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RE: Praise Blockchain Jesus - Out of RC DEBT HELL

in #hf206 years ago

Had no idea you had @frystikken small cock so far down your throat.

Ill entertain you; if any of these are true where are the legal proceedings? Or are you making baseless allegations that not even the "employers that caught my with my pants down" didn't?

You are a sad excuse for a human and I honestly feel sorry for your "team" running @noblewitness. Go back to running your super successful IT firm, lmfao.


" if any of these are true where are the legal proceedings"

Just as an aside: unless the people you hacked filed claims or you were investigated by the feds, there wouldn't be any legal proceedings. This is a non-sequitur.

Just been informed you are a rent-a-lawyer. Keep encouraging your client to pile onto his slander because if I get bored one day it could be fun to have.

And hopefully you represent the other rag-tag gang of individuals from SteemSpeak on this post because their actions combined build a stronger case against either of them.

Enjoy your homeless RV life. I don't need to burn you any further, you do just fine on your own.

If you must know, I decided to put that on pause and it is parked in my parent's back yard while I reside comfortably in the gutter. Not in tall grass, no not like you did.

Remember, if you need to say your own comment was a burn, it likely wasn't. Get hip to the times old geezer.

I owned my 17 acres of tall grass and now I am moving to the nice house I just closed on. Say hi to your mom for me.

A man that needs no introduction, @sircork is one of the most well-known witnesses on Steemit and is responsible for a multitude of projects. Chief among them is the YouAreHOPE Foundation. YouAreHOPE is a humanitarian aid society that focuses on sending aid to developing countries and communities, from helping to build schools to buying shoes for school children. They operate an expansive network with trusted individuals around the world to ensure aid funds are used properly. He is also the founder of the SteemStar Network, an unaffiliated radio station designed to provide quality content across a wide spectrum of topics. Recently, he has also taken on the task of reviving legacy tools on Steemit that are no longer being supported or updated, such as the Dead Followers tool.

And the grand total of your power ups in this platform have been ~1500 STEEM.

Loving the successful life. You surely put me in my place. Can't wait to have to take cold showers from the creek.

Actually I don't run the noblewitness posting key, an attorney does, and he schooled you quickly.

I went to 7 countries this year on my steem income and met steemians all over the world. I sold a 17 acres farm and bought a house. You moved to your mommy's house.

Did you say hi to her for me yet?

An ATTORNEY is spending his time commenting on my posts? LMFAO WHAT A TRUE SAUL GOODMAN!

Sorry ... that was very offensive to actual attorney's such as Saul Goodman. Not like your "attorney"

I'll let him address that complaint.

You are offensive to actual witnesses. Pretty much all this mirroring you do, reflects only on you, and the running commentary throughout that community of peers, which you are very much outside of.

As I said after you just got banned from a discord moments ago and didn't see.

It's sad. He had potential, he just has no integrity.