Hexxcoin uses a faster block time than Bitcoin. On average there are only 2.5 minutes between blocks. This means faster confirmation time for your transactions, and also 4 times higher network transaction capacity. As a result, no more insane transaction fees or long wait times for your payments. Currently there are ~ 1.5 million hexxcoins in circulation (January 2018).
Things Needed:
VPS From Vultr (5$ Vps perfect . You can add more than 1 masternode on there. (Not the same masternode tho) : https://goo.gl/mxcb24
2000 Tokens from Cryptopia : https://goo.gl/auqctL
Step 1: Download the QT wallet and send 2000 .01 to your wallet
Latest wallet and chainfiles -> https://github.com/hexxcointakeover/hexxcoin/releases
- Launch your local HEXX wallet
- Goto Help -> Debug Window -> Console
- Type Xnode genkey and store this number (This is your private key)
- Type getaccountaddress Xnode1 and store this number. This is the Xnode address.
- Send Exactly 2000 HXX to the Xnode address from step 4.
- Type xnode outputs in console and save the two numbers (Transaction hash). Note that the first number will be a very long string of data while the second will be only 1 or 0
- Close wallet
Now we can move over to the VPS.
Step 2: VPS setup
Putty: http://www.putty.org/ ( Putty Windows users, Terminal for Mac )
Once you have created and launched your masternode VPS, login as root and create a new user using putty. The login details for your root will be emailed too you once you created the server with Vultr
( also remember to do your security updates and make use of RSA ssh keys. ( will do a video on all of this )
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000
sudo mkswap /var/swap.img
sudo swapon /var/swap.img
Run free again to confirm you now have a swapfile. Note: If you chose a different server option from Vultr, with less RAM, you’ll need a LARGER swapfile, i.e. set the count parameter to something larger like 2048, 4096 etc. If the compilation steps fails partway through this is usually the reason.
To make the swap file persist when the server is rebooted:
sudo chmod 0600 /var/swap.img
sudo chown root:root /var/swap.img
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Append the following line to the end of the file:
/var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0
Save the file and exit
Step 3: Firewall ( can do this step at anytime )
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow 29100
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw enable
Step 4: Install Files and dependencies
mkdir .hexxcoin
cd .hexxcoin
sudo apt-get install unzip
wget https://github.com/hexxcointakeover/hexxcoin/releases/download/8.4.2018/chainfiles.zip
unzip chainfiles.zip
rm chainfiles.zip
cd ..
wget https://github.com/hexxcointakeover/hexxcoin/releases/download/
unzip linux-x64.zip
rm linux-x64
cd .hexxcoin
nano hexxcoin.conf
Now add the following to the conf
Save and exit
Step 5: Start the Dameon
cd ..
/hexxcoind -daemon
Now back over to windows
Steap 6: Create a file xnode.conf
Windows: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\hexxcoin
Mac: /Library/Application Support/hexxcoin
Unix: /.hexxcoin
LABEL: A one word name you make up to call your node (ex. Xnode1)
IP: The Xnode VPS IP followed by “:29100”
XNODEPRIVKEY: This is the result of your xnode genkey from step 3
TRANSACTION HASH: The two numbers which you got from step 6.
Example: using the numbers we got in this tutorial the file should look like this (in one line):
Xnode1 84oLP2xQbk5uCw54xQRMTAEQCdoKFsNWcEaNqLiuB4G3JVqoo59 62e25e2267695462c5ec2d23947b0449849caf74d9504cca56102857b7fd7ff6 0
Final step: Start the wallet
go to the Xnodes tab, highlight the xnode and press “start alias”
now wait for your wallet to become ENABLED and you’re done!
Feel free to tip Hexx: HP9YvnREm54ATcqchviKsU2ob3vtaA29De
If you need more help, feel free to reach out at https://www.cryptocrib.net
Thanks for the info. i found this helpful