
How goes it?Hi @viking-ventures!!!

Traveling at the moment, but doing well. How about you?

Getting ready to make a post and comment on yesterday's.
Be safe wherever you are headed...

You have noo clue O.o or gotting them back in order, thats why it just happends once every third decenium ;)
Hiiii, nice to meet you :D

I'm glad it's not a frequent occurrence, anyway.
Good to meet you too. Are you in Sweden or have ancestry?
I'm half Viking by ancestry. Which country, you ask? Yes, I reply.

actually, so am i ;) but then in over all, i dont spass much in anyyy form :P
Im living in sweden yes, but im also canadian & Norweadian , but not by birth right.
Viking now your screen name makes sence :D ha ha loove that, as vikings traveld looots ;)

lol - yep. My Norwegian and Danish ancestors came to the US in the late 1800s. My Swedes were a little later in the early 1900s. My grandmother's family was from Skåne and Blekinge. That's also where our one (so far) stray Finn turned up in 1700, though I cannot figure out where he was before then yet.

I've not managed to visit yet though - except Iceland. But no known ancestors there.

aw you really checked your history, how fantastick :D Danish to? they if i dont get my history wrong, were great sailors :)
Woohoo i lived in Skåne whne i was young :D
Oh, il bet you will get that info about him, later?
Aw you shuld, skåne is priceless :D

Family history/genealogy has long been an interest in my family, so yes, we've learned a lot. Most of my Scandinavian ancestors were fishermen and/or farmers. My one Finn drowned, while he was still quite young, so that may be one of the reasons his origins are difficult to trace. I've seen at least six possible people on the Finland side, but his surnames are very clearly Swedish, so there's quite a story to unravel if we can.

Thankfully, I can read enough Swedish to get through a lot of the records once I can decipher their handwriting.

I'll try to do another genealogy post, perhaps, this weekend and you can see some of what I've been working on.