Dinsos Bireuen Distributes Assistance from the Government of Aceh to Covid-19 Impact Communities.
Bireuen District Social Service (Dinsos), Aceh Province distributes assistance in the form of food aid from the Government of Aceh to Covid-19 affected communities in the district. This assistance began to be distributed since Friday, 05/08/2020.
The assistance is handed over to the people who deserve it, the assistance will be distributed to the village communities spread across 17 Districts. Assistance is distributed by officers consisting of Tagana, TKSK and PKH, as well as other Social Pillars, the distribution will be directly delivered to the homes of people who deserve it.
The Community During the Corona-19 Virus Pandemic that hit the world today will receive food aid in the form of 10 kilograms of rice, 2 kilograms of sugar, cooking oil, 2 kilograms and Sardines and Instant Noodles. The assistance will be received by each head of the family who has been verified by the Social Pillar officer.
This assistance will be given to 6,986 Head of Families who are entitled to receive it, the assistance is expected to be able to meet the needs of the community during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dinsos Bireuen Salurkan Bantuan Dampak Covid-19 Pemerintah Aceh.
Dinas Sosial (Dinsos) Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi Aceh menyalurkan bantuan berupa Sembako Bantuan Pemerintah Aceh untuk masyarakat yang terdampak Covid-19 di kabupaten tersebut. Bantuan ini mulai disalurkan sejak Jumat, 8/5/2020.
Bantuan tersebut diserahkan kepada masyarakat yang layak menerimanya, bantuan tersebut akan disalurkan kepada masyarakat desa yang tersebar di 17 Kecamatan. Bantuan disalurkan oleh para petugas yang terdiri dari Tagana, TKSK dan PKH, serta Pilar Sosial lainnya, penyaluran akan langsung diantar ke rumah masyarakat yang layak menerimanya.
Masyarakat Selama Pandemi Virus Corona-19 yang melanda dunia saat ini akan menerima bantuan Sembako berupa beras 10 kilogram, gula pasir 2 kilogram, minyak goreng, 2 kilogram dan Sarden serta Mie Instan. Bantuan tersebut akan diterima oleh setiap kepala keluarga yang telah dilakukan verifikasi oleh petugas Pilar Sosial.
Bantuan ini akan diberikan kepada 6.986 Kepala Keluarga yang berhak menerimanya, bantuan tersebut diharapkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat selama pandemi Covid-19.