I began with garlic oil to stop reflux, and slowly replaced the "real" medicine with herbals. I now have been running on herbals alone for seven years! My doctor thought I'd found another doctor, because I have not needed him in many years. I had real lung damage from seventy below wind chill temperatures working pipeline, and was fighting bronchitis an average of three times a year. Stinging nettle has fixed that problem, and I have not had the problem in over ten years! I make these capsules myself, so they cost less than two cents each. I have no idea how much money this has saved me, but I sure like being healthy!
Stinging Nettle is one of my favorites.
Yes Stinging Nettle is impressive! It is also very effective for treating MS! I find it makes a nice tasting herbal tea too. This is one I am planting on my homestead...away from the house, LOL! When I get enough, I want to try cooking some, I have read that it is "special eats".