Steemit y alerta a los demas usuarios.
d) Es un bot que hace ''downvote'' a contenido que ha sido copiado y pegado.


please consider voting for them Here
@helpie is an educational initiative supported by witnesses @ausbitbank and @gmuxx

Disclaimer.- Only registered users will have guaranteed upvotes from @helpie, anyone is welcome to participate of the daily trivia, as we have admins upvoting minnows you partake of the mini classes. You are not required to upvote @helpie 's post to participate, this will not give you a bigger upvote, this initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it's an educational tool only.

Palnet / MSP and participating actively of the community, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.If you want to be considered to join @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining


Yo diria que la C

Right now the answer is c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.

It was made by @anyx back before @steemcleaners came along, back then it was a downvote bot for spam and fake accounts :)


I call her the plagiarism bot...she finds copy and paste posts and clearly makes it know. I was under the impression she worked along with steem cleaners in if cheetah commented on a post, steem cleaners wouldn't be far behind.

Thank you @luisferchav for your wonderfully detailed answers, you rock!

Hey @llfarms I missed this comment!, thank you for your kindness! :) I'm glad you find my answers helpful! hehe

Gonna have to go with the crowd on this one. C, please!

It's C !

It is C.

Its C.

I too think it's:

c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.

I think answer C!

I'm going with C. It's a bot that finds copy pasta. Although I've only ever received upvotes from the bot. Cheers!

The answer is c.

Cheetah comments on posts that seen to display copy posted content find from the web. It could be your own material from another site, or reference material with credit given, or guys forbid plagiarism!

The bot doesn't down vote, just comments to provide that info to users.

I believe the correct answer is C as sometimes @cheetah is not as accurate as it should be but it warns lots of duplicate reports . Overall a good project.

c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.

It also have a white and a Blacklist... if you ever get on this Blacklists you get Fucked :D

C! ♥

la respuesta es la c) Es un bot que busca contenido copiado y pegado en Steemit y alerta a los demás usuarios.

c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.

The answer is c!

@Cheeta Es un bot que busca contenido copiado de internet y pegando en Steemit, para alertar a los usuarios de posible plagio sucediendo en una cuenta en particular.

C baby!

The answer is c. This means if you've already posted your own stuff on the internet, cheetah might catch u for copy/pasting your own stuff. People come through later to evaluate what cheetah has tagged and I think cheetah does upvote posts

I believe it's C. I've never seen a downvote from Cheetah.

Respuesta C!

When in doubt, C your way out! C. Final answer , bob! 💪

C !

Hi there! Answer is “C” which can be found in the link posted below coming from the @cheetah page

c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users

The answer is "c"

c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.

creo que la respuesta es C.

numero C

C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!