Comics. But not just any comics. Superhero comics have been so successful because they are not only entertaining, they also hold out the hope and possibility that we are more than we seem. We are always entertained by the extraordinary, the supernatural and what is alien to us. In a sea of normality, we crave beacons of exceptionalism. We are forever fascinated by people who can do more than what we consider average.
I once saw a kid I know leap from the top of a concrete wall with a superman cape. He came off that wall with more faith than anyone I've ever seen in my life. He fearlessly leapt into the air, leaving the safety of the wall behind him with the complete and utter belief that he would shoot into the sky. The crunch that Robbie's body made when he hit the concrete floor of the alley was sickening. His screams of pain were much worse. 3 metres or so of acceleration with gravity in full effect made an impact on Robbie's body and mind that he will never forget as long as he lives. We all live by the rules of gravity, unless there really are people who can defy gravity in more than just a song.
Motivations and methods to feel better about ourselves have morphed into something new and different today. The people of today don't want what the last generations wanted. It used to be about whoever has the most toys and houses wins. Michael Jackson and Prince would fit that description. Where did it get them? The young adults of today are after something different. They are after InstaFame online. There is so much to get into here that I can't do it in one post I think. But, I do think this is something very valuable to explore.
Depression and self harm, bullying and suicide have all escalated with the onslaught of connectivity that we now share. Previous generations not connected digitally 24/7 could experience a lull and some downtime. If we had an issue at school we could leave it there until the next day. Unless I had a date to fight somebody which did happen once in a while. People today get no breaks. None. The issue you had at school is on facebook tonight, and in a meme that gets passed around. When people take their lives, I've seen the most horrific comments after the fact from interviews with people who knew about the bullying the individuals went through. Many of the comments were completely devoid of humanity and compassion. Comments such as, they should have been stronger, and maybe it was best they ended things. I've seen video footage of a young man taunting a drowning man until he finally drowned. Yelling things like, 'Look at you, you're getting what you deserve for being out there and I'm not coming to help you.'
We do need superheroes. We do. We need compassionate people in this world. I find myself both happy and sad for my online digital existence. I am so very happy that I grew up without a 24/7 digital connection to my world and those that know me. It has made me very resistant to digital attacks of any kind. Being a public figure in Canada, albeit a minor one, I am glad that I learned how to cope with people and life in many different situations.
I wish I knew what the point of this post was. I really do. I think I'm saddened by online bullying and the people who focus on that.
Maybe I'll just say this. I remember some discords in the past advertising that, 'This is not a safe space, anything goes.' I choose to work with @PoeticSnake because she's the most excellent person I have ever met with impeccable character, and our discord is a safe space. We tolerate zero bullying and have only love there. If someone interrupts someone while they are speaking, we will interrupt them. Everyone's voice deserves to be heard. You can stop in anytime. We steal apples for no reason from each other. I steal from everyone else and give them to Snekky because a guy has to provide for his digital gal. Stop in, the coffee is always on. https://discord.gg/J4tR5qU
"Our discord is a safe space" ....I love that. Some people, unfortunately, seem to look at being a jerk as a sort of badge of honor or something.
I think that's a badge I could give out lol
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