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RE: News Flash: Tech Giants Eff Up All the Time

in #hf206 years ago

Who knows whether it was good or bad, I mean I don't even understand it. And with tech it's always update update change change, so it's just part of virtual life I suppose.

Anyway I'm back and hoping we ARE back I guess time will tell. I might keep posting on the faux steemit for fun though, just to feel like I'm there when steemit began, which I wasn't.


From what I understand:

Even though a Steem transaction is zero cost for the end user, it's still costly for those running Steem. Servers, electric bills, maintenance, the list goes on.

Steemit doesn't run ads or sell data, so they don't have the "advantage" that fakebook or twitter have.

It makes sense to have a cap on smaller accounts' transactions to reign in costs, however I'd like to see them be able to interact significantly more than 10x a day. Hopefully larger accounts will be able to delegate resource credits soon.