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RE: A whale for a day, what would you do? - An article by helpienaut @oghie

in #helpie7 years ago

I would love to upvote any good post i come across but as long as steemit is concerned, no matter how good your post is, It will always be sank down by shitty posts flooding in this platform everyday.

Yes you read it right, i wanna be a rude bad whale that will go round steemit flagging shitty authors. More like separating chaffs from the raw materials, so we all can see more good stuffs here.
Everybody mustn't like me and i don't care, an Honest Man has no friend...
I wanna be able to look the greedy or incumbent whales up in the eyes and tell them the bitter truth. Expose a lot of people without fear of being Flagged.
Surely i must be flagged by those that can't handle the truth, then i will upvote myself back to Positive and keep doing what i do... If there is a whale i admire the most and would love to be for a day, Its @berniesanders.

Besides we need more bad guys on steemit to get the dirty jobs done.


Lol, you definitely gonna be a ruthless and blunt whale bro. I totally agree with you man, a lot of shitty and irrelevant post are covering the great and quality post with lots of time invested. Thanks for the feedback. Entry Valid!

The truth is that steemit is a social media site where you blog and earn and on a social media site, things are not always formal and standard, so maybe those chaff post are OK on steemit too. But if you can give good blogging, give good blogging.

I refuse to see steemit as a social media. Every post on steemit should atleast make a little impact one person's life...@yaanivapeji i dont think steemit was created for the purpose of posting just meme with no written content or with one sentence...

The creators of steemit, said it is a social media site for blogging and earning, not me.