I agree with you 100% have said this for over a year since ned offered us the BS of HF20 and RC/Mana and all the frauds that created.. Funny I hear he powered down and left steem after I called him out over 12 months ago for doing just that! (he flagged me with his insane power just to spite me for mentioning his name negatively)... Funny what you say is EXACTLY what I predicted over a year ago! Flagging should NOT EXIST! After getting rid of flagging we should not be creating a situation where if you do not know whales and/or have insane SP and self up vote that you are punished with lower rewards... It should be linear... You get 200SP in voting power at 100% it should be 1/10th if you got 2000SP in voting power up voted on your post at 100%... THAT IS A FAIR VOTING SYSTEM! Skewing rewards based on how much a post gets ONLY favors the big pay for up vote bots and adding a FREE downvote ensures people can just create lots and lots of fake bs accounts to flag you and destroy your reason for being here! These people who claim you are wrong... ARE THE EXACT people who flagged me and tried to say RC was a good thing and proved AGAIN AND AGAIN they are not into a free good platform but rather protecting self interest.
Witnesses should have been expanded to over 500 and frankly SCALE with active userbase... This is how electoral college works in America for the very said reason of protecting the individuals from a mob rule (democracy)...
Your comment is very insightful I recommend you contact me and discuss more privately as I have a lot to say and I know by reading your comment you do as well!