3 Interesting Facts About Me:
- I am Colombian but i’ve lived in Costa Rica for the last 17 years.
- I am a Youtuber with over 8.000 followers, yet i only make around $5 a month with my videos .
You can check my channel here.
- My biggest dream is to become a professional songs writer , also to become a travel blogger.
I am very confident that Steemit will help me achieve some of those goals.
Excellent markdown. I see a few things in there I didn't teach in this lesson. Very nice. 🤩
I watch a LOT of Youtube. I'll go check ya out. 😀
I agree. I think that Steemit is a place that can definitely help you achieve those dreams.
You're so welcome! I'm having fun being the guest teacher this week. I'll probably do it again, if they'll have me. 😉
Haha! I bet they would definitely have you again! And thanks a lot! I am glad you liked what i did!!
Thanks agan for everything!