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RE: Hardfork 21 - Steem Proposal System (SPS) + Economic Improvement Proposal (EIP)

in #hf216 years ago (edited)

It's good to see you're able to pull some positives out of your bag of tricks as well. I just left a comment about how I kinda see things, using an analogy, comparing this place to a venue hosting a comedian. That's how I'm hoping things go. I have a lot riding on this and I want to see something good come out of it. I earned that wallet of mine the hard way, started with nothing, all organic. For someone in my situation, taking a smaller cut, but having a packed house instead of empty seats means I make more money. Potential SP I lose from posting, I can make up by curating. I've always been a manual curator. Every vote I handed out, all 24k of them, came after consuming either the post or reading the comment. Anyway, I gotta run.

Just some advice, if you're in the mood for it, before I go. You're asking for math and facts, metrics. Hey, I get it. You're also offering up some of your own opinion, without backing it up with the things you demand. You're assuming it'll go your way. It might not you know. I don't blame you for being pessimistic though. I get it. Please have a good day and thanks for being a good sport. I'm not the easiest guy to talk to, sometimes. A little bit looney.


I enjoyed our conversation, no ill will at all my friend :)

I appreciate all the comments from you on the fork and steemit in general. I’m loosing faith this platform can even be what it was b4 let alone be better. Thanks for speaking truth!