Well my name and skills preceded me. Ugh.
Hard being the Ganjafarmer. Especially with a new bike. And amazing dogger.
Well. What do I say other than thanks.
Wow. Just wow.
Well logistics of this is pretty cool. Out of town and chill town.
And got family there. Damn good family too.
Well me and dog wanna go to the fun spots. And think got that covered.
Oh RawPussy is gonna be chafed. I'm getting a raise...
Oops. Well let's see what happens. I'm got bowls! Blunt time soon!!!!
Yay! Harvest time!
My favorite time of the year.
Yeah right? Fortunately it's looking like some good people did very well. And the rest? Maybe not so.much.
Just thinking about this sort of makes my thumbs and wrists ache.
I'll be there just after the trimming and curing is done. Sound good? :)
Just quit my job!!! So it's over let's blaze!!!
Sounds like you're doing good sir ganjafarmer!