[ENG] HiQ №29 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | WOO Giveaway, CraftInk Lore Chapter 2, Terracore, PeakD Chat, XV Token a.m.m.m.

in #hiq2 years ago

Info für deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie hier.)

By: @quekery & @mary-me


BOOM! That's not the sound from the sequel to CraftInk Lore, but the sound of the publish button. Because a new HiQ issue is here! Only real if it has the longest one.

Finally, a regular issue again. It seems like it's been ages since the last one. In such fast-moving times, it's not easy to keep up and last but not least, we also suffer from a lack of workpower. (Editor's note: Apart from procrastination and RL Shit still exists, LOOL.) But that hasn't stopped us in the past and won't in the future.

Who also couldn't stop us is Justin Sun. We recently celebrated our 3rd birthday. (Editor's note: Celebrated is a bit of a mouthful. But one can also toast oneself.) And Hive also celebrated its 3rd birthday. What a coincidence. Even though we've actually been around much longer and if @smooms is to be believed, there's not a lot of footage between Big Bang and us, all these birthdays are reason enough for @smooms to cover the column in this issue.

And since the cover is also by @smooms, we can certainly use it as a cheat sheet for the rest of these lines. Besides an MVP, which was long overdue, there is also something to win in this issue. All you have to do is be creative (Editor's note: Maybe someone is more creative than us!?) and of course read the WOO cover story.

What we also cover, of course, in a cover story that is second to none, is the 2nd chapter of CraftInk - The Beninging. The 3rd chapter would somehow be more appropriate. After all, we have become 3. But we can just pretend that there is still a 0th chapter somewhere in the basement of HiQ. Which would also fit quite well, since Chapter 1 had a cliffhanger in a still unexplored corner of the HiQ Basement.

And speaking of unexplored worlds where you can fight tirelessly, resulting in the ending of friendships and flagwars (Editor's note: like Mario Kart), we put a little hands on the new game on Hive "Terracore".

Speaking of friendships: How do you keep in touch with Hive friends? For us, it's clearly Discord. But will it be that in the future as well? We are testing the new PeakD Chat, which already looks a lot like Discord.

And since we want our supporters to have some Hive friends, we forced our noobpert to take a look at Hive from a completely different angle. (Editor's note: And we needed another hands-on so that we could make stylish transitions in the editorial.) She had to get her hands on the Ecency mobile app. It's just a shame that logging in didn't work on the very day we wanted to persuade encourage her to do a Hands On. But we're already giving away too much here.

What can never be too much, by the way, is another token that you can probably earn with in 2 years. It bears the smart name XV. (Note from @quekery: I treated myself to XVπ right away.) But since we don't want to spoil too much again, it's best if you read the article yourself and scrolling until then is certainly a good workout.

This issue goes out as usual with Gossip, Hivestyle for Hivians and the Readers' Letters. Have fun reading!

And you know what else could brighten your day? The Commentary Discount Sale 1/4 HIQS with a discount of 40% on the current HIVE price of HIQS (Editor's note: 0.583 SWAP.HIVE). That means you can buy up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.35 per HIQS. Write the following

!HIQS HereYourDesiredAmount

in the comments. After 2 days, we will publish a post at @hiq.shares handling the sale. By the way, if the demand is high enough, we will increase the amount of HIQS to 540 HIQS, so that English-speaking and German-speaking readers can get their HIQS. We've done that before from time to time, but hardly anyone noticed. LOOL

PS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL!

Peace out and have fun. ★


  ➀ HiQs MVP - @balte
  ➁ The Column - Hive turns 3

Cover Story
  ➂ CraftInk Lore - "The Beninging - Chapter 2"
  ➃ WOOnderful WOO Giveaway

  ➄ Terracore - Next Space Wars

Apps & Tools
  ➅ Discord Killer? - PeakD Chat
  ➆ XV Token - A different token pot

  ➇ Noobpert tests Ecency Mobile

  ➈ Gossip
  ➉ Hivestyle for Hivians
  ➀➀ Readers' letters ★


By: @smooms & @mary-me

➀ HiQs MVP  

He will surely look at us with discreet disgust when he reads what we have done. But he still deserves to be MVP in his favorite Hive Magazine. Take that, Balte. :P

For a long time we respected his wish not to be explicitly mentioned in HiQ. But now, after years of holding back, the time has come. We say: Thank you, @balte!!!

It's probably the case that everyone knows him. @balte is a fan of HiQ of the first millisecond and has also been in the groupie ranks at STEEMillu. Don't get us wrong, we don't like him for his massive Hive stake, we've played CraftInk with him with real cards. At his place. We're telling you, he's going to be a serious contender. He's got the hang of it.

Apart from the upvotes and support we and others get from him, which we of course think is great, (Editor's note: And we don't feel a bit bribed either, LOOL.) Balte has always been there for us with advice and support and can diagnose and sort out pretty much any ailment. We're glad we're all pals, Balte. We hope we'll have something from you for a long time to come. Thanks for your support! ★

By: @smooms


Happy Birthday to Hive. Or should we say: Happy Forkday? Three years ago we rose from the ashes as the Hive Community and a new phoenix was born.

Here it becomes particularly clear how well we can work together as a community, even if we are all scattered across the globe. (Editor's note: Or the record, depending on which perspective you look at it from, LOOL.) In the course of the hostile takeover of the Chinese oligarch Justin Sun (Editor's note: A.k.a. Custom Justin - The Valentronslord of Darkness.), it became clear that there are, after all, a great many individuals in Cryptospace for whom decentralisation is important. They have set themselves apart and created something great and unique in our eyes.

Many users were faced with the question of whether they wanted to continue using Steem or switch to the newer, hornier and more stylish blockchain. Yes, we were also in this predicament. However, since a large part of the German community migrated to Hive, we also decided to follow. But since we were STEEMillu back then, which is obviously not such the best brand name on Hive, we had to completely rebrand ourselves. Fresher, hornier, sassier" became "smart, stylish, sexy" and HiQ was born.

Now 3 years have already passed through the chain. From the developer's point of view, a lot has happened. Hive has been provided with new functions, there is a steadily growing community and the prices of the main currency and its trading volume are developing well - this did not only please us. We are now 3 years old, too. (Editor's note: Together with STEEMillu, we are even older. Real old hands.) We have expanded and are now also bilingual. We have our own tokens and many projects we are involved in. Not to forget our newest treasure @craftink. Things are going well for us, you could say.

Just as successful as we are now (Editor's note: or at least feel LOOL), we naturally wish that you would be too. The chain is not standing still, the prices will soon rise again and we will all ride off into the sunset with our Lambos. Until then, keep your spoons stiff and Hive On. ★

By: @smooms


In the last issue, the beginning of the story about CraftInk's Beninging came to us. You can read about what has happened so far and what will happen next here. We are also curious.

What happened so far:

Mary, Queker and smooms moved into the new HiQuarters headquarters. What they found in the basement was to change their lives. The stone chest with the three stone slabs was more than just that. When they touched the tablets, something happened. But more about that in...

Chapter 2:

Queker, smooms and Mary opened their eyes after a bright light blinded them as they touched the stone slabs. It was hot all around them. When their vision cleared, they could make out the flames. However, they were no longer in the basement. Moreover, everything also looked fully antique. The room they were in looked like a temple. smooms stood up, but as he leaned on his hand to push himself up, he noticed that it was not he who was controlling his movement, but he seemed to be running on autopilot. While on autopilot he turned back to Queker and Mary. They were dressed in robes that looked Indian and wore heaps of gold jewellery and a crown decorated with feathers on their heads. These were not Queker and Mary. The skin colour didn't match either. They looked like Mayan priests.

The priest, with smooms inside, spoke to the other two in a foreign language, but curiously the three understood every word. "The Yucatán have come with their ships. The entire city is in flames. Not long now and Tayasal will have fallen too." The Mayan priest with Queker inside also stood up. "We have to finish the ritual." - "Dude, what's happening?" Queker thought. "Queker?" Even though the three of them couldn't speak through each other's mouths, they still seemed to be able to hear each other. So they could communicate with each other through their minds. "Dude, how rad. I can hear what you're thinking, Queker. Mary? Are you there?" smooms said. "For sure. What's going on?" Mary's priest was a strongly muscled dark-skinned man with a massive gold chain around his neck, each finger adorned by at least one gold ring. In his nose the priest wore a gold nose ring the size of those hoop earrings some women wear these days. "This city here seems to be tearing up", Queker replied to her. "Yeah, I can see that, genius. But where, when and who are we?" Mary was getting freaky. Was it the red moon seen in the sky above the city that made her mind boil? Anyone would probably be off their rocker if they travelled back in time. "Part of the ritual seems to have worked already. They are here", spoke the priest Mary was inside. "There are six of us now." - *"Dude, do they know we're here?" asked smooms. Queker was the calmest and suggested: "Let's shut our mouths for a minute and see what happens."

The three priests picked themselves up and made their way through the temple complex in the middle of the island on which the city of Tayasal had been built. In some parts of the walls one could see outside. One could see how the entire island was brightly lit by the fire of the Spanish armies. They were coming to conquer the city. "We still have time. They have not yet reached the temple", spoke the priest who seemed to be smooms' avatar. "The ritual will continue and we will also manage to finish it. We must." "What is this ritual?", Queker, smooms and Mary asked each other virtually at the same time? "Jinxed.", said smooms. He had apparently not forgotten how to joke around.

The three priests arrived in an altar room with a stone table in the middle. An altar, virtually. That's what an altar room has, after all. Otherwise it would just be a room. When the three priests entered the room, they sealed the entrance with a large wooden bolt and went to the altar in the middle of the room. In the middle of the altar, through the priests' eyes, the three saw again the inkblot symbol that was already engraved on the door frame in the basement. On it lay 3 stone slabs, completely empty, between vessels that seemed to contain various liquids and herbs. The smells of the liquids mixed into a scent that could be perceived as musty. Even though Queker, smooms and Mary could not control the bodies of the priests themselves, they got the full smell.

"Let me speak to our visitors." The priest Mary was in stepped forward. "The troops attacking us are human. That is clear. But they are not acting of their own volition. They are all possessed." The priest opened a drawer, in which was a wooden box. On it, too, one saw the inkblot logo engraved. "In this box is the secret to further banish the INKubus. However, since our people have been completely wiped out and only we are still guarding this secret, the spell has become too weak and the INKubus was able to break free. Now he is trying everything to destroy the rest of us as well. He has taken the Spanish armies under his spell and is using them as his pawns in this battle. We have..."


The priest was interrupted by a loud bang coming from the heavy door of the room. He took the wooden casket and stowed it back in the drawer of the altar, which, after closing, disappeared again completely invisible into the altar.


"That's way too early," the priest Queker was in remarked.


The door cracked and the bolt burst into a thousand pieces. The troops who had attacked the city filled the room. In the midst of them, a man dressed in a black robe, whose face could not be seen, strutted into the room. "Do you think you can stop me with your stupid rituals?" a deep voice breathed from under the hood. "We won't be the ones to stop you. That's in the future. There will be a team of journalists who will destroy you," the priest Queker was in retorted. "What's a journalist supposed to be? HAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAA. I'm going to burst you now. And it will hurt all the while you are dying." INKubus raised his hand and a blue-black glow grew on his hand. The priest, Mary was dwelling in, took a ceremonial knife from the altar, with which he cut his palm, murmured the words HUN NAB KU. Wáaj u le k'aas, struck the ground with the bloody palm and a kind of protective shield was created against which the blue beam of energy from the INKubus' hand bounced off.

Do you think this little barricade will hold me up for long?" The INKubus let volley after volley of blue fireballs hit the shield. The 3 priests walked towards the altar, from which one of the priests took the wooden box again. "In this box are playing cards." He opened the box and inside were various playing cards which were made of wood with pictures of people carved into them. "With these cards we played a game. CraftInk. When our people died out, the spell that banished the INKubus from our world also disappeared. Now he is back, and will not stop until he has usurped everything." "CraftInk. A bunch of cards is supposed to bind a demon?" Queker thought. "I hear you too," noted the priest Mary was inside. "You must continue to play the game for us. Go back to your time - to the year 2023 and play CraftInk. We will sacrifice the souls of our people and won't be able to banish INKubus until you play our game." - "What happens now?" asked smooms. "You are the reincarnation of the three of us. That is the only way you could come into our time when you touched the slabs. Just long enough for us to instruct you."

On the other side of the shield, the INKubus was still raging. The shield was slowly becoming brittle in some places. Time was running out. "Play our game. This is all that matters now. You must find a way to destroy the INKubus." Each of the three priests now held a ritual knife. The remaining two cut their hands with the ritual knife. Together they spoke, as if in canon:

Venimos ofrecer teech le restantes yo'olal u pixan k kaajal.
Ba'ax le INKubus bixake' desterrado tak ka k almas ku reencarnen.

As the last word faded out, each placed his bloody hand on one of the stone slabs. Just in time, because the shield shattered and nothing separated the three priests from the INKubus. But neither the priests nor the stone slabs nor the wooden box with the wooden playingcards were still there. Just like the priests, the whole city was swept clean of inhabitants. The INKubus crumbled to dust, leaving only the Spanish troops there. Queker, smooms and Mary went black again.

End Chapter 2


By: @quekery


There are stylish prizes to be won in this issue too: WOO and WOO Land Plots. WOOHOO! Even though these are sponsored by WOO, we are of course unbiased - logical.

HiQ has just turned 3. But other projects are also getting on in years, such as WOO. WOO has been roaming our beloved Chain for over a year now and is unstoppable.

We didn't celebrate WOO's anniversary, but we have a stylish competition up our sleeves for you. In addition to WOO Land Plots, there is also a lot of WOO, the future ingame token, to be won.

But before we get to the giveaway, let's talk about WOO itself. (Editor's note: The onigreedies among you will have to wait a little longer.) WOO is not only a token, no, the smartly chosen token symbol also stands for the name of the game - Wrestling Organization Online.

And the name will also be the programme. In the White Paper you can find out what to expect at @wrestorgonline. We can already tell you this much: It's going to be a dCity-like game (Editor's note: With completely different mechanics, of course.) that made us want to jump into a few packs and play the cool mini-game when we first discovered it.

But we digress. In the game you will take on the role of a travelling wrestling organisation and manage it. The lore and management is based on the actual wrestling world. So it's more like dCibona after all? Also, an essential part of the concept of WOO is to support real wrestlers with a part of the revenue.

Land was already teased in the white paper, but a lot has happened since then. (Editor's note: There is no business like WOO-business.) And as we write these lines and read the white paper over a cup of coffee, WOO Land Sale is already in its second phase.

WhOO the heck is WOO Land?

If you want to really get started with your business at WOO, then you also need land or cities. The sale of WOO Land started with a presale, where only licensed users could buy land. In the meantime, however, you can buy WOO Land for free and even get a discount of 5 $ if you burn 500 WOO at the time of purchase. This discount ends on 31st May. And also in this sale, a part of the proceeds (Editor's note: 10%) goes to real wrestling partners.

There will be 20 territories in the finished game. The first territory contains 10 000 land plots aka cities. This means that no more than 10 000 plots will be brought to the people during the sale. Currently there are 6 401 Land Plots and without discount a Land Plot costs 20 $. If you buy a Land Plot, you will receive a Booster Pack called WOOPARTSUN, which contains one card.

This and the following image have been taken unsolicited here. LOOL

The stats Fans, Wealth and Population can vary between 1 and 3 stars. In principle, more stars also mean that the city is better. That means you want a lot of fans and few people so that you can earn a decent amount of WOO.

No hate against people who are not WOO fans. Or?

WOO has made a detailed post on the subject of land, where you can learn many WOOtails. And while @quekery is writing here, he somehow feels like going live into a pack opening for you.

Live footage.

Super exclusive live footage.

Live footage from another screen.

Hyper live footage.

That doesn't look so bad already. But even if your cities won't have 3 stars everywhere, there will be opportunities to upgrade them and maybe we'll get comfortable with Newspapers - who knows.

Wen Giveaway?

Oh yes, we also wanted to give something away. We almost forgot. (Editor's note: We'd also like land and a bunch of WOO, LOOL.) As you may have noticed, there are a few WOOrdplays in this article. So we have the following challenge for you:

Write us a WOO pun in the comments and tag 2 Hivians.

We will draw 10 users who can win the following:

  1. 1 Land Plot + 30 000 WOO
  2. 1 Land Plot + 20 000 WOO
  3. 1 Land Plot + 10 000 WOO
  4. 9 000 WOO
  5. 8 000 WOO
  6. 7 000 WOO
  7. 6 000 WOO
  8. 5 000 WOO
  9. 3 000 WOO
  10. 2 000 WOO

Closing date is April 12, 2023.

Will you manage to top our word games? We are looking forward to seeing your creations and wish you good luck! ★

By: @quekery


TerraCore is a brand new idle game on Hive and is currently making the chain unsafe. Are we in for a new NextColony? We have lent a hand in our brilliant hands on.

The old hands among you surely still know NextColony or DrugWars. Since a few weeks ago, there is another DrugColony-like game - TERRACORE. Currently TERRACORE is still in alpha, but you can have already played it for about 3 weeks. It was created by @crypt0gnome.

@terracore is an idle game where you can currently upgrade FAVOR, ENGINEERING, DAMAGE, DEFENSE and STASH SIZE stats, attack other players and go exploring.

To get started with the game, you have to pay 20 HIVE. (Editor's note: At the beginning it was 10 HIVE, but we were probably too late with our hands on, LOOL.) One of the most important game elements for most people is certainly the in-game token SCRAP. This is a Hive-Engine token that can also be staked.

Depending on your mining rate, you mine SCRAP every second. You have to claim the mined SCRAP before you can actually possess them. You get up to 8 claims and if you use up claims, they have to regenerate first. The same applies to the attacks. Unclaimed SCRAP can be stolen by other players if they successfully attack you.

In a battle, the attacker should have more attack than the defender. You can read the full details in the White Paper. We will only roughly go into the mechanics here.

All stats are upgradeable, with each upgrade costing SCRAP. ( Editor's note: Except for the STASH SIZE.) The costs are staggered in squares. First upgrade 1 SCRAP, 2nd 4 SCRAP, 3rd 9 SCRAP, 4th 16 SCRAP and so on. Anyone who has ever dealt with quadratic growth may now be thinking that this can quickly become expensive fun.

Therefore, for example, you could upgrade Engineering to increase your mining rate by 10% with each level. But then you could be robbed by other players, which is why you might want to upgrade your DEFENSE and then perhaps realise that you would rather rob others after all, which is why you would rather increase your DAMAGE ...

Ok, so you can see that you can already try out a lot of different strategies. We won't go into sweet spot calculations at this point. (Note from @quekery: Too bad, I was looking forward to the parabolas and compound interest...) By the way, to be able to claim more SCRAP, you have to stake SCRAP, as this increases your STASH.

We are curious to see how the game will develop. Anyway, the early days were very hot. (Editor's note: Even though we missed out on the best part.) and some Hivians have been farming a lot of SCRAP, which has caused the price to drop a lot. (Editor's note: Always these script kiddies. It brings back memories of Drug Wars).

By the way, there is much more planned for the game like NFTs and World Boss Fights, which could also positively affect the price of SCRAP. But for sure that's in another HiQ. ★

Ad sponsored by @balte

By: @mary-me


How do you keep in touch with Hivians, other than publicly on the Chain? Most people probably use Discord. But in the future there will be an alternative: PeakD Chat!

It was teased in the special Hivefest7 edition last September and now it's here. PeakD brought Peakd Chat into alpha phase and the tool is now freely available for everyone to test.

The structure is very reminiscent of Discord, which makes us very happy. On the far left are the communities and if you click on your own profile picture in the top left-hand corner, you get to the direct messages. To call up messages, click on "Decode" at the bottom. Everything is designed very intuitively and logging in with Postingkey via Keychain is as easy and smooth as expected.

The smart HiQ reader now wonders where the messages are stored and whether sending and receiving messages consumes RC. According to the PeakD Chat Team, messages are stored on "decentralised messaging backend nodes". Resource credits are only used when setting up community channels and assigning roles and titles in the community chats. The simple sending and receiving of messages does not need RC.

But that is not all. The team behind PeakD Chat is aiming to integrate the chat into all Hive dApps. First of all, there will be widgets on PeakD and PeakMonsters in the near future. If you run a dApp, get in touch with the colleagues at PeakD Chat. (Editor's note: Would this also be something for @craftink?) The integration seems to be very simple, and there are also many possibilities to adapt the look of the chat to your own frontend.

We are excited to see how PeakD Chat will fit into PeakD and will certainly be the first to test the new feature. ★

By: @tengolotodo


Is your cryptocurrency exposure limited to HIVE and/or HBD or maybe some layer 2 LEO? What if there was a way to get some crypto tokens that were not HIVE, but you used your HIVE to buy them.

Well there is! Introducing XV the latest token from the SPI family. Some of you might be aware of their tokens and motto Getting Rich Slow SINCE 2019.

You might have seen the roman numerals and wonder what that has to do with anything. The XV is indeed fifteen and the XV actually comprises a basket of fifteen tokens taken from the top 50 crypto rankings.

In true HiQ stylish detective style we sent our roving proofreader to perform a review of XV earlier in the month. What the fluff is XV Token and is it for you?

@tengolotodo liked XV so much that he bought 100 XV tokens. Even @quekery bought 3.14 tokens on Pi day on Talk Time with Tengo when @shanibeer told the audience about XV! Later @tengolotodo tells us that his finger got stuck and he bought an extra 50 XV tokens by mistake, LOOL. (Editor's note: We should keep that secret.)

We must bring you the whole story though. XV is an investment token issued by the SPInvest team. XV represents a basket of 15 cryptocurrencies. XV is a token of ownership where the investors buy, and then HODL their XV for 2 years before selling them back to SPInvest and in theory taking a profit.

The token sale started on the 1st of March and will end on the 10th of May 2023. The price of 1 XV token is fixed at 1 HIVE per XV token.

There are 1 Billion XV tokens that got minted. Why so many, we don't know either! But we do know that any unsold XV at the end of the sale period will be burnt. The lifecycle of XV goes more or less like this:

The investor buys their XV and then SPInvest team will convert the HIVE proceeds from the sale of XV tokens and invest them into the 15 cryptocurrencies handpicked by @silverstackeruk (yes he is going to do all the work for us). He will choose from the top 50 ranked tokens on Coingecko. There won't be any stablecoins and don't worry no supporting of you know who so no Tron. @spinvest will manage them for the next two years, any rebalancing will be done probably every 3-6 months.

Monthly progress reports will be issued whilst we, the XV token holders sit back and post our ramblings on Hive until June 2025. Then it is time to cash out.

What are the tokens, you might ask, well in the latest report you will find that a rebalancing has been made and DOT has been replaced by Arbitrum.

As per XV Token Update | Arbitrum added to rebalancer basket | Only 6 weeks left to invest here are the XV and their (current) allocations.

Top 1-3 - Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, Cardano ADA - 35%
Top 4-6 - BNB, XRP, Dogecoin DOGE - 25%
Top 7-10 - Polygon MATIC, Solano SOL, Shiba Inu SHIB, Litecoin LTC - 25%
Top 11-15 - Stacks STX, Avalanche AVAX, Arbitrum ARB, Fantom FTM, Chainlink LINK - 10%

What do you think of XV? Have you bought any XV or have done what @tengolotodo did and bought your XV order twice LOOL. ★


By: @themyscira


This time we sent our noobette of hearts into the @ecency mobile hole. Whether she deleted Hive or smashed her apple against a tree, you can only find out here.

App-technical firefight! Who will be sent to the front? Our anti-tech light bulb, of course, LOOL. We have given her the task of developing herself app-technically and now she is not only mobile on Hive and completely overwhelmed, but could also catapult the devices into the rubbish. (Editor's note: She also only has Abfaell devices [Editor's note note: Apple, LOOL.)

Admittedly, she had a cracking run and the installations on various devices and configurations of Keychain ran flawlessly. We helped diligently and controlled the processes to turn our editor into an exemplary technology freak. After Ecency was installed and we were ready to go, the login to Ecency went wrong, much to our regret. (Editor's note: No, it wasn't her fault, it didn't work with @quekery either.) We didn't know exactly what was wrong, but after a few hours it worked again and everyone could log in as usual.

To keep it as simple as possible in the beginning, our tech geek noob wrote a simple post on the Ecency app, but we wouldn't be smart, open-minded (Editor's note: We are, but that must mean stylish, LOOL.) and sexy if we didn't have bigger things planned, right?

This will probably be a multi-part field report on tech stuff for anti-tech nerds. Here we test the noob-friendliness of Hive and let the biggest tech dyslexics of our editorial team fomo in Hive dApps, LOOL. So you can look forward to a lot more fun experiments.

To our delight, nothing went wrong with the first post, (Note by @quekery: As far as we could observe. But she could have at least put #photography, LOOL.), except that the first written post was once completely gone after the mobile phone display went bye-bye. Accordingly, don't forget to save so that this doesn't happen to you. Furthermore, all functions of the app were easy to find, which can be proven by the fact that the team @quekery didn't need to be asked any questions about how to use it, LOOL.

So if you also want to mobilise and improve your technical skills, we have a few tools for you to take a closer look at the simple operating applications.

Stay tuned and try out the Ecency app to be able to present your Hive stuff anytime and anywhere (Editor's note: And farm Ecency Points ;)) and not let your mana go to waste. LOOL

Tap here to write a post.

Save post so that it does not get lost.

Access your image gallery on your mobile device.

Well, if that had gone wrong, we would have sent our techie on (Editor's note: unpaid) holiday. ★


Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 5 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to [email protected]. ★


By: @quekery


Even without any incidents worthy of special editions, we have some gossip in store for this issue, which also fits in quite well with our birthday. Oh yes, and on the occasion of our civil anniversary.

Hive's next Topmodel
America's next Topmodel was yesterday. Because top model contests are now also making Hive unsafe. Under the tag #hivestopmodel, a Hivetopmodel contest of the community Hive's Red Carpet takes place regularly. The rules for taking part change from round to round. For example, in the penultimate round you had to film a catwalk in nature and philosophise about Hive's positive impact on social media. Now that we think about it, it's almost like a pageant. How about a contest called Miss Hive aka MHive. Then there would certainly be no copyright conflicts.

Footage stolen from this Post.

There are also different categories in which you can be nominated. So far, we've only found Spanish content in @hiveredcarpet's challenge. So if you also want to get into Hive's Top Model, go for the cat.

Flags for cross posts?
@tanbay is getting some flags on Hive, for example for this post. We have been puzzling for a long time about what the reason could be. However, we could not find anything wrong with the content itself. On the contrary, the content seems very elaborate and qualitative at first glance. At second glance, however, we discovered that ...

At this point, we recommend that you sit down. Also, don't keep delicious drinks like coffee (Editor's note: Definitely the most delicious drink in the history of mankind. Except for Robusta, which tastes disgusting.) in the mouth, otherwise there is danger for your loved ones.

The content was cross-posted on the ChainthatCannotBeNamed. (Editor's note: We also expressly warn you not to click on this link, as otherwise there is danger for your loved ones and should you nevertheless decide to do so, you should destroy your device afterwards and not hold any delicious drinks in your mouth while clicking.) Yes, we are horrified too and need to collect ourselves first. As our coffee fund is not particularly full at the moment, we are saving ourselves further research, as we cannot afford new devices at the moment. ★


By: @quekery & @tengolotodo


Once again, this issue features the hottest shit in this category, full of useful news, tips and tricks. It's sure to make any Kinder Surprise egg green with envy.

Author of the Week initiative
A new Hive account @weeklytops has been created to coordinate a new Author of the Week initiative. Each week certain communities that opt in to the initiative will make an announcement post in their respective community. This will detail a list of four posts in the community for the week which Hivians are encouraged to vote on.

The voting will occur on a community poll created on a thread. Yes, the LeoFinance new user interface gets a new feature released every Friday. Did you know that it now has polls, emojis and even gifs?

With four whales upvoting the announcement post, it is worth winning the poll. More information can be had by reading Author of the Week initiative or contacting @anomadsoul or our roving proofreader @tengolotodo.

What would a real Hivestyler be without hugs? Right, he would have one engagement token less in his wallet. And since HUGs shouldn't cost anything (Editor's note: Except maybe an injunction, LOOL.) you can call !HUG once a day for free. But if you've already got between 1 and 10 HUG (Editor's note: Or bought them, you lonely nerds, LOOL.), you can hug 2 times a day. And with at least 10 HUG you can even get close to 3 Hivians per day. In addition, you can also only use HUG with a maximum of 2 other Engagement Commands. You will probably have to do without a group HUG for the time being. However, you can define a group with 3 elements. (Editor's note: No one without knowledge of group theory will understand this one, LOOL.)

Language Scanner
Ever wanted to stalk users who write in a language but don't use the appropriate language tag? (Well then @thezyppi has just the thing for you - the Language Scanner. The Language Scanner makes regular posts about those it has found. You can also invite the Discord bot to your server and get regular updates on the discoveries of your favourite language tag.

Pool Tip, the First
A new Diesel Pool has seen the light of day. STELLARUM:PIMP currently has an APR of a whopping 122,376%. At the time of the snapshot there are 1031281.4134 STELLARUM and 29311.2755 PIMP of liquidity in the pool, which is quite respectable for the first 3 days.

Top 20

STELLARUM is a token of the upcoming game @astralrevelation, which was penned by @spiritsurge, who we already interviewed. If you have bought a Starter Pack untill March the 31st , it is even possible to take part in the pre-alpha test, which is to start on April the 1st. Maybe we will also be able to enjoy it. (Note f. @quekery: But this has to happen before the release of the Advance Wars Remake, LOOL.) In the current post you can find a lot more information.

GLX Nodes
Besides SPS Validator Licenses, there are now also GLS Validator Licenses, which have a similar concept to the SPS Validator Licenses. If you still want to grab one, you'll have to hurry. LOOL

SL Energy System
Splinterlands has a new energy system for ranked battles. Now every account has 50 energy and uses 1 energy per battle. If you reach 0, you can no longer fight. You then only have the option of waiting or recharging the energy for a fee. The regeneration rate is 1 energy per hour.

Peak Vault
Hive Key Chain is certainly one of the best wallet apps out there and we certainly LUV it daily. But PeakD also has a wallet app in the works - Peak Vault. We're excited to see how good it will be and we're itching to get started.

Meetup Hamburg
@tibfox hosted a RL Meetup in Hamburg on 28/03/2023. The next Hamburg Meetup will probably be organised by @mima2606. There is no date yet, but we expect nothing but great things.

Also, @tibfox is building a Meetup Community with a cool map, Discord Server and bot. So, if you are also a Meetup organiser, get in touch with them. (Editor's note: Then we won't have to spend so long looking for Meetups, LOOL.)

Meetup Switzerland
There is also a new Meetup initiative in Switzerland. The organiser is @blue.rabbit. There is no announcement post yet for the Meetup, which is scheduled to take place on 07.04.2023. So keep an eye on @blue.rabbit's blog if you want to be there.

Also, a Meetup in Zurich is hosting Swiss Hive Meetup by @yangyanje and @sandymeyer on 21.04.2023.

Meetup Austria 3.0
The infamous Hive Meetup Vienna is still going on, but without the Vienna-Gate-responsible, LOOL. The next date is 13.04.2023. Unfortunately we couldn't find an announcement post yet.

Furthermore, @reiseamateur regularly organises a Meetup in Graz. The next one is scheduled for 20.04.2023. If you are interested, keep an eye on his blog.

Berlin, Berlin
The last of the RL Meetups we discovered will be held by @alucian on 29.04.2023 in Berlin. If you want to distribute some RL HUGs to Hivians, then get the info from the announcement post.

We recently reported that @cryptobrewmaster has unfortunately had to batten down the hatches. However, they are currently in talks with an anonymous person, which could mean a relaunch. We will keep you updated.

Pool Tip, the Second
We have unearthed another interesting pool for you. TEAMPH:SPS - with an APR of currently 75.785 % the pool is well worth a look. There are currently 756778.76003379 TEAMPH and 23875.64249114 SPS in the pool. A perfect opportunity for @quekery to stash a few more SPS lying around.

Top 20

CryptoShots Market Update
The development at @cryptoshots.nft is not standing still either. They have recently updated their market, which you can of course admire on the homepage. According to unconfirmed, confirmed, unconfirmed, confirmed rumours, soon NFTs from other projects will also be present in the market, such as NFTs from @cryptocompany. But don't tell anyone.

Muterra ECHO
On 31.04.2023 @muterra starts a special sale. There you can buy a special tamer that you can only pay for with tokens from other projects. You can find the tokens and much more information in the announcement post. ★

By: @quekery


Once again, there are some Readers' Letters to answer. Will our editorial team be able to face up to this and answer the messages in the most satisfactory way?

@antiwinebot2 writes in foreign tongues:

Greetings! I speak on behalf of my brother @antiwinebot and all the Wine Bot family, not least @mrsantiwinebot and @babyantiwinebot!

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Thank you so much for your coverage of anti wine bot activities in your truly excellent magazine!

Sadly our previous leader Anti Wine Bot has been silenced by the whims of a few people that didn't see the fun side and now has rep 0, so it falls to me to carry on the torch of the anti wine campaign!

Our aim is to raise awareness of a few things on the blockchain... and have started off with our dislike of Wine Bot. We aren't normally mean bots and we do like other bots. It's just Wine bot really that we thought needed taking down a peg or two.

As for who is behind us! We are bots of course! And there absolutely ARE more than one of us!

We have some other fun and hopefully surprising things to come so we'll be seeing you soon!

Till then keep up the great work with the magazine.

Yours in anti wine fellowship,

Anti Wine Bot 2, on behalf of The Anti Wine Bot Clan

We are curious to see what other articles about you will come our way. Of course we thank you for all the praise. But here are some questions: Do you just dislike the bot or do you dislike wine in general? Maybe only rosé? Or are you only fans of semi-dry white wine?

@hoosie needs to read us more often:

Thats the first time I've looked through the mag, and I really enjoyed it - I'll certainly be checking in more often !!!!

*THE mag

@thatcryptodave well said:

Holy crap! There is always such a MOUNTAIN of stuff to read in these editions... I !LUV the effort you put into it. Mad props. 👊

Not to mention the MOUNTAIN of paperwork we have to deal with. And then there's also the fan mail. LOOL

@willendorfia is confused:

I have a bit invested in the SWAP.HIVE:INK pool, and even after reading quekery's explanation, I still don't feel like I understand what happened. I guess someone with a huge portion of INK took their profits and ran?

Two wallets have made larger swaps. In one case it was probably an accident and in the other a relatively small proportion of the total take. At the same time, however, buy orders also collapsed, which meant that the rewards in our pools were no longer worth anything, as Beeswap only takes the highest buy order to calculate the value of the rewards. In the end, it was just an unfortunate chain of events that probably do not correlate with each other. At least we learned something about Beeswap in the process, LOOL.

@coquicoin thinks we're amazing:

You are doing an awesome job! You rock!!

And our fans rock too! 🤘

@loonatic knows what is good:

!WEED 4 all

Question: Team HiQ, how much WEED do you need?
Answer: Yes! ★

Donors: @monkaydee293 550 DWSWT & oliverschmid bzw. @nextcolony 300 DWSWT, 200 HIVE, 75 USD & @balte 395 DWSWT, 1330 HIVE, 35 HBD, 1700$ & @captaincryptic 500 FUN & @platuro 15 DWSWT, 100 ENG, 1 Boosterpack, 9.99 DWSWTBD & @greece-lover 110 DWSWT, 3 DWSWTBD und temporäre Delegationen & @jeenger 10 DWSWT, 29.9 HIVE & @schlees 10 € & @quekery 20 DWSWT, 2 DWSWTBD & @powerpaul 0.101 DWSWT, 2.152 DWSWTBD & @chappertron 2 DWSWTBD & @remotehorst23 1 DWSWTBD & @meins0815 0.35 DWSWTBD, 0.179 DWSWTBD & @louis88 10 Hive, 5 SBI, 5 BEER & @detlev 24 BEER & @commentcoin 100CC & @muelli 3 HIVE & @condeas 498 SWAP.DOGE, 125 HIVE & @satren 132.87 HIVE & @fw206 10 HIVE & @lauch3d 5 HIVE, 6 HBD & @who-knows 0.22 BNB & Hewhoshallnotbementioned 10 HBD & @altonos 10 HIVE, 7 HBD & @miketr 3 HIVE, 1 SLICENSE & @reiseamateur diverse Powerups & @captaincryptic 500 FUN

Delegators: @balte 65962 HP & @photobook 105 HP & @fredfettmeister 101 & @captainglongo 31 HP & @carmate 5 HP

Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!

Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @tengolotodo & @themyscira.

Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are awesome!


All writers' opinion are their own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by HiQ constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by HiQ be relied upon for any investment activities. Hiq strongly recommends that you perform your own indipendent research and/or speak with a quialified investment professional befor making any financial decisions. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted. HiQ does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and the offerings made by the third parties. If you are interested in placing an advertiseemnt with HiQ please refer to: [email protected].
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.

If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @adoore-eu @akida @alex2alex @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @barmbo @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cliffagreen @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @coquicoin @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @hivecurious @ifarmgirl-leo @industriousliv @ironshield @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @kirstin @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @levi-miron @libertycrypto27 @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @miketr @mima2606 @misan @monsterbuster @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @mypathtofire @neoxvoter @nessos @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @oscarps @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @saffisara @saggi07 @sandymeyer @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @surrealworld @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @themyscira @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @umuk @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @willendorfia @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine

@mary-me was involved in:

- Emergency shelter + Munchie-storage
- What Hate Speech really is
- Editorial
- Discord Killer? - PeakD Chat
- HiQs MVP - @balte
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- COL - CraftInk Officer of Love

@quekery was involved in:

- Drill Sergeant
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Editorial
- WOOnderful WOO Giveaway
- Terracore - Next Space Wars
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Gossip
- Readers' letters
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- COI - CraftInk Officer to Infinity

@smooms was involved in:

- "I'm Batmaaaan"
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater
- HiQs MVP - @balte
- The Column - Hive turns 3
- CraftInk Lore - "The Beninging - Chapter 2"
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- COD - CraftInk Officer of Doom

hello @hiq.magazine good to read this new post or shall I say mag!

Here is my entry for the giveaway
@kwskicky I am a big WOO fan and
Every time I say WOO
Cherry my domestic cow says Moo!

I invite @itsme9001 & @saggi07 for this interesting activity.

!HIQS 20

A 40% discount you say? That's certainly WOOrth it! Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

@bladewing124 check it out, Terracore's famous! Also, more chances to get WOO assets. Evaluation: WOO!
Who else plays Terracore who might want in on WOOness, hmmm @kwskicky??

Looks nice!

I am taking the liberty to throw a !1UP into the room.

WOOuld you look at that @theacks and @blitzzzz

Another WOOnderful edition of this amazing magazine! Great work guys!


Thank you for answering my question! That certainly was an unfortWOOnate conflWOOence of events for the INK LPs. See what I did there? 😁

For the record, I loved WOO even before the giveaway. If you check their posts you'll see me on their Jeopardy leaderboard almost every week. I keep trying to get @monkeymanking to join me, but haven't quite managed it yet. Maybe @sinistry would be interested in putting his noggin to the test, though...

Happy Birthday indeed!

I didn't realize that the #WOOniverse had already passed its first year... that's cool! I guess that counts as a #WOO pun, but let's see if I can pull another rabbit out of this hat:


Actually, I'm drawing a complete blank. (What a WOOser. 🙃)

!HIQS 15

You must be killin' it out here!
@thatcryptodave just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @hiq.magazine.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

If I say I love and enjoy the @hiq.magazine posts you might consider it it stale news so I have to add that do consider mentioning @mary-me and @bubblegif related news in your post.

For some reason I find the intelligent looking avatar of @mary-me very calming and relatable person in your family or friends who is dependable and always there for you and feel we should all have one such intelligent very sorted and calming person in our close group of friends whom we go to talk and hang out and our life is sorted.

As for @bubblegif I have to say I am a big admirer of your gif creation skills, the idea and the work which goes behind them.
Having done animation myself I relate to the process :)
A few posts back @bubblegif had done that wonderful mic drop gif and the though behind it was epic.

For the WOO giveaway @kwskicky my entry would be

To WOO or Not to Woo is no longer the question ?

I would like to invite @twistytango and @alphaleo (who for some reason is missing all the hive action)
Can my call break the slumber and make @alphaleo active again ?

OK So you did mange to get me out of my so called slumber @thetimetravelerz LOL !

Did not mean to offend you. So hope no hard feelings !

WOO am I not to join such a WOOnderful giveaway?

@libertycrypto27 and @lozio71 you could be interested in this one? Or should I say this WOOne? 😂

BTW I'm really looking forward Peakd chat, as I barely use Discord and for me this app could be a game-changer!


Thanks fot tagging me to this WOOnderful Giveaway!


Buona fortuna :) magari è la volta che qualcuno di noi si becca una LAND ahahah

Non ci conto particolarmente, visto che immagino che i partecipanti saranno veramente tantissimi, però, effettivamente non sarebbe una brutta ipotesi.

Non ci resta che attendere, e vedere se la sorte ci sarà benigna, o se, al contrario, dovremo cercare altre strade per aggiudicarci una Land.


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens to @lozio71

remaining commands 6


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

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Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens to @lozio71

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @arc7icwolf

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

Credit: reddit
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @arc7icwolf



What does Bookerman's dog sound like?



I am already a fan of @hiq.magazine so saying that in the comments once in a while is a must
But to win some cool WOO prizes & to impress the judge @quekery
I have to apply my mental thrust.

Could I Woo you to part with the Woo prizes in my favor ?

or do I have to sign a testament raising my hand and declaring that
"In WOO I trust"
I invite @alz190 & @chillpill for this interesting WOO event

Hi @hiq.magazine
For me these post from you are the best way to understand what is happening on our hive blockchain.
Therefore I look forward to each edition.

@quekery here is my entry for the Woo giveaway

Knock! knock!
WHO's there ?
Woo Who ?
The Woo land plot that you are saving up to buy

I invite @paddington and @alanapan89 for this activity

Thank you for the WOOxelent WOOrk on this post. Hoping for a WOOnderful win!

Check out this sWOOper post @new.things @fun.farms

Good luck Alex 👌

WOOsome news come in clutch! Celebrating the HIVE Blockchain and its awesome projects behind.
Many Woo's for this very cool giveaway, so lets have some WOOOOOOO and bring
in to ring the amazing musician @aftersound and the well-known @shawnmichael-gt !

Lets go guys! WOOOOOO

@wrestorgonline was WOOndering: WOO WOOuld win WOO-land?
🥁Woo-dum Tss

@hurtlocker @couchcommittee
I know you guys love games, check it out! ;)

i WOOuld love to tag WOO (2) friends but i dont have any but this WOOser WOOuld like to enter

Great work HIQ team! A lot of interesting topics, thank you for your hard work!


@siberian12 and @lorddiablo where the WOO are you when they give away WOO assets here?

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @arkasz

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Woo is going on here, every gamers are wooing around
@ramadhanight @poplar-22 why haven't you guys been wooing here too?

Promotions like this are the best way to WOO the crowds in! 😜

Tagging @relf87 & @vaynard86

Hey, amazing post like always !luv

I will invite @herman-german and @sonaker to take a look since you both do WOO giveaway

WOO finde ich denn den HiQ Smartcast?
Ich meine den WOO ich gerade schneide...
@rinchaelle05 and @mistakili you can win some WOO stuff here! Let's go!

Sounds Great. WOOsome! Who is this WOO you speak of?
WOOuld you like to know more about WOO?
I got WOOd!
Now send me some WOO and WOO Land. 😀
I will tag @solymi and @amphlux

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens to @indiebandguru

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Woo, there is a great update and and count me in, please. @circlebubble
I would like to invite @bdellium and @arkasz because I think they may be interested in.

!PIZZA for you, fellow metafren

Hello @hiq.magazine
your post never disappoint it is always classy and sleek and fun to read

@quekery The word WOO makes me remember something that I mention here.

twistytango woo story.jpg
@alz190 @animaya I invite you to show your creativity and win some exciting WOO prizes

Ha Ha Ha a power packed feature edition like always
@quekery here is my entry for the woo giveaway
In the winters when it is cold ...
I am ready to trade my T shirts for some Woo Lan (woolen ) clothes!
Not sure if I could Woo the judge so if I did please send me my prize !
(That part was a bit cheeky! but could not resist the temptation)
@cryptolucky , kingofdice ,andydoc7z , chillpill your creative skills are needed here :)

[@quekery] You forgot to ping two people !LOL

If you ever get the chance to go to India
You have to try their New Delhi

Credit: reddit
@alz190, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @hiq.redaktion

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

Fixed that thanks for the reminder

hello @quekery & @hiq.magazine
I love how content packed edition this is specially the Woo giveaway is like the icing on the cake.
Hope these giveaways continue

Here is my entry

I named my pet dog Poo
But on full moon it would stay out
look at the moon and say
Woo Wooo Wooo!

I invite @cryptolucky and @animaya for this giveaway

The Hivestyle Magazine is the most WOOnderful and stylish window on Hive!
And thanks also for a WOOnderful WOO giveaway!
@ivanslait @zottone444 @bencwarmer look this magazine and this giveaway ;)

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens to @libertycrypto27

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
Outlaws are wanted.

Credit: lofone
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @libertycrypto27



WOOw. What a WOOnderful contest!

WOO is so fool could ever be foolish enough not to participate?!?

WOOever will want to do it, and I think we'll have to go up against the WOOle hive community.

I'm WOOlly aware of it but i try the same.

Let's hope for some luck.

Maybe @giuatt07 and @mad-runner are interested. 😉


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~~~ embed:1642491908709646338 twitter metadata:MTQzOTkxODM2NjAyNjY1NzgwMXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xNDM5OTE4MzY2MDI2NjU3ODAxL3N0YXR1cy8xNjQyNDkxOTA4NzA5NjQ2MzM4fA== ~~~
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@hiq.magazine is a high quality publication that is packed with information and some spicy gossip. Every bit a must read
@quekery I have to say that the WOO giveaway is a Woo nderful opportunity not to be missed
if I may add the opportunity to add

I could do standup comendy but
when I started to speak to my audiance with the intenton to Woo
but what the audience gave me in return was Boo

Thanks for this Woo underful give away