I don't think the price will move much. It's pretty much controlled by Bitcoin and the general altcoin markets. But yes, growth is key. But have you considered how much of the traffic has been spam and auto-comments by bidbots?
Posted using Partiko Android
Well it feels like Bitcoin determines long-term direction for the market, but in the short-term any booms and busts are determined by on-chain events -- like the ETH collapse because of the ICO outflow or the current XRP boom on the inflow of positive coverage. That said, Steem's PoS-like system limits its speculative bust potential -- if the downward slide does happen it's more likely to be a natural response to the needs of the chain overall, much like the RC system itself.
According to the latest stats from pp post\vote counts have already recovered to around half of pre-HF20, including bots. I gather that if any bots will be truly affected by the wipeout, it will mostly be bottom-feeders. From what I understand they're more likely to be affected by Voting Mana and not RC's?
Now the effect of RC's on spam of all sorts, inconsequential comments or posts from low-value accounts has been dramatic and not unpleasant, to be frank. Even if I'm to work with severe limitations (a maximum of ~4 daily comments or posts at the current RC recovery rate), I'd rather learn to manurer in tight corners than wade through a sea of guff. That's a personal opinion of course.
In the end the RC recovery rate will determine how much posting the witnesses are willing to tolerate from plankton. Having posts and comments share the same RC requirement may not be the optimal choice, but on the blockchain itself there's not a lot of difference between 'em, I suppose. The balancing act continues, we'll see how it goes.