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RE: Reactions to HF 19 - Linear Rewards, Vote Strength, Changes in Payouts, Self Voting, etc.

in #hf198 years ago

Why would I buy SP without the influence it gives me? If the government or some rich dude tries to buy a ton of SP, the price of Steem will skyrocket, and I'll be crying all the way to the bank.


He who holds the money, makes the rules. I hope that works out for you. I still want to hear from @timcliff on this. Which is why I asked him by mention at the beginning of the question. Other opinions are certainly unstoppable on a public comment thread, but it is his I am interested in hearing the most.

The same reason to purchase Steem applies to every capital market in existence, and every crypto currency. None of those markets enable financial manipulation of curation on Steemit, the buying of influence, or would prohibit in any way your crying all the way to the bank if Steemit were not manipulable by SP weighting of VP.