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RE: News Flash: Tech Giants Eff Up All the Time

in #hf206 years ago (edited)

It's true, there are screwups everywhere. Some of the biggest screwups in the world are the bankers on Wall Street who made horrible business decisions and then got bailed out of the consequences of their stupidity. Now they get huge bonuses to continue abusing the general public. So it's not even just tech companies that screw up. The world is equal opportunity when it comes to providing screwups. :P

It seems like you're enjoying your break from social media. Hope you're accomplishing your goals.

Also, I had a delegation expire and Steemit rewarded me by pillaging a bunch of my VP, so I can't give you the vote you definitely deserve for this post.


The Federal Reserve, though, is way more than a screw up, it's a crusty 104 year old form of financial sabotage and parasitism... :-/

Darn, I want my own planet now... XD

I'll see your comment and raise you this video.

Be warned that it's the first in a series of 8. I've only seen the first 7, but they're addicting. I highly recommend them if you want to know more about the difference between money and currency, and if you're interested in how the Fed works.

I have a pretty solid idea how those plague-ridden rats at the Fed roll, but I'll check this out whence I have the chance... THANKS!

I'll bet you already understand it. The episode on the Fed and how it got started is Episode 4. The other ones are really good though. If you get the time, I recommend them all, but episode 4 is the main one that applies to this discussion.