Why I Love Hip Hop

in #hiphop7 years ago (edited)

Why I love Hip Hop

And why is Hip Hop a relevant cultural force for everyone?

(Doodle by Kayla, a friend of mine not yet on Steemit)

Well let me give you some context before I launch into this. I first started getting into Hip Hop and rap when I was about 12-13 years old, a young lad living in a small town in New Zealand called Blenheim. A friend of mine called Lloyd started introducing me to groups like A Tribe Called Quest, Jurassic 5, and Hieroglyphics.

Something about these artists really resonated with me, and I started listening to more and more, going backwards to artists like Grandmaster Flash, and Run DMC to name a few. Around that time Eminem was blowing up like crazy, and he had a movie come out as well. This launched a new dialogue for me, and I am guessing many others. About how Hip Hop was not just for African Americans - it was a way of being that anyone could get into, even pale coloured people.

It's interesting how immediately I have brought race into this post, almost without realising it. In truth this is something that I do want to talk about, because it ties in to why Hip Hop is so important. It seems like racial relations, and social dynamics is intimately ingrained into the birth of Hip Hop. I don't come from America, and I don't claim to have any special insight into this - but what I feel and what I GET from Rap in its essence is the feeling of Freedom, and demanding freedom.

"I am being oppressed, and I choose not to be oppressed, I don't accept this and I never will"

So if you have some level of perception and awareness into the world we currently live in. It's economic slavery, it's late stage capitalism grinding to a halt and people starting to say "hey, I don't want to waste my life like this, this isn't why I came to earth" Do we individually have enough fire to say enough is enough, and use the fire to forge a new life that doesn't compromise for historical constraints?

On a deep internal level, we can also apply the freedom dialogue to the interaction of our own unbound beingness, and the limitations and judgements of the mind. If you are ferocious enough in your desire to be free of minds constraints, then I don't doubt that you will get there. A yogi named Sadhguru once said that "if you are very intense, then you will naturally become meditative". It's totally true, we have a general fear of being over the top in any way - even in the quiet pursuit of freedom.

So that's what initially drew me to Hip Hop, it had a feeling of wanting to be free, and as a young man I really resonated with that feeling. It's different now though, with more than a decade having passed, and a spiritual awakening during that time.

Now I can see that music is a universal language which is incredibly powerful. The reason that it is powerful is because it can transmit and infinitely multiply a feeling or an essence to anyone or everyone who hears it (if we are open to it). I have honestly quietly wept to myself listening to some Low Fi instrumentals that had just the right sample, and they sent out to me that exact frequency of being totally free and totally filled with music and love.

Hip Hop is a tool for transformation, just like mantras are a tool of the yogic sciences to bring about a breakthrough in consciousness.

The thing that excites me the most about Hip Hop is where the exploration of consciousness, and the essence of the hip hop rebel/breakthrough archetype are intermingling. I see this with some of my favourite artists like Milo (aka Scallops Hotel) and Deca.

I have dabbled in rapping myself, and it is an amazing process to go through. Can you be ok with being really bad for a while but persisting? Can you be ok freestyling into the unknown? It requires a lot of trust. It requires being a beautiful flow state, it requires connecting in to something bigger than yourself. So rap is a spiritual practice, for me it's channelling and there's no two ways about it.

I can see that this article is getting longer an longer, so that seems like enough for now.

Much Love and Peace


I love hiphop too! When I was a teenager I thought I'd become a rapper hahah now I stick to poetry / spoken word! I have done a few hiphop playlists on here where I include videos and some lyrics from the songs I love - if you're interested in checking them out let me know and I'll share the links with you :)

Only thing I will touch on quickly is the tragic state of the mainstream hiphop world today (well forever actually - there has always been that branch which is detrimental to the tree..) I could go on for hours about the negative effects of mainstream music hahah anyways don't worry I won't! loved you post :)

That's awesome, you're into hip hop as well! I think more or less Hip Hop is poetry in it's truer expressions. I would definitely be interested in hearing some tracks you like, please send the links through.

Yes I do have to agree 100 % with you on all of the stupid stuff that has become synonymous with hip hop. It's not life affirming, it's a kind of nowhere culture that seems cool but really isn't. It's no surprise really though, because a lot of the information available to us is that same old story (fear based information).

Interestingly though, if I can get in a zone that is VERY accepting, then exploring some of the more gangsta artists can sometimes reveal their own deep knowledge of life. It's hidden beneath the violence somehow.

Anyhow, yes, seems like we could definitely have a good conversation or two, I look forward to hearing more from you :)

Dope! Join us as we put Hip Hop on the Blockchain!

Nice, I look forward to participating in coming events and being a part of the community

Wow beautiful art...

Hi - bit short on time ATM, but just wanted to say you make some very interesting connections there... I think hip hop is very misunderstood in mainstream, and fully get that it's very much like a spiritual thing for those involved with it, even if that's not how it's perceived!

Nice post.

your post was featured by @revisesociology
two featured posts in the same week :)

Beautiful post. Nice layout aswell. Also I like that you used the art of a friend, 100% original content ;)

Great to see when people can find their spirituality in all kinds of things. Somethings doesnt need to be obviously labelled as spiritual, to be experienced is such. The wonders of creation can be found everywhere.