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RE: Hardfork 21 is HAPPENING. What will change?

in #hf216 years ago (edited)

Don't worry. You're the not the only one who has lost so much for holding alts instead of bitcoin! This hard fork in my opinion should generally help the ecosystem but alts might continue to suffer as long as bitcoin continues to dominate the space. If you want my advice, don't give up on something you believe in. If you believe in steem, average down your costs by buying more cheap. If you don't, you can either write it off and hope you're wrong or take the 0.07 BTC now before you lose even more!


Tragedy is that we are also working for fourteen months and daily posting in steemit.

Calculate the labour we have done in these fourteen months period.

We have seven times loss in terms of bitcoin.
We have three times loss in terms of USD.

Plus loss of labour costs of fourteen months.

Please guide if any way this hard fork going to help us ?

I am in the same boat. I invested 0.2 Bitcoin 18 months ago, and have worked full time (with my wife and others), only to be reduced to 0.05 BTC in value.
Why have I paid SO much, to work SO hard, and produce SO much content for this blockchain, to lose SO much of my purchasing power?
While the insiders are giving themselves another raise?

You shouldn't be posting here just for money imo. Just as people who post on Twitter or Facebook have never posted there for money. Being able to make some $$$ for your posts here should be seen as just a bonus over other platforms but you should never keep posting just for money. That's one of the problems many people have here and why there's so much spam. And the loss in BTC and USD as I said is not just with steem. All altcoins have suffered and continue to suffer. If you had bought anything, whether Litecoin or Dogecoin or really anything else, you would be in the same loss or even more. This fork will leverage curators by doubling their rewards. I think curators should be rewarded even more imo because technically 100% of the rewards belongs to them. They can just upvote themselves instead of your posts and take 100% of the rewards themselves which is what some have been doing or sell upvotes through bidbots which is again what many have been doing. This fork will make things better for curators but still won't be enough imo. I would like to see something like 75% curators vs. 25% authors. And I think that might as well happen further down the road.

"you shouldn't post here just for money"
Notice that the front page of Steemit invites new users with "get paid for posting"?
And you're telling people they shouldn't expect money for their work here, heh.

I didn't say that. Read again. I said just for money. You conveniently removed just from my sentence to make me look like an idiot. If a platform wants to pay you for simply posting, that would be a pretty stupid platform that would invite nothing but spam. And the website doesn't say get paid for posting. It says get paid for good content. If you want people to pay you, you better create worthy content that would make them want to pay you. Because you get paid by curators, who are stakeholders, not by simply posting. If it's just about shit posting and/or making money, curators are better off self-upvoting or selling upvotes. Half the people crying for not getting paid for their content have never been creating content before and are only here for money. That factor alone cracks me up lol

You tried to make him feel like he's unreasonable to expect to be paid.
He's not.

It's unreasonable to post JUST for money. That's called spamming. And there's no platform for it. Money doesn't grow on trees. You need to convince others to pay you for your service or content in this case. That's why it's called Proof-of-Brain mining.