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RE: HF21 Addition: Vote Window Change

in #hf216 years ago

This is a good change in all honesty. That means those who skim new posts and move on to other content will probably leave a vote. However, with the way things are going it seems the Hard fork is prioritising curators more than the authors. The 50/50 split is my biggest concern. If that goes through I can guarantee low earners who make up the largest part of this community will vanish.

Posted using Partiko Android


Guess who also benefits from people curating more and in better ways? Authors 🙂

I know what you mean, but with the 50/50 curation rewards increase meaning bots make more money. In your estimation, do you think large steem holders will start curating manually or will the delegate to bots and earn more via curation rewards passively.

Posted using Partiko Android

Increased curation rewards doesn't mean more money for vote bots. If bot votes are worth less to authors, people will pay less money to get their articles upvoted.

If you're talking about curation bots, it's hard to say what will happen, it depends on if people just vote based on author names or on author content. Humans competing against bots on curation should win: humans can read and bots can't.

I meant both curation and voting bots. The bid bots could easily change up their code to offer a profit after 50% curation rewards and then offer curation rewards to the delegators as well.

The voting and commenting activity shows that accounts are more active on posts created by authors with large SP because they want that vote on their comment.

I hope it is the case with humans beating bots, but like in a post I did about this people will always take the easy way out. Passive income is more attractive unfortunately.

Posted using Partiko Android

from people curating more and in better ways?

Not sure the flood of votes at 1 minute is a better way for posts that are 5-10 minute reads or longer.