HAAAHAHAHA! There is about a 10 day window where it's warmish at Crater Lake xD
Seriously though, that would be awesome. I've not been yet, always wanted to take the kids but it never quite worked out, usually because of the weather 😬😂
I'll cobble a post together about Crater Lake this week with all the info.
Jenn wants to go to Crater Lake National Park by you. We might be making a trip out there. She said only when it’s warm out….🤦🏻
HAAAHAHAHA! There is about a 10 day window where it's warmish at Crater Lake xD
Seriously though, that would be awesome. I've not been yet, always wanted to take the kids but it never quite worked out, usually because of the weather 😬😂
I'll cobble a post together about Crater Lake this week with all the info.
When is it warm there? So I can tell her