Good points. Great insight as always. I enjoy picking on this ridiculous whale system here but most of my favorites are whales. There just simply aren't enough whales here to upvote all the newbies. I doubt many minnows will be willing to post for several months and see only some spare change while less quality posts receive huge rewards. It is not envy or jealousy, it is self-preservation and common sense. As it stands now minnows have to pray they are seen by a whale, buy votes or kiss whale butt. I'd rather rant about it. Perhaps a few whales might not feel so butthurt and upvote me once in awhile because my intentions are pure. I truly believe Steemit could be the future of social media. But not like this. No one in their right mind would post great content for six to nine months for just a few pennies a day. Except me of course. I would! I am not driven by money (obviously). 😂
Anyway, I hope HF19 works out. I really do.
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yeah, I don't think they're butthurt. I doubt you make it on their radar. Going down to 10 votes will make it worse.
You're probably right. Still, downvotes prove censorship exists here. And its rather childish and cowardly. I think many of us feel lied to by the people who invited us to join. I like the community here. But we were sold on the rewards and no censorship thing. A person must be free to question everything. Especially in what appears to be a rigged system.
By the way, is there a breakdown of how many of each class exists here currently?
Check out then you can even enter a users @name (try yours). Great data there. There is also then enter a users @name (try yours). Again great information is at our fingertips. Steemit really is truly transparent all the information is available.
Thanks a lot! 😊