[ENG] HiQ №30 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | CraftInk Giveaway, CraftInk Lore Chapter 3, Liotes, Golem Overlord a.m.m.m.

in #hiqlast year

Info für deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie hier.)

By: @smooms


Once again, an unbeatable issue is ready. As always, we've dug up the hottest shit for you. You'd think we were only thinking about one thing. (Editor's note: @craftink of course! What do you think? tsss)

We start this issue again with a category that has been in every issue since the beginning of HiQ. Do you know what it is? If you guessed the MVP, you're right. It's here again this time. But you'll have to read for yourself who we've chosen this time.

THE column in this issue comes from our talented editor from a faraway land, @mary-me, in which she revisits her HiQ journey. Take a journey into her past and read THE column. Worth it.

What comes after THE Column? That's right, the first Cover Story. Some of you will have been eagerly awaiting the third chapter of "CraftInk - The Beninging". You can only read how the story ends with us, in issue №30.

The Beginning to go with the Beninging... Which Beginning? The one of the CraftInk "Editorial Office" Booster Packs in the first CraftInk "Editorial Office" Booster Pack Sale. To sweeten this sale even more (and because we are turning 30), we have unpacked a hypergigantic giveaway for you. To find out what it is, read this issue. (Note from @craftink: And buy Booster Packs!)

Last minute, @quekery threw himself into Golem Overlord for you. Whether he is already an Overlord or what it takes to become one, he has certainly been able to determine for you. But there is only one way you will find out - you have to read the HiQ. So hop hop. (Editor's note: LOOL)

But our Irish Scotsman @tengolotodo has also been busy. He went into the depths of Liotes for the HiQ and became a real Liotian on their behalf. (Editor's note: Real Liotist. An original Liot.) Whether he kept his intestinal gases with him or whether it was just the wind after all, you can read in his article about Liotes.

We round off the main part of the HiQ here with a community. This time @themyscira dives into the world of shadows. Does it outshine all her previous community reviews? Just find a shady spot and read for yourself.

And last but not least, we have the classics: Gossip, Hivestyle for Hivians and the Readers' Letters. There was a lot to answer here. But before we go further into the issue, here's a word on our own behalf...

... because what you should also definitely do is fomo into the Commentary Discount Sale 1/4. With a discount of 40% on the current HIVE price of HIQS (Editor's note: 0.544 SWAP.HIVE). That means you can buy up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.327 per HIQS. Write the following

!HIQS HereYourDesiredAmount

in the comments. After 2 days, we will publish a post at @hiq.shares handling the sale. By the way, if the demand is high enough, we will increase the amount of HIQS to 540 HIQS, so that English-speaking and German-speaking readers can get their HIQS. We've done that before from time to time, but hardly anyone noticed. LOOL

PS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL!

Buy CraftInk Packs and now have fun reading on! ★


  ➀ HiQs MVP - @solymi
  ➁ The Column - Memoirs of a lector

Cover Story
  ➂ CraftInk Lore - "The Beninging - Chapter 3"
  ➃ CraftInk Booster Pack Sale + Giveaway

  ➄ Become a Golem Overlord

Apps & Tools
  ➅ Liotians assemble

  ➆ They have a bit of a shadow

  ➇ Gossip
  ➈ Hivestyle for Hivians
  ➉ Readers' letters ★


By: @smooms

➀ HiQs MVP  

For a long time he deserved to be MVP. But our list is long. But what goes around comes around. Congratulations @solymi on being named MVP! (Editor's note: And being a character in CraftInk. LOOL)

This time, @solymi is appointed MVP by us. With his podcasting skills, he has become an indispensable part of HiQ and has been delighting the Hive Blockchain with the @hiq.smartcast for twenty-two episodes.

We met Solymi in Amsterdam at HiveFest, where his fluffy eyebrows immediately beguiled us. (Editor's note: @mary-me and @smooms wanted to touch them. But that could also have been due to the Dutch herbs. LOOL)

Of course, Solymi isn't all smartcast and eyebrows. He regularly participates in the Leo Power Up Day and thus increases his Leo Stake. In addition, he works with @ravenmus1c and @tibfox on the HIVE Music Video Foundation project. He also writes articles about Splinterlands and is heavily invested in Hive Gaming, which manifests itself in streams on various streaming platforms but is also noticeable in his collaboration with Crypto Company CEO.

Therefore, this month's busybee MVP goes to Solymi. (Editor's note: Well deserved!) ★

By: @mary-me


Who would have thought? 30 HiQs in 3 years! Madame Secretary of HiQ (Editor's note: and CraftInk) tells how she came to Team HiQuarters and what has happened so far.

Sometime during 2020 I met @queker and @smooms. We were hanging out on the same Schwurbler Discord servers. (Editor's note: LOOL) We hit it off right away and at some point they told me about their magazine project on Hive. I already knew Hive and Steem, I made my account in January 2018 but had been inactive since then.

For several years now, I have earned my money by editing magazines, books, blogs, etc. I told them that in passing and I think at that moment they already knew what my future would look like - but I didn't know yet.

And then, it must have been in autumn 2020, they asked me if I would like to help create a HiQ issue. I said yes, but I had no idea what to expect. I corrected the entire issue. I read every article at least twice.

The collaboration with @quekery and @smooms was very pleasant, so that I also corrected the next HiQ and the one after that, the one after that and actually all of them up to the present time. Now we're on issue 30 and I think I've worked on 28 of them.

It became clear relatively quickly that I should become part of the core team of HiQ, because apart from editing and correcting, I am also quite good at organisation. And having a woman in the team never hurts. I think I will remain the eternal quota woman of HiQ, LOOL.

It's just a joke, of course, and I can handle it well. What the guys sometimes spout is probably hard for many to bear, but I've fitted in well and basically they are lovely, straightforward people whose moral and ethical compass points in the right direction.

And now we are in the year 2023, the HiQ appears in its 30th edition and many side projects have been launched in this time. Besides the absolute highlight @craftink, we created a HiQ Witness Node, the HiQ got its own H-E Token called HIQS, Diesel Pools were opened, a voting bot (Editor's note: !hiqvote) was created, a podcast format was established and one of the most important milestones in the history of the HiQ - we decided to publish in English.

This decision was not easy for us and we thought about it for a long time until one day we dared to do it. Since then a lot has happened and for about half a year we have even had a proofreader for the English edition, namely @tengolotodo. The Irish Scotsman is a great help to us in editing the English texts and in the meantime he also writes articles for the HiQ himself.

The English HiQ was important for the growth of HiQ and the connected projects. We are widely known in the German-speaking community, but there is still potential for growth in the English area of the Hive Blockchain. Our unofficial motto or mantra is: Continuity!

And that's why this issue also comes more or less on time at the end of the month and it's already the 30th - unbelievable how fast time flies. Now the baby is definitely grown up, LOOL, and already has children of its own, or so, LOOL. ★

By: @smooms


One last time we dive into the story of CraftInk and its beginnings. This chapter is to close The Beninging. What did the three HiQ editors take away? Read for yourself.

What has happened so far:

Mary, Queker and smooms travelled through time into the bodies of three Mayan priests. The city of Tayasal was under attack by troops under the influence of INKubus and was about to fall. However, the Mayan priests used the time to perform the necessary ritual and to instruct the three HiQ editors on what CraftInk is all about and how it might be possible to stop INKubus in the present as well. But we learn all this in...

Chapter 3:

Queker, smooms and Mary were again standing in front of the new HiQ building. The broker handed Mary the keys and the three entered the offices of the new HiQuarters. "Finally our own office!" said Mary as she inspected the individual workstations, to which Queker replied: "About time. That was really exhausting, managing all the staff via Discord. That was always a rollercoaster of emotions on the last Wednesday to actually bang out an issue." He threw his core team buddies Mary and smooms a satisfied grin. smooms was having déjà vu. "Haven't we done this before?" he asked, to which Mary replied, "Right, it feels like we've been here before." The three of them entered the building and looked around. "The workplace here is made for you, smooms, isn't it?" tested Queker. "Would have really picked it, what a coincidence." The three looked at each other in silence.

The three of them now had the same thought - what happened was not a dream. How strange would it be for three people to dream the same thing. "We have to go to the basement," Mary remarked. She went down the stairs and the other two followed her. As the three advanced further into the basement, they saw it. Made of dark wood, almost like a portal to another world. It seemed almost out of place. The door frame was decorated with blotch patterns that were engraved into the wood. The door behind which the chest with the stone tablets was sealed.

"Duuuuuuude," Queker remarked. "I thought I was dreaming that." Queker was shocked. smooms continued towards the door and kicked it open. Without hesitation, they entered the room in turn, where, as was to be expected, was that very stone chest. The stone chest, which looked like a stone block and seemed to have no indentations other than the decorations on the top. "The ink symbol! We need ink to get this thing open," Mary said. smooms was already on his way upstairs to get an ink cartridge from one of the desks. Arriving with the cartridge, he pricked the bullet and dripped the ink onto the blotch symbol on the top of the stone chest, causing the floor to shake and the chest to open.

The three now stood in front of the wide-open chest. "I was expecting something completely different," said smooms. Inside the large stone chest lay a wooden casket. With the inkblot engraving on the top, it was clearly proven: This was absolutely not a dream! Next to the wooden box lay a parchment. smooms took both out and brought them upstairs.

When they reached the top, the three of them looked at the two objects for about 30 minutes without saying a word. Until Mary broke the silence: "Jo, don't you want to open that thing?" - "Let's see what's written on the scroll first," Queker said. Mary unrolled the scroll. The scroll said in the Mayan language, but the three of them understood every word, roughly translated as follows:

*For the editors: You must keep INKubus weakened. Play our game. We have developed a pack of cards that has enabled us to harness the energy of pure souls and shape it into an essence we call "CraftInk". This is released by playing with the cards and is used to rob INKubus of its full power. How you play the game is up to you. Try to find as many players as possible. Just don't forget to pour the pure souls of your nearest in the cards. Everything else will happen almost by itself. As soon as you read this, INKubus will not be banned much longer, if he still is. You don't have much time left. Play the game and find a way to destroy INKubus once and for all, so that the generations after you won't have to!

"A pack of cards?" asked Queker. He reached into the casket and took out wooden plates on which people were engraved and burned in some places. So they had to develop a card game. On the Hive Blockchain, where the three were already publishing their editorial outpourings, there were already various card games based on the principle of trading card games. "How about a trading card game, based on the principle of already existing games, like Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic - The Gathering? We could make NFTs of ourselves," said smooms. "Why not of all the users on the hive chain?" added Queker. "Bubblegif could draw the pictures for it," was Mary's additional suggestion. While the three of them put their heads together and philosophised about the upcoming game, the room went dark.

A mist rose from the darkness, stretched out before them in space and formed the outline of a figure. The mist became a man dressed in a black robe and wearing a hood through which, instead of a face, one could only see into the darkness. A voice sounded from the hood:

"So here you are! After more than 300 years, we finally meet again. I may be but a shadow, but my power continues to grow. Not long now, I will subjugate and rule over the entire world. You can't stop me. Don't even try. However, I give you a choice: join with me and surrender! Forget what these foolish priests have given you. I will win anyway. If you refuse, that will be your doom."

Mary had had enough of his jabbering: "Get lost, you asshole!" - "What was that?" - "We don't want anything like you here buddy", Mary looked at him with the look of death par excellence. INKubus gave in and disappeared without saying a word.

"We need to put every spare minute into developing the game," smooms said. Nodding their heads, Queker and Mary agreed with him and the three sat down to work on the rules for CraftInk. Legends say that they met with other Hivians to play a prototype of the game with them. But that story is in another book.



By: @smooms


CraftInk's Booster Pack Sales launch has begun. On Friday, CraftInk invited people to ask questions and open packs. We were there, too, of course. (Editor's note: Because this is our game, you joker. LOOL)

CraftInk is a Play2Earn2Support trading card game. The characters on the cards are supposed to represent archetypes of Hive and also notable Hivians are depicted on them. In the future, everyone who has the necessary assets will also have the opportunity to become a trading card in the game.

CraftInk distributes its cards via Booster Packs, which have been purchased via the Pack Manager of Tribaldex. These can be bought and opened on the website playcraftink.com. Here you can also view your own collection as well as those of other users. As soon as the programming has been completed, the actual game will be available for play on the website. At the moment, the team is working on the mini-game, which should be playable at the end of the second quarter of this year. Until then, players can already collect cards, trade them and sell them on the market.

You're probably wondering what the Booster Packs cost, aren't you? The Booster Packs cost $3 each, with the chance of a reduced price if you have INK staked or are in at least one of the two diesel pools SWAP.HIVE:INK and HIQS:INK. You can read more about this in the posts by @craftink. In addition, there are bonus packs if you buy larger quantities.

The packs have a print run of 100 000. At launch, 4 000 packs were put on sale and 1 000 more packs are added every Friday.

Key data

  • $3 per Booster Pack (edition: 100 000 pieces)
    • Reduced price
      • INK staked
      • INK pool liquidity provided
    • 63 different cards (+ all 63 additionally in holo)

Provisional Roadmap

  • Minigame: End Q2 2023
  • Maingame: End Q3 2023

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments or simply join the Discord. The CraftInk team (Editor's note: that's us. LOOL) will be happy to answer your questions there.

Or would you like to be involved right from the start? Then click this link and take a look at CraftInk's website.

But that's not all. Because we think CraftInk is so cool (Editor's note: It would be strange if it wasn't. LOOL) and because we are celebrating the 30th issue of HiQ, we have prepared a competition for you.

This time there are 30 "CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Packs to be won!

We will distribute the packs as follows:

1. Place10"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Packs
2. Place8"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Packs
3. Place5"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Packs
4.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack
5.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack
6.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack
7.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack
8.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack
9.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack
10.1"CraftInk Editorial Office" Booster Pack

Each winner will also get the same number of HIQS as they get Booster Packs! WOHOOO - today we're really letting it rip! LOOL.

What you need to do to be eligible to win:

  • Comment below the issue with a short poem containing the words "CraftInk" and "Thirty (30)"
  • Tagged 2 friends
  • Buy CraftInk Booster Packs (Editor's note: This is optional. LOOL)

The deadline for entries is the end of the countdown.

So what are you waiting for? Take part in the competition, fomo in packs and keep your fingers crossed for the makers of CraftInk (Editor's note: That means us. LOOL). We hope to see you at CraftInk too. ★


By: @quekery


The new Terracore-like Golem Overlord has been making the Chain unsafe for just under 3 weeks. We paid double the initial fee to do a hands-on for you. (Editor's note: Aren't we selfless?)

@golem.overlord is from Splinterlands Exchange aka SPLEX and is inspired by @terracore. So you can expect an idle game where you can build up your stats, farm tokens and take other people's hard-idle tokens. The game is currently still in alpha. In the White Paper we can read that boting is not allowed and that the makers reserve the right to ban bot accounts. (Editor's note: A slap in the face for all script kiddies, LOOL.)

We don't know how they want to tackle bots. Maybe they just make access to the game more and more expensive until bots are no longer worth it, LOOL. We already had to pay a hefty 40 SWAP.HIVE to be allowed to play at all. If you want to play, we have a link for you. There is also a ref system. However, in the HiQ we have the unspoken and unwritten law not to place ref-links from us. (Editor's note: Now we have written it after all and when the Smartcast comes, it will even be spoken, LOOL.)

Multiple accounts are not prohibited. However, we read in the white paper that it is rather part of the design philosophy that single accounts should have an advantage. So if you pay the (currently) 40 SWAP.HIVE in the hope of getting a piece of the "Ponzi" (Editor's note: not our words. They come from the community), the HUB is smiling at you. At the start you get 3 PART, the ingame token of Golem Overlord.

PART holds its value surprisingly well. At the moment you get over 1.5 SWAP.HIVE per PART and the volume is also impressive. (Editor's note: Currently $52262.4931062) A look at the History will give you even more details.

We liked the UI very much. In our hands-on, everything went quickly and without errors. It is also well designed, has many quality-of-life elements, such as explanatory texts when hovering over and the layout is also impressive. The log at the bottom right and the battle window look like in a text adventure. (Editor's note: 30 thumbs up from us, since we turned 30. LOOL)

In addition to PART, you can also earn SHARD, and this token will have other functions later on.

With PART you can upgrade your stats. New accounts even get a bonus on some stats and 3 PART. The more power you have, the higher your chance of successfully stealing other players' PART. Fortification, on the other hand, boosts your defence. Similar to Terracore, you mine PART. The mining rate depends on the algorithm and the golem charging station. However, unlike Terracore, you can initially only claim your PART every 8 hours. Unclaimed PART can be captured by other players. So always keep a close eye on your timer.

With more Faith, you can capture more from other players. (Editor's note: Every cult guru needs a lot of Faith, after all.) The Banked stat affects how much PART you can carry. Besides the mentioned stats, there is also Reputation. This influences how much XP you can earn and with increasing XP you rise in level.

You have to decide for yourself how to upgrade what and which strategy to follow. After all, this is a hands-on and not addiction strategy advice. For an alpha, the game makes a more than solid impression. As far as tokennomics are concerned, time will tell whether PART will become increasingly worthless or not. And the game will certainly continue to develop. ★

Ad sponsored by @balte

By: @tengolotodo


Have you ever visited planet Liotes? Have you even heard of Liotes, are you a Liotian and do you speak Liotes? Well we don't but know some Liotians. Let's go find their leaders!

What the fluff is Liotes?

Project Liotes or is it Planet Liotes? Let's find out by delving into the world of Liotians and fart power. (Editor's Note: We mean wind power LOOL. Don't worry all will be revealed in this article!)

Welcome to the project Liotes. It is a new genre in the Blockchain world. As the name on their banner states, it’s a blockchain adventure. It provides a mix between an innovative financial structure and blockchain gaming, all wrapped into a story.

You know how we love a story here at HiQuarters after all we have our very own In The Beninging! CraftInk FOMO have you bought some booster packs yet? The story began two years ago when @ph1102 and @achim03 pooled their collective hot air and came up with their brainchild @liotes which launched in February 2021.

Spoiler Alert! We did learn lots about Liotes on Talk Time with Tengo Episode 13 so here is some more about what we learnt when we touched back down on planet Hive.

So what does @liotes do on Hive?

Like any good project they have their website and white paper. We love a good story, so strap yourself in and let's regale the EPIC story. The lads discovered a planet named Liotes. (Editor's note: That much we knew already LOOL, tell us the story already!)

So, the planet can’t be inhabited at the moment but it has a small promising atmosphere and there is constant air circulation on the surface. We did tell you that @ph1102 and @achim03 liked their hot air. With their engineers, they developed mills that are able to transform this air circulation into energy. This energy will be needed to terraform the planet and make it fit for life.

You can of course purchase these mills (Liotes Energy Mills on the Hive Market LENM) that will produce an almost never ending supply of energy which can also be purchased on the Hive Market (Liotes Energy LEN). Each energy unit that is produced by the mills is automatically tokenized and credited to the owner of the mill.

What we at HiQ like is the community vibe that has been developed. Like most things on Hive there is an active Discord Server where they post weekly updates and weekly missions.

It was after our interview that Matilda asked Liotes what do they call fans and users of the project? In keeping with the community vibe @liotes then ran their weekly mission asking the community what should they be called. If Mars is to Martians then of course Liotes is to Liotians and Liotians became the name for everyone involved in Project Liotes!

Whenever a Liotian answers the mission post with a relevant comment they are awarded credits, in this case credits mean hot air LOOL. Well strictly speaking the more points you have the higher the rank of Liotian you become, and appropriately they are wind themed!

For example you start at the bottom DustSweeper advance to WindMaker and could potentially end up as a Hurricane Overlord. No Liotian is an Overlord yet and for your information no Liotians were harmed in the making of this ranking list. It is also fitting to note that project Liotes is on the side of the little guy on Hive!

What is the objective of this project?

The primary objective of this project is to create wealth for everybody involved. We think that says it all! Let's see you on the next mission shuttle to Planet Liotes! ★

Ad sponsored by @reiseamateur

By: @themyscira


In this community report, we're not just looking for a shady spot, we're shading all the shady sides to put them in perspective for you. Now put on your shades and dive in..

Only HiQ The Hivestyle Magazine shoots faster than its shadow, LOOL. In this issue, we thought we'd cut to the chase and delve into the world of the Shadow Hunters Community.

After the fomore rich contributions for the Shadow Hunters Community, we noticed that the shadow has many facets: be it from an objective, philosophical or even psychological point of view. Right up to the search for a shady spot at 40°C (Editor's note: That's 104°F for the weird people among you. LOOL), it really does hold many possibilities for consideration, and we have now shaded them a little more closely for you. LOOL

The objective lenses of a shadow show you numerous pictures of users in the Shadow Hunter Community, but there are also reflections of subjects. We have selected some of them for you:





Those were really shadowy pictures after all. In addition, we made an exciting discovery when looking through various pictures. Namely, that there is also a white shadow, which is both the source of light and the contrast provider of the dark shadow.

The light shadow is found where the light source is only partially visible. In the places of the dark shadow, on the other hand, nothing of the light source can be seen and forms the shape of the dark shadow after the light has fallen on it.

For all those who only see black, this can be a philosophical approach. Because, as the saying goes: where there is light, there is also shadow. So here are a few smart HiQ tips to deal with the shadow in us a little more compassionately and curiously. By changing our perspective and approaching the shadow with a gentle and open mind, we can learn valuable lessons and grow as individuals.

It is also important to remember that shadow work is a continuous process and not a one-time solution. It requires constant effort and self-reflection, but the reward of inner peace and growth is worth it. Have you noticed how much of these shadow patterns, reflections and themes of nature are found in our behaviour and thought patterns? This can help us gain insight into our shadows and what they are trying to tell us.

The Shadow Hunters Community is a great starting point for putting one's shadow in perspective, and if there's anything we hunt, it's self-reflection. LOOL

The community offers you the opportunity to take part in competitions. As usual, send your entry link in the weekly competition post and, if possible, start your entries with the title "Contest ENTRY" in order to be able to take part in the competition.

You don't want to take part in a contest? No problem, you can also write an ordinary post and disregard the guidelines given before.

In addition, you can exercise your creative shadow and reshape and decorate your pictures as you wish, as long as they do not alienate the theme. The fact that the photos have to be your own work shouldn't cast a shadow, should it? Your creativity is needed here, have fun. ★


Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 5 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to [email protected]. ★


By: @quekery & @themyscira


Gossip and affairs - you'll find all that, much more and loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots of gates here. Have fun wondering.

First GLX and now this
On 22 April, Splinterlands reported that 6M SPS and 8M DEC were stolen on 21 April and subsequently dumped on the market. The reason is said to be old unused hot wallets which were compromised. These wallets were used to bridge to ETH and BSC. We were unable to detect a significant price drop during the period in question. Well, not your keys not your wallet, LOOL.

Magic Dice was yesterday Chifi Bots is today
Were we dlived, then dlived again and then magicdiced? So many "gates" lately. We really can't keep up. The latest suspected gate comes from "Chifi Bots". Chifi Bots raised money on Hive a while back to try and get the upcoming game on another chain. Then they got money problems and asked for money again on the chain where they don't want to bring their game. But now it's been quiet on their Discord for a month. So silence on the part of Chifi Bots. Some users are not quiet, of course. After all, their investment is at stake here. Has the community been magicdiced? (Editor's note: For those of you who are new: Magic Dice was a game on Steem that also collected money and then, from one day to the next, nothing more was heard from them. Dlive, on the other hand, used our community to fund itself, then went on its "own" chain and got bought by Justin Sun, LOOL. Educational mission accomplished.)

Steem yourself in your pants!
Who is up to mischief here again? We don't know, but what we do know is that the user @topics-guru, is stealing content from @andyjaypowell and passing it off as his own. Unsuspecting, a HiQ supporter set to work giving tips on how to better navigate Hive, greeted the user in a friendly manner, and was notified a short time later that he had been duped by a content thief. The correct content owner @andyjaypowell reported the incident. ★


By: @quekery


Once again we dug deep and coded researched for @craftink HfH and collected hive shit for you. We didn't quite make it to 30 news - maybe for the 40th? LOOL

Big Birthday Party with PIZZA
Yes, everyone wants PIZZA at their birthday party. We are sure that's what @ravenmus1c thought too, because she's celebrating her birthday (Editor's note: after, LOOL) with a BANG on the PIZZA Discord. And the best thing, besides Raven's music and moderating skills, is that there is also something to win.

Now of course you want to know when and where. (Editor's note: Actually only when, because we've already told you where, LOOL.) Since we're a bit nerdy, we'll give you the time in UTC. (Editor's note: And not in 5pm CEST.) - Saturday, 29th of April 2023, 3pm UTC - You'll have to find out for yourself when that is. RAVEN holders in particular should definitely come along. And if you're not one yet, you can cleanse karma by clicking this link. We've also sponsored a few prizes, after all it's our birthday too. LOOL

New Beeswap UI
Beeswap by @gerber has always been the frontend of choice for us when it comes to using Diesel Pools. In mid-April, Beeswap got a makeover. In addition to a new look and feel, there are now also many new useful functions. For example, you can now see the liquidity providers of the pools and the performance of Hive and Hive Engine RPC nodes, and so on. What we don't like so much is that you can't see pools sorted by age anymore. This makes it harder to discover new pools. Still, this is nagging at a high level. Beeswap plans to become THE defi front end of your choice. If you want to support the development of Beeswap, you can support the project by voting for the Proposal. The proposal will run for 1 year and will pay out $70 daily.

It's over $100 000
You always wanted to earn a lot of assets and then also on Hive? You have a community or would like to push a community and distribute really high upvotes? Then we have just the thing for you - the Leofinance Adoption Campain. This mega challenge starts on 30 April. Basically, all you have to do is sign up here. From 30 April, you will have to complete quests and collect XP. The top users will win prizes at the end of the challenge. If you want to push a community, all you have to do is thread about the community you want to support and take part in the challenge. If you make it into the top 2, your community of choice will receive a 100k delegation for 6 months. We wish you happy threading. (Editor's note: And down with Web2, LOOL.)

Swap your HBD/HIVE
There are now several ways to swap HIVE to HBD or HBD to HIVE. We have recently discovered a new variant that we don't want to deprive you of. At Ecency you can make swaps via the internal market, just like at PeakD's internal market (Editor's note: HiveHub), which work almost instantaneously and don't cost any fees, because the internal market is used. (Editor's note: We like it.)

Kings of the Hive
@hivekings is the umbrella group of @hashkings. Hivekings works on various projects covering education, onboarding and integration. To realise these, they have renewed their expiring proposal and set up a new proposal. The proposal is for one year with a daily payment of 310 HBD. If you are interested in the proposal, you can read more information in the post on the proposal.

By the way, we find DLEARN particularly interesting. A key point of this project is to make Hive more attractive for external users. We think that's great and will keep you up to date.

Zyriel Master of 2 Elements
Splinterlands starts the sale of the new promo card called Zyriel on 2 May. The card is the first to have 2 elements. There will only be 15 000 cards and one card will cost 80 000 DEC. According to Splinterlands, you can get up to 50% off when you add VOUCHER to your purchase. Per VOUCHER the price is reduced by $0.25.

Keychain Proposal
Probably the overwhelming majority of all Hivians use @keychain by @stoodkev. The Hive Wallet has become one of the most important companions of Hivians over time. In addition to the reliable browser extension, there is also a mobile app, which is also constantly being developed. The integrated browser of the mobile app is probably the most universal way to be mobile on Hive. Keychain also has big plans for the future, such as the integration of multi-sig and cross-blockchain options. You can support Keychain by voting for their new proposal. The proposal will run for one year and pay out 600 HBD per day.

Level your WOO Cards to the WOOn
In the latest post of @wrestorgonline a leveling system is introduced. This is currently still under development. Basically, however, it should work as follows: You burn a certain number of cards and can level up the card. This card then also receives better stats. The number of cards you have to burn also depends on which card you want to level up.

Meetup Berlin
There will be a Hive Meetup in Berlin on 29.04.2023 at 3pm. The host is @alucian. Maybe you can still make it there last minute. Then you should check out Bernauer Straße 63-64 in 13355 Berlin. This will certainly not be the only Meetup in Berlin. In the announcement post you can find more information.

Hive Meetup Vienna
After Vienna Gate, a splinter group has formed which will organise the next Meetup Vienna on 25.05.2023 at 7pm. The leader of the separatists is @schmidi. If you have problems finding the location, try Mariahilfer Straße 148 in 1150 Vienna. Or read the Meetup Vienna Post.

Wen Meetups!
Do you want to keep up to date with the latest news on Meetups (whether physical or digital) or promote your own Meetup? Then take a look at @tibfox's Discord or his community HiveUp Europe. There is also a handy bot on Discord that you can use to query registered Meetups.

NEW Pool Part 1
@terracore fans take note: There is now a SWAP.HIVE:SCRAP Diesel Pool. The pool is of course handy if you want to swap something quickly. But the current APR of 57.384% is also impressive.


SWAP.HIVE:SCRAP has a liquidity of 1581.63694076 SWAP.HIVE and 7949.09327912 SCRAP with 3537.45552851293175223182 shares. The base price is 5.02586470 and the quote price is 0.19897073. At snapshot time, there were only 32 Poolians.

NEW Pool Part 2
And while we're on the subject of pools: @golem.overlord also already has a Diesel Pool. SWAP.HIVE:PART has no rewards yet and we don't know if any will be added.


SWAP.HIVE:PART has a liquidity of 854.49702144 SWAP.HIVE and 370.85454307 PART with 548.34138893330842491496 shares. The base price is 0.43400331 and the quote price is 2.30412984. At snapshot time, there were only 13 Poolians.

Golem Overlord
What? You haven't heard of @golem.overlord? Didn't you read this HiQ? Last minute we got the message that Golem Overlord is now introducing guild chats. We didn't want to deprive you of that. (Editor's note: Guild "THE HiQuarters" incoming?)

At the ETH Conference ETHBoston, which takes place from 28 to 30 April, at least one speaker will also represent Hive. This quest will be taken on by @thatkidsblack. We wish him every success and may the Power of Hive be with him. ★

By: @smooms


After reading the readers' letters, be sure to go to playcraftink.com and buy booster packs to satisfy our writers. LOOL (Note from @craftink: No seriously, buy Booster Packs.)

@thetimetravelerz is full on simping (and maybe buying more packs now):

If I say I love and enjoy the @hiq.magazine posts you might consider it stale news so I have to add that do consider mentioning @mary-me and @bubblegif related news in your post.

As the name of the magazine says, we are "HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine". Not "The mary-me & bubblegif Magazine". (Note from @smooms: Even though in my mind I would be much more involved with those two, or at least one of them, LOOL, unfortunately we are still a Hive related magazine.)

For some reason I find the intelligent looking avatar of @mary-me very calming and relatable person in your family or friends who is dependable and always there for you and feel we should all have one such intelligent very sorted and calming person in our close group of friends whom we go to talk and hang out and our life is sorted.

(Note from @smooms: I agree with everything, just not always necessarily sorted. I was also her groupie from day 1. And now look where it got us. 30 issues and a trading card game in the making. (and so on, and so on))

As for @bubblegif I have to say I am a big admirer of your gif creation skills, the idea and the work which goes behind them. Having done animation myself I relate to the process :) A few posts back @bubblegif had done that wonderful mic drop gif and the though behind it was epic.

She does not only create our gifs. But also the images on @craftink's cards. We know you have bought packs already but you should consider buying more. Part of the money also goes to mary-me and bubblegif. Just saying. :P

@andydoc7z came by before buying Booster Packs to say:

@hiq.magazine is a high quality publication that is packed with information and some spicy gossip. Every bit a must read.

We should consider putting this in our bio. Fits perfectly well. Did you know, that we are also making a trading card game on Hive? You can buy our Booster Packs already on playcraftink.com.

@animaya inb4 becoming a fan of @craftink, too:

I am already a fan of @hiq.magazine so saying that in the comments once in a while is a must.

That is nice to read. But are you also a fan of CraftInk - The play2earn2support Trading Card Game on Hive? It's made by us. So come join us at playcraftink.com and buy some Booster Packs, because that is also a must.

@alz190 is certainly already playing with the idea of buying packs:

Ha Ha Ha a power packed feature edition like always.

True, true. A lot of work flows into every issue. No editors where harmed while publishing. Should we tell you something as power packed as our HiQ issues? It's CraftInk - The play2earn2suport Trading Card Game made by us. You can come visit us at playcraftink.com and buy some Booster Packs.

@saggi07 is not only here for giveaways, but for CraftInk Packs, too:

I love how content packed edition this is specially the Woo giveaway is like the icing on the cake. Hope these giveaways continue.

We have all kinds of giveaways in our issues. In this issue for example we have a marvelous giveaway for the upcoming game CraftInk, where we give away 30 Packs in total. But you can also go to playcraftink.com and buy packs yourself. The money is then used to also support HiQ's cause and pay the editors. (Editor's note: And other stuff.)

@itsme9001 is looking forward to CraftInk Packs and...:

For me these post from you are the best way to understand what is happening on our hive blockchain. Therefore I look forward to each edition.

That is nice to read. You know what you should also be looking forward to? To each new Booster Pack Edition from CraftInk, where Booster Packs from the first Edition can already be bought. Just visit playcraftink.com and get you hands on some Booster Packs.

@twistytango will also not be disapointed in CraftInk:

Your post never disappoint it is always classy and sleek and fun to read.

But are the posts as classy and sleek as the card designs of CraftInk? You can just visit playcraftink.com, buy some cards and tell us. ;)

@alex2alex is thankfull (Editor's note: Also for CraftInk we assume.):

Thank you for the WOOxelent WOOrk on this post.

You're welcome. As welcome as you are for buying packs on playcraftink.com. Just rhyme away and maybe you win some in this issue. But you can always buy more packs, too.

@libertycrypto27 likes some good giveaways (Editor's note: Like the CraftInk Giveaway in this issue):

The Hivestyle Magazine is the most WOOnderful and stylish window on Hive!
And thanks also for a WOOnderful WOO giveaway!

You know what is also a window on Hive? CraftInk, where you can find each and every archetype of Hivian as a character card. As a CraftInk Card owner of the first hour you may know. Just tell all of your friends to also visit playcraftink.com and buy packs. ;) ★

Donors: @monkaydee293 550 DWSWT & oliverschmid bzw. @nextcolony 300 DWSWT, 200 HIVE, 75 USD & @balte 395 DWSWT, 1330 HIVE, 135 HBD, 1700$ & @captaincryptic 500 FUN & @platuro 15 DWSWT, 100 ENG, 1 Boosterpack, 9.99 DWSWTBD & @greece-lover 110 DWSWT, 3 DWSWTBD und temporäre Delegationen & @jeenger 10 DWSWT, 29.9 HIVE & @schlees 10 € & @quekery 20 DWSWT, 2 DWSWTBD & @powerpaul 0.101 DWSWT, 2.152 DWSWTBD & @chappertron 2 DWSWTBD & @remotehorst23 1 DWSWTBD & @meins0815 0.35 DWSWTBD, 0.179 DWSWTBD & @louis88 10 Hive, 5 SBI, 5 BEER & @detlev 24 BEER & @commentcoin 100CC & @muelli 3 HIVE & @condeas 498 SWAP.DOGE, 125 HIVE & @satren 132.87 HIVE & @fw206 10 HIVE & @lauch3d 5 HIVE, 6 HBD & @who-knows 0.22 BNB & Hewhoshallnotbementioned 10 HBD & @altonos 10 HIVE, 7 HBD & @miketr 3 HIVE, 1 SLICENSE & @reiseamateur diverse Powerups & @captaincryptic 500 FUN

Delegators: @balte 65962 HP & @photobook 105 HP & @fredfettmeister 101 & @captainglongo 31 HP & @carmate 5 HP

Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!

Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @tengolotodo & @themyscira.

Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are awesome!


All writers' opinion are their own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by HiQ constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by HiQ be relied upon for any investment activities. Hiq strongly recommends that you perform your own indipendent research and/or speak with a quialified investment professional befor making any financial decisions. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted. HiQ does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and the offerings made by the third parties. If you are interested in placing an advertiseemnt with HiQ please refer to: [email protected].
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.

If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @adoore-eu @akida @alex2alex @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @barmbo @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cliffagreen @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @coquicoin @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @eikejanssen @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @hivecurious @ifarmgirl-leo @industriousliv @ironshield @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @ivanov007 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @kirstin @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @levi-miron @libertycrypto27 @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @miketr @mima2606 @misan @monsterbuster @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @mypathtofire @neoxvoter @nessos @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @oscarps @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @rinchaelle05 @saffisara @saggi07 @sandymeyer @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @surrealworld @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @themyscira @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @umuk @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @willendorfia @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine

@mary-me was involved in:

- Emergency shelter + Munchie-storage
- THE Column - Memoirs of a lector
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- COL - CraftInk Officer of Love

@quekery was involved in:

- Drill Sergeant
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Become a Golem Overlord
- Gossip
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- COI - CraftInk Officer to Infinity

@smooms was involved in:

- "I'm Batmaaaan"
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater
- HiQs MVP - @solymi
- Editorial
- CraftInk Lore - "The Beninging - Chapter 3"
- CraftInk Booster Pack Sale Start
- Readers' letters
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- COD - CraftInk Officer of Doom

Thank for the well wishes. I’ll show the conference what they’re missing.

🎉 Look at this magazine numbered thirty
😘 It is so smart, stylish, and flirty
👀 Far as the eye can see:
☕ Sweet Hive tea and candy
🤓 This is totally my brand of nerdy!

!HIQS 100

@wrestlingdesires @esther-emmanuel ~ are you reading HIQS??

EDIT(or's note):

I got caught up in limerick
And thusly forgot a key trick
A CraftInk mention
For promo attention
So I snuck in an edit real quick!

I'll have a look :) ...


@jfuji! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Nice post as usual @hiq.magazine
Great to know some nice details about @mary-me

I loved reading the post and also the nice poetic rhyme that mentioned me thanks it made me smile :)

Talking of poems here is my poem ready for the occasion

I got a message from a flying birdie
that Hiq the smart stylish magazine is thirty
it is created by a talented team lead by @mary-me
who is a able & girty
not only is she the editor but part of a game too
The game is craftink
to check out the game and
to buy a game packs click this link
and I would end this poem here now
before my pen runs out of ink

I invite @alz190 and @itsme9001 to create and share their poem here

I've never enjoyed spinning verses,
Forcing rhymes like cheesy curses.
Yet the occasion seized me today
For a game I'd like to play.

CraftInk's what's got me all excited,
I need more packs, it's been decided.
So writing a poem is what I'll do
To mark HiQ's 30th issue.

Now I just need to tag two friends
Who may enjoy these odds and ends.
I know @justinparke liked to play with monsters,
Or perhaps be among the first adopters.

The other one, the prez of dCity?
If @ecoinstant is not too busy.
So let me end this poem right here,
Before it earns me another sneer! 😒

Shadow Hunters Community featured in HiQ 30! Its great to see we have finally hit the big time! Even though it is a bit shady, it is a wonderful article, @themyscira. 🌞

You are the first soul to thank me for a contribution to a community and I am just very surprised and touched by it.
I would like to thank you for that.

No way! All communities should be interacting with their contributors!
At Shadow Hunters we try, although sometimes we get overwhelmed and fall behind.
You got mentioned on today's contest post, too. https://ecency.com/hive-179017/@melinda010100/shadow-hunters-community-smash-contest-cf2d4acc3d50d

We misunderstood each other a bit, but my English also leaves a lot to be desired. LOOL
I meant that you were the first person to thank me for a community article in HiQ.
No one has done that before, glad it was you.

Thank you very much @hiq.magazine for mentioning my name
hopefully more success for you

These issues are always so packed full of great stuff, I almost wonder if you would benefit from more frequent shorter posts... but I !LUV it either way. And I've been a happy Liotian for a while now, although I've never heard that term. So good. 😎

Roses are red, #CraftInk is blue.
But don't fret: thirty prizes. (Phew!)

(@sydney.potts and @kpfreelance should check it out! 👍)

Can February march?
No, but April may.

Credit: bitpizza
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @thatcryptodave



I just found I wasn't a follower... argh, my bad! Now I won't miss anymore your posts :)

And here is my short poem, with the words "CraftInk" and "Thirty"! Hope you enjoy it :)

CraftInk is the game to play,
Trading cards to win all day,
Now this is the name to know,
A world of adventure to show.

Collect the Hivians and their lore,
Archetypes to challenge and explore,
Build your deck and make it strong,
With strategy, you can't go wrong.

The future holds a special prize,
Become a card and make your rise.
In the world of CraftInk, we play,
Thirty issues in, Hiq leads the way.

I tag @lozio71 @ivanslait and @p1k4ppa10


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

I was fired from the keyboard factory yesterday.
I wasn't putting in enough shifts.

Credit: reddit
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @arc7icwolf

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Crafting words upon the page,
Like an artist on a stage,
Thirty lines to tell my tales,
Craftink and creativity prevails.

Come check this exciting issue of HIQ @new.things @henruc

!HIQS 270

Comme toujours j'apprécie vos posts et vous encourageons pour vos efforts
!GIF Good Job

Nice post like always

I will skip writing a poem this time (not a poem type person 😂), but I did read the whole HiQ issue! Thanks for the @liotes review and kind words...
Appreciate the transparency and writing about both sides of HIVE... (good and bad players) It is important to have a place where we can "see" things that someone would like to put under the rug...

Great job guys and girls! Happy 30th edition and more to come!

Hello @hiq.magazine loved the edition and many congratulations on turning 30

Here is my attempt at writing the poem

The Ink flows from my pen
all the eggs come from the hen
there is gossip amongst the men
that @hiq.magazine turned thirty
the team put in a lot of work & the details are clear and not murky
I have news to share that is quite perky
CraftInk the new game on the hive blockchain is here
so grab the $3 packs and have no fear
for every ink that you stake
you will get a cash back and this fact is quite clear

I invite @saggi07 and @andydoc7z for this great creative initiative do check it out guys and participate.

I enjoy every edition of @hiq.magazine specially the ones with some nice giveaway
Happy 30th edition to you and the entire team

Here I present to you my poem for the giveaway

Breaking news! Breaking News! Breaking New
That is how the TV would anounces
"HiQ" turns Thirty and
the CraftInk the new Play2earn game on Hive is out !
Invest $3 to get the CraftInk pack
and be a part of the most happennig blockchain game
who know you could be a top player and earn some name and fame

@chillpill & @alphaleo do check this out

Hello @hiq.magazine congratulations on turning 30 and for the launch of the new craftink game

Here is my little poem

Dear @hiq-magazine I hear you are 30 editions young
so happy thirty to all you firing young guns
Dear @mary-me please note
That you keep holding firmly the editorial forte
that is the least we can hope
if the pope read this mag he would say Oh this is so dope
I see @mary-me you are part of the craftInk game
So when you are travelling back in time
do carry a jar of cucumbers in brine
the good luck would be entirely mine
if you change your travel co-ordinates and
drop in my back lane for a quick coffee with cream
it would happen some day that is my living dream

Take care folks ! It would be great if the entire team could be met over coffee
I invite @cryptolucky and @btcfan

Dear hiq.magazine team great to see edition 30 a wonderful achievement for the team and accept my best wishes for the craftInk game may it do well an grow.

Here is my poem for the give away

Thirty is a great stage to be
With the energy of youth you can reach out to the stars
if you wanna take a break you can do a stopover at Mars
One thing is for sure that chances are bright that
be it on the ground or in flight
you would never get bored if
you buy and get into the game of CraftInk
nice is the game and it could bring you some profits and fame

thank for this giveaway opportunity
@alanapan89 @aquamarine would be able to do this ? Do check out the opportunity.

It is always a pleasure to read the most beautiful magazine on Hive!

I am not very good with poems but I try:

When I saw the CraftInk bosterpacks sale, I immediately hit the Buy link
My goal is to buy at least thirty packs of Craftink
and I would like to find at least one Holo Fillink.

My tag: @zottone444 @stefano.massari @bencwarmer
@tipu curate

Grazie per il tag Liberty !BEER

!HIQS 10
(I forgot to include it in my first comment.)


@hiq.magazine! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @oscarps. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thirty issues, each one unique
in a world of pixels and bytes.
A vision crafted, so to speak,
where a game called CraftInk delights.

I'ma keep tagging @sinistry until he realizes your LPs are the best investment around. 😏

I was also happy to be able to finally see the card inspired by @monkeymanking's suggestion, last week when we all opened our packs on the stream. 💜 Thanks again to @ravenmus1c for hosting, and to the CraftInk team for answering questions!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( hiq.redaktion ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

30 issues is a great long and ongoing innings and congrats for the same hope you guys keep bringing out this great publication without interruptions, obstacles or breaks.
Accept my congratulations for the CraftInk game too.

Here is my poem for the giveaway event

Fresh @hiq.magazine edition thirty is out
If you wanna grow strong eat your sprout
it looks like yesterday when the first edition was out
and today at 30 it is playing so well like a batsman in the game of cricket that is still at the crease and not in the mood to get out
To win the craftink giveaway no rule should I flout
if you run into @mary-me do take a selfie and
do not forget to pout

I invite @almostpeter and @paddington guys come check this out

how i get your vote?

[@quekery] Spread the word of @hiq.magazine and @craftink !LOOL

PS: You also could stake HIQS and use our upvote command.

Wie viel wiegt deine Frau?
Frag mich bitte was Leichteres.

Credit: burn950
@pirulito.zoado, ich habe dir im Namen von @hiq.redaktion einen $LOLZ Token gesendet
Verwende den Befehl !WITZ oder !LOOL, um einen Witz und ein $LOLZ zu teilen.

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

We like the way you play the game! !PGM
Thanks for being a supporter of The LOLZ Project.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

how much HIQS, i need for use the comnd !HIQS
Do you have a table with values? for example if i have 100 HIQS in stake i can use 3 commands per day?

[@quekery] You need at least 10 HIQS. The command is hiqvote (starting with an exclamation mark)

Yes you use it 3 times per day with 100 HIQS staked. We calculate it like this.



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