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RE: The insanely bullish case for Steem

in #hf226 years ago


This tweet by @theycallmedan sums up the perception of Steem to the outside-world pretty accurately:

Talked to 10 random people in crypto.

They did hear about 70% of Steemit INC employees get cut a year ago. 🙄
You wonder why most miss opportunities? Bad news travels further & last longer then good news Not one knew about MIRA/Hivemind, #Steem DAO, EIP, or even Steem-Engine.

One the one hands it's pretty sad, as the reality of what kind of projects Steem is actually producing is miles away from what people think it is. But on the other hand, it's a golden opportunity for those, wanting to bet that Steem is far more than the general population knows.

I mean, even just Steem Monsters (Splinterlands) alone should be an easy symbol for what Steem is: an incredible platform for building & bootstrapping all kinds of businesses, communities & more. (And .. ehm .. wouldn't be even close to where they are today, without Steem. I can't prove that of course, but it's very obvious.)


Great observation. People always remember the bad news. I's the same thing when people leave a review. Rarely if someone gets good to great service do they want to tell the world about it but god forbid they have a negative experience...

It's a rush to trip advisor, yelp, google, and facebook to slam the business.

I'm in it for the long haul. Buying opportunity is great is you see the vision and believe as @aggroed said.

Might as well throw @vimm into that mix. I was talking on stream last Tuesday about just how supportive and awesome the Steem community in general is. As far as social media go, we have something truly special here!