Short list of Hillary Clinton's scandals & illegal activities:
- Chinagate: Nuclear secrets go to China on her husband’s watch.
- Benghazi, Americans killed, including our ambassador: The truth of what happened in Benghazi is it was a covert war between the Pentagon & the CIA over in arms transfer to Al-Qaeda, that the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton's State Department covered up, and were directly involved using incredibly bad judgment with criminal intent and activities in their role:
Benghazi attack was staged by a State Department hired jihadist security outfit in connection with an arms transfer to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria.
CIA was shipping arms from U.S.-controlled facilities located at the U.S. mission in Benghazi to its mercenaries in Syria for proxy wars, and the murder of ambassador Stevens was carried out by an al-Qaeda affiliated group as part of a turf war between the CIA and elements in the Pentagon. - Asia fundraising scandal: More than four dozen convicted in a scandal that made the Lincoln bedroom, White House donor coffees and Buddhist monks infamous.
- Hillary’s private emails: Hundreds of national secrets were compromised through her private email/server. Hillary had a private server which is a huge violation for many reasons. For one, private servers are not very secure and can be compromised very easily which is a national security threat. And the reason why the punishment should be severe regardless of what her reasoning is, is because of the treasonous crimes that could be or have been committed. For example...
Say one wanted to commit treason so they set up a private server and email account. And then they open and download a file that they thought was just a file from the DMV or something, but it turns out to be an infected file from an international hacker, and then the hacker gets into their system and steals important classified documents. Now regardless if one did that on purpose in cahoots with the hacker or it was truly just a mistake, they should still have to be indicted for treason because regardless if it was huge negligence or a deliberate scheme, we can't allow that to happen and say oh well, it was just a mistake, because then that would be a backdoor way for domestic spies to simply claim negligence and get away with being treasonous. So either way, one should be indicted for treason.
Which if convicted can be punishable by either life in prison or death. The security risk to the United States of America is too high to let this just simply go. When a private server has been set up by a public servant and classified documents were sent through emails on that server, regardless of political affiliation, being indicted with treason should be an automatic step. - Whitewater: A large S&L failed and several people went to prison.
- Travelgate: The firing of the career travel office was the very first crony capitalism scandal of the Clinton era.
- Humagate: An aide’s sweetheart job arrangement.
- Pardongate: The first time donations were ever connected as possible motives for presidential pardons.
- Foundation favors: Revealing evidence that the Clinton Foundation was a pay-to-play back door to the State Department, and an open checkbook for foreigners to curry favor. The Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative have been used as giant money laundering organizations through which political favors are bought and sold. They have accepted money from Foreign Entities that engage in crimes against humanity, ExxonMobil, Citigroup, Barclays, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, General Electric, Monsanto, McDonald’s, Walmart, and many many others. They take these entities money and in return give them favors. It's just classic, lobbyist buying off politicians type bullshit.
- Mysterious files: The disappearance and re-discovery of Hillary’s Rose Law Firm records.
- Filegate: The Clinton use of FBI files to dig for dirt on their enemies.
- Hubble trouble: The resignation and imprisonment of Hillary law partner Web Hubbell. - Michael Vincent -
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