Caesar is a very common thing at present, but it is a big operation, so it has its own risks. This should not be done without caesarean reasons. Normal delivery is safe if there is no serious problem during pregnancy. Normal delivery is not only good for current pregnancy, it is also good for pregnancy.
Occasionally, caesarean to protect the life of the mother and the child is the safest way to do Caesarean, it is the safest. It may also be that, if you want to give birth in a special way on a particular day, the doctor advises you to take a Caesar. However, your decision has a special effect on your health and lifestyle.
At present, one of four children is born through Caesarean.
Mother's Facilities in Designed Caesar
- Do not tolerate childbirth pain
Not much bleeding - Vaginal injuries do not happen
Disadvantages of mother in planned cesarean
Long stay in hospital
Even after the birth of the baby, in many cases the removal of the pregnancy is called a hysterectomy.Increases the risk of heart attack.
Increases the risk of urinary infection.Pain occurs after surgery, which lasts for several weeks.
There may be problems with acetic or tubal pregnancy, placenta previa, placenta acetrata and placental abortion during childhood.
Child disorders of planned cesarean
- To be kept in the intensive care unit
There is a respiratory problem
Breastfeeding habits are delayed to develop
Breastfeeding may be a problem for babies with caesarean mothers.
Now we will know what are the advantages and disadvantages of natural deliveryVaginal birth or normal delivery is uncomfortable and painful.
Normal delivery may seem dirty. After the birth of a lot of sweat, amniotic fluid, blood and baby in the body, placenta or pulse comes out.
Vaginal injuries can happen. May be sewing a lot of time.
If normal delivery comes back to normal after a few hours and can start normal work within a few days.When the child is born well, the child is calm.
After the child's birth, the mother gets physical and mental strength. Through this he gets a wonderful feeling of peace and achievement.
After the baby's birth, it is easy to feed the shawl immediately after the baby, so the relationship between the mother and the child is strong.
The baby's lungs are ready and strengthened to breathe in the process that the child is born in normal delivery.
The work that should be successfully done for childbirth and should not be done.
Naturally, a health worker or midwife is required for child delivery.
Naturally, a doctor or midwife will be able to complete the whole process, to complete and complete the whole process.
Obtain necessary things for the delivery of germs.
The newborn baby has a lot of iron in the heart, which does not occur in the baby's body within months of birth. So at least two minutes after birth, it is good to cut the nad so that the child can take a lot more iron.
With the birth of the baby without taking away the mother, the bond is firm.
After the birth, the baby will be given milk milk. Breast milk is good for both the baby and the mother. Breast milk helps in preventing the disease and protects the mother quickly, the ties of the child and the mother are firm.
Do not listen to someone's story about something that might be horrific or have happened, but think positively all the time.
All mothers have the right to decide on the child's birth system. But it is also important to give proper advice to help them with their decision. The day of childbirth for women is a very beautiful and memorable day. The pain of childbirth is undoubtedly much trouble, but when the mother sees the face of her newborn child, she forgets all her troubles.
Wonderful ...