See? I didn't go there in the first place. YOU did. I don't use my "poor health" as an excuse for anything, except maybe for looking ragged and being tired a lot. I'm known far and wide for calling it as I see it. No excuse needed for that. Right now I just see you reeling from the pushback you got for all the smack talk about a very legitimate charity that's done more to leave footprints on this world than you ever have, or ever will unless you change that attitude. But your sociopathic tendencies aren't my circus, really. Not my monkeys. You're young. You'll learn...or you won't, and in that case, it won't be any concern of mine.
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You have a disgusting attitude and you are trying to suggest I need to change. As you said, I am young, you are not. You would think with your extended period of time on this Earth so far you would have developed some better manners and tact than you are displaying.
A charity run by disgusting people is a red flag to me. I know corky and his nasty habits and character. I have seen you a little bit.
Enjoy your minimal investment into this network that you can do nothing for beyond being a consumer.
Chemo therapy is similar to a microwave as it zaps the good and bad cells. It can be tough if the good cells are having trouble recovering through that process. I have gardens. I love alternative medicines, remedies, and maybe even the "Right To Try." Steemit is my favorite blockchain network, currently, and my 2nd favorite might be GAB. There is also Upvoted! Thanks for being on Steemit! I'm Oatmeal.