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RE: Hardfork 21 is HAPPENING. What will change?

in #hf216 years ago

I'm somewhat on top of it, but I guess the fact I don't exclusively rely upon this platform for social media posts does help things in some respects, although right now, this platform, via its cryptocurrencies and tokens is the only consistent way I'm earning anything at all under this namespace, except for the very occasional Twitch subscription or bits, of which I haven't had much of recently, so, for now, this platform is actually my main source of "income" in terms of any content I create under this name.

I haven't even been here a year yet, but it does seem very tricky for anyone under a certain point to be visible on this platform, and in conjunction with those getting 20+ STU on their posts getting more, and those below that getting less than they did before, it's definitely going to hit the smaller posters quite a bit, but equally, we won't know how things will start to go at least till a month after the fork, but also, we need to see what happens over the remainder of the year; for now, I just have plans to get parity of posts with my Steepshot and Instagram accounts, and that's happening regardless of how much STU, SNAX or other tokens I get, as I just want to make future photo posts easier to make!

Hopefully though, things will pan out for us, but we won't know properly for a few months yet! All that said, I'm actually monitoring a handful of my posts to see how the reward levels change between now and after the fork, though I suspect that it'll be a week after the fork happens that the changes will come into play, as I think that any posts made prior to when the fork actually occurs will be rewarded under the old system, and any posts made after the fork is implemented will come under the new system!


We will just have to wait and see. Hopefully we will all gain if only a little. I'll keep an eye on your posts :)

Yeah... here's hoping! And thank you :)