Info für deutsche Leser:hier.) Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie
Reading this issue doesn't cost 87.50 € an hour and it doesn't cost 50 € either. It also doesn't cost 99 € for our (also non-existent) AI to read it to you, LOOL.
The Investigative Journalists, aka HiQmour Hersh, have gone down an incredible Rabbit Hole: Vienna Gate! The Vienna Gate story prompted us to do a special issue around this topic. Since Vienna Gate is so extensive, takes place to a large extent on-chain and we were also involuntarily dragged into the issue (Editor's note: bribes and threats...), it is a case of public interest for us.
Our cover topic therefore highlights the case and the various facets of Vienna Gate. We wouldn't be HiQ if we didn't tackle a very serious and emotional topic with a pinch of humour and satire. But even if we exaggerate a little here and there, we still refer to hard facts.
Vienna Gate also contains a lot of sock puppet accounts. (Editor's note: Is this a tribute to JS?) Find out how to recognise sock puppet accounts in "10 tips on how to recognise @jnmarteau's sock puppet accounts".
The setting of Vienna Gate is mainly the German-speaking community and users have often been accused of Hate Speech. But what is Hate Speech? And how does Vienna define Hate Speech? And are these accusations justified? We clarify.
We also briefly touched on Vienna Gate in our last Editorial Post and we received some comments on it. These are covered in the Readers' Letters category at the end of this special issue.
So you see, this super special edition is a little shorter than usual. It should be noted that it does not replace a regular HiQ and that we will of course keep to the usual rhythm. Therefore, consider this special issue with the focus on "Vienna Gate" as a little treat for you in between regular issues.
Due to the serious subject matter, we have decided not to place any advertising in this issue. We would also like to point out that we have not lost our sense of humour and remain true to our reputation as a "satirical infotainment magazine". We hope we can shed some light on this and hope you enjoy reading!
And you know what else could brighten your day? The Commentary Discount Sale 3/4 HIQS with a discount of 20% on the current HIVE price of HIQS (Editor's note: 0.556 SWAP.HIVE). That means you can buy up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.445 per HIQS. Write the following
!HIQS HereYourDesiredAmount
in the comments. After 2 days, we will publish a post at @hiq.shares handling the sale.
PS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL!
Peace out and have fun. ★
Cover Story
➀ Vienna Gate - A coincident?
➁ DIY Top 10 - Find jnmarteau acc
Apps & Tools
➂ What Hate Speech really is
➃ Readers' Letters ★
By: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me
We are on the trail of a huge story. Join us in the depths of Globalschool. Does the P in manncpt stand for Pinocchio? Or is it all just fake news? Decide for yourself!
This Post:On 25/02/2023, an unsuspecting HiQ editor was written up by @manncpt for being inundated with suspected hate comments. The reason?
author quantummaa
permlink dear-hive-i-have-to-clean-my-name-
body "I feel there is something that has to be written!
I asked Jean to make me this account, for what I paid 99Euro which I found insane too much. He told me that I am getting some membership stuff, which I never wanted. I got into that because he was telling, me that this is for the Mammasittas network, and I trust Mammasitta. After I asked her, if he knows something about it, she told that she doesn't know anything.
Nice, somehow it was cleared, but I was asked for more money, and then I started investigating. On the same day, his girlfriend was attacking me on my personal phone number on whats up, that because of me Jean cannot sleep since I told him some stuff. I kindly asked her to transfer me my 99 Euro back and I am out of their lives because I need serious people and not some children's running my future business. Then she shouted up, of course, she is here to attack but not to take care of financial stuff for his man.
Next was that I was that Jean transferred 3Hive from this account, asking me on telegram if I am allowing him this, but not waiting for my answer.
Today I saw he is posting with this account.
I want to clear my name here.
This is not my account anymore. I will delete what I can and I am out of this game.
I feel sorry for every confusion which was made with this account and accounts similar to this one. I thought I can trust, but I was wrong.
This is the second time that I am starting with HIVE. Both times I was disappointed. There is always somebody going behind somebodies back. I am done with the Hive Blockchain forever.
Please learn from me and take care of newbies, because this is not the way it should be.
I will share this article on my FB profile with the photo where I am prooving that I wrote that.
All the best and good luck.
Goodby Hivers!
Julia Bakos "
json_metadata "{"app":"peakd/2023.2.2","format":"markdown","description":"Goodby Hive and thanks for all your lessons I learned, and this is disappointment.","tags":["hive","community","cryprobrunch","hiveembassy","hivevienna","deutsch","goodby","thankyou"],"users":[],"image":[]}"
Okay, crass post and crass accusations. For all those who have not yet heard about the case, we still need to clarify a few things. And it would also be important to know whether the accusations are true.
Jean here means @jnmarteau, who is an old acquaintance of @manncpt. Apparently he sold Julia a course that cost 99 €. She was put in touch with Jean by @mammasitta, who, however, assumed that Julia would be given an account free of charge.
Yes, you have read correctly. There is an accusation that Hive accounts + onboarding training were paid for. @jnmarteau and @manncpt claim that Julia bought the wrong package. (Editor's note: The AI package, LOOL. More on that later.) But both admit that payment was made.
On the homepage of @globalschool and @jnmarteau we even find some packages with prices between 87.50 € and 726 €. We have several sources confirming that these "Hive business onboarding courses" are penned by Jean. And in the case of the Globalschool packages, these packages are explicitly aimed at Globalschool students. Are we dealing with a Scheme network that is pushing Hive courses on EU-funded Erasmus students as a business strategy?
CryptoBlogging Workshop get an account, a 50 HP delegation and a PowerPoint presentation.In addition to the courses for Globalschool students, @manncpt also has its own different courses to offer. These currently cost "only" 50 €. At @manncpt, participants of the
One user reported that he was even given the impression that he could only attend the Hive Meetup Vienna if he took part in the paid CryptoBlogging Workshops beforehand.
So let's get this straight: Yes, paid Hive onboarding courses are offered by @jnmarteau and @manncpt. The prices range from 50 € to 726 €. Apparently the customers include Erasmus students and also private customers. It is difficult to say to what extent this is a scam. But there are indications that it is.
What we can say at this point is that the paid courses were not communicated transparently. @manncpt did not mention this in any of his HiveFest talks. It was also never communicated to us or to the visitors of the Hive Meetup Vienna. In public, the impression was rather given that new users come to the chain through his work with the students. Who would think of up to 726 €. At least we didn't, when we upvoted many accounts of @manncpt, @jnmarteau, @globalschool and Globalschool students in the last few years. It was only when Vienna Gate really took off that the prices were communicated to the community. Is there a cover-up going on here?
You think it doesn't get any crasser? Let's imagine for a moment that someone pays @jnmarteau to get a Hive account + "training". What would you explain to the newbee first in this training? Right! NYKNYC! (Not your keys not your coins!) And what did @jnmarteau do? He kept the keys of the newbees, posted with them, commented and even deducted rewards and assets.
To which the common HiQ reader replies, "Surely you're making this up?".
@cryptobrunches and @cryptococoon are accounts of @mammasitta, whose keys she already changed.
A glance at @jnmarteau's wallet already speaks volumes. You don't have to look very hard. @jnmarteau and @manncpt have even admitted it. Although there is always talk of a didactically sophisticated, ingenious concept with some brilliant ghostwriting skills and an AI programmed by @jnmarteau himself (Editor's note: more on this later), this is not plausible.
his post that this was just an "oversight".For example, @jnmarteau logged into Julia's account (Editor's note: Without her knowledge.), pulled assets and posted. He writes in
Julia posted on quantummaa she was a fake account. Why? I've posted 1 article on the wrong account. Let me explain @Quantummaa and @quantumra have the same setup. I am ghostwriting and setuping for more than 150 persons and organisations on various channels/platforms, this is kind of free lancer work but for free for most of people who dont have enought to pay as they tell me, so as long as I can get back my rewards I am ok to buy things rather to make it complicated to start.
Ah yes, that's why assets are also withdrawn in temporal correlation. And these are then also sent back and forth between accounts by mistake. Who hasn't already done this? You onboard a user for 99 €, keep the keys (Editor's note: To log in by mistake.), then create sock puppet accounts called something like that, then send Hive and HBD back and forth to each other, and then still accidentally post in temporally close distance.
For Free?
We found this image in a post by @jnmarteau, which is temporally correlated to Vienna Gate and includes the same prices as @globalschool.
There are other comments confirming that 99 € did indeed flow in Julia's case, such as this one or this one.
So we have it: He charged someone 99 € for an account and an "AI package". He accidentally kept the keys, then accidentally made an AI post of his AI package and certainly also accidentally transferred assets from Julia to his wallet.
Whether @manncpt also accidentally keeps keys is unclear. But he defends @jnmarteau's actions. Coincidence?
Okay, keys were misused and money was collected for courses. But that can happen. What can also happen is that @manncpt tried to bribe us.
After Julia's post was published, many Hivians found abusing keys and collecting money for workshops not funny at all. After all, keeping keys contradicts the idea of a decentralised platform, and most of us onboard people for free.
Many users had questions and these were not answered satisfactorily. However, @manncpt felt harassed and threatened by the questions and did not want to deal with them. After all, it was the weekend and "he is not paid to respond to people's questions" and "he would rather spend the time with his girlfriend".
Apparently, he then had a brilliant idea. 2 teams are formed. While Team A (consisting of @sofibofi and @manncpt) will spend a leisurely weekend eating dumplings, Team B (consisting of HiQ's editors) will "moderate" the community's well-founded questions and accusations in a 24/7 act and spend a stressful, exhausting weekend. Afterwards, while Team A rounds off the dumplings' departure with a delicious BEER, Team B should also distract Hivewatchers from the valid lead and not have a nice evening at dinner.
This picture is NOT from the weekend in question. But this is more or less what happened. LOOL (Editor's note: @manncpt's face has been made unrecognisable for reasons of "victim" protection.)
We understand, of course, that one is reluctant to answer reasonable questions if it is not paid for. (Editor's note: We could take 87.50 an hour.) We were not offered dumplings with BEER or even 87.50 an hour, but @manncpt offered us an extremely (Editor's note: not) generous delegation of 500 HP. (Editor's note: With unknown period.)
please help deligate the hiq 500HP if you will moderate this for me. i can't anymore now want to spend the weekender with sofibofi. she mintet her first nft today
according to Linkedin company description) organisations and companies to create their own AI architectures. The website advertises "1st text-to-web platform using AI" and in a YT video we are shown how to build an entire website with simple text input.So what's the deal with @jnmarteau's allegedly self-programmed AI? DGM Dynamics, founded by @jnmarteau in 2020 in Brussels, Belgium, enables (Editor's note:
Further described on Linkedin, "DGM Dynamics develops unique innovative IT, cyber-physical, immersive experiences and all-in-one management solutions that combine Blockchain, IoT & AI to improve all aspects of the organisation and its capabilities."
It is also advertised that the "software" on offer automates, accelerates and tracks processes. It is also said to be able to generate legally compliant documents and help decision-makers reduce uncertainty in data-driven models.
That sounds promising, doesn't it? Well, not quite. If you read the description of the company carefully, it turns out that only "coaching, training & workshops for CEO COO CFO CIO CTO EVP SVP VP General Manager CXO President Senior Director Deputy Executive Transformation Leadership Change Agent of the New WorkSpace" are offered.
It is also worth noting that the website talks about "Pre-Order" and "Join the Waiting List". (Editor's note: Reminds us somehow of the CryptoQueen. Coincidence?) We must now assume that this "software" is not yet ready for use and that our dear @jnmarteau is only selling his "coachings, trainings & workshops" expensively.
The texts on Hive, supposedly written with his AI but looking rather self-written, have been flagged by Hivewatchers cracking down on AI content. LOOL
DGM Dynamics was founded by @jnmarteau in Brussels, Belgium, in March 2020 and, according to the company, designs AI and all-in-one publishing and ERP solutions. In addition, coaching, training & workshops are also offered under this company name.
GlobalschoolHive account. Apparently, Globalschool is about "training" Erasmus students. is, according to the imprint, a brand of DGM Dynamics. Globalschool was founded by @jnmarteau and is currently managed by @manncpt, who also manages the associated
On their homepage we find packages for learners from 87.50 € to 726 € which seem to be about Hive courses and another package for 242 € which is about 3D modelling. I.e. 4 out of 5 packages are only about Hive.
When asked, @manncpt told us that neither he nor Globalschool get any money from the EU. (Editor's note: This question is important because taxpayer money could be flowing for "onboarding" and sockpuppet accounts.) If they do not get funds directly from the EU, then the question is how the "school" is financed.
The only option left is for Globalschool students to either book 3D modelling courses for 242 € or Hive courses between 87.50 € and 726 €. The students themselves, however, receive EU funding. If we now add 1 + 1 together, the case is quite clear to us. The students use part of the EU funds to book training.
They are promised to be able to build a lucrative business with Hive. It could also be ascertained with some of the onboarded accounts that at least @jnmarteau keeps a copy of the keys and then posts on their behalf and transfers assets to his wallet.
We consider the likelihood that this could be a fraud scheme, for example to skim funding budgets from Erasmus students, to be very likely. The justifications of @jnmarteau with regard to the keys seem flimsy. And @manncpt's statement regarding EU funding is also implausible.
He only said that he or Globalschool does not directly receive EU funds, which of course does not exclude indirectly. So was there an attempt here to deliberately deceive the questioners? 🤔
Option 2.0here. is a registered association founded in January 2015 and based in Vienna, Austria, whose chairman is @manncpt. On @jnmarteau's Linkedin page, he refers to himself as the president of the association. The associated Hive account can be found
YUM Leadership GmbHthis comment.), headquartered in Munich, Germany, was founded in October 2018. The company is led by @manncpt's father. Until December 2019, there was an Austrian branch, which was led by @manncpt and @jnmarteau. By his own account, @jnmarteau acted as CTO and CIO. (Editor's note: This is an edit due to
Gov-As-A-Service is @jnmarteau's latest coup. This company was founded in January 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. He himself is Founder and we could not find anyone else involved. According to the information on Linkedin, this company deals with the "liberalisation of the public sector and public powers through decentralisation".
Possibly there is a connection here with a PM sent to us which says: "We are losing important allies in Brussels [due to the shit storm on Hive]."
Hive Europe and Hive Belgium. However, the Linkedin entries have only recently been changed. The activity started in December 2022 and ended in March 2023.It is also interesting that @jnmarteau presents himself as the founder of
This list could go on indefinitely. It seems like an opaque network of companies and NGOs. If you want to know exactly where else @jnmarteau and @manncpt are involved, you can find more companies and NGOs on the net. Have fun researching!
which according to @condeas were not actually made by him.Besides AI, AI, AI and "ghostwriting", another piece of the puzzle is interesting for this story. @condeas, a valued member of the German-speaking community, also participated in asking @manncpt and @jnmarteau questions. Apparently, several comments were made by @condeas as part of the discussion,
Even after changing the keys, further cases seem to have occurred. How this is possible is unclear. One possibility would be remote access. Another possibility would be the posting authorities of BuildTeam, PeakD or steemauto (Hive-vote). (Editor's note: No more authorities were given.) Said comments all look like they were written by @jnmarteau and include threats.
And in terms of hacking, we have another interesting story: A few months ago, the account @hamna had access to the master keys of several hundred Hive/Steem accounts. Among them was the account of @globalschool. The account's keys were held by @jnmarteau and @manncpt. After @hamna had access to the account, @manncpt changed the keys. According to @jnmarteau, @manncpt withheld the keys from him after the change.
Why were @manncpt and @jnmarteau best friends until Vienna Gate? But why is @jnmarteau now repeatedly attacking @manncpt, among other things because of @globalschool's keys? And why does @manncpt defend @jnmarteau until today? Questions upon questions!
As if all this wasn't enough: At the Hive Meetup Vienna on 2nd March, unanswered questions were to be answered. Days before, questions were dismissed with reference being made to the physical Meetup. There @manncpt wanted to answer all open questions. All of DACH-Hive was eagerly awaiting the evening.
The appearance of @manncpt in an intoxicated state was already a slap in the face for some visitors and it soon turned out that this state would strongly shape the course of the Meetup. According to insiders, @manncpt shouted around, made wild "hate speech" accusations and interrupted other participants while they were carrying out their questions. Unfortunately, the facts of the matter were not clarified.
While questions were still being asked, @manncpt went out of the location to "have a smoke". The patience of the Hivians present quickly dwindled in the face of @manncpt's behaviour. After a short while, @manncpt left the locale, leaving the remaining patrons unsatisfied. Even Hivians who had sided with @manncpt until then criticised this behaviour.
During the 2 weeks that Vienna Gate has been going on, it hasn't taken long for @manncpt and @jnmarteau to either take on an extreme victim role or lapse into threats. So accusations of hate speech and legal threats have been thrown around. Also, both of them now have "personal protection". Of course, if they asked us "things" and we only reacted evasively or with threats, we would certainly also organise "personal protection". How do you actually pay the 3 "bodyguards" so far? Or are they just AI-generated proxi-bodyguards?
They are even threatening us. In a private message we were advised to be careful what we publish, because @manncpt has legal protection insurance. LOOL (Editor's note: "Honhonhon... Lollue" is what the French would say.)
As of today, many questions have not been answered and we have little hope that this will change. But maybe we'll witness Vienna Gate Part 2, we'll keep you posted. ★
By: @quekery
On the blacklist of Hivewatchers there are allegedly around 75 accounts that are connected to Vienna Gate. We have already found another 20 accounts with the same characteristics.
With these 10 tips, we want to make it easier for you to recognise Vienna Gate sock puppet accounts.
These accounts...
transfer rewards and assets to @jnmarteau's wallet.
have a conspicuous bracket syntax in the headings.
have similar names to accounts that have already been exposed.
refer to other sock puppet accounts on the profile page.
are on the Hivewatchers Blacklist.
write comments that put Jean's actions on a relative level.
write comments attacking their critics.
claim to HiveWatchers and others that they are not sock puppet accounts, although the facts suggest otherwise.
were inactive for a long time, then suddenly reactivated, mostly in mid-December 2022, and fulfil at least one of points 1-7.
fulfil one or more points of this list and claim that it is not so.
By: @mary-me
"Such a woolly-wokey term as Hate Speech or Hate Crime is usually used as a weapon by those who have no argument." Quote from @stayoutoftherz
We received the following folder from the Austrian police concerning "Hate Crimes". In this section of the Vienna Gate special issue, we want to examine the multiple accusations of Hate Speech and whether these accusations are true.
What is a hate crime?
Anyone can become a victim of hate crime!
Perpetrators choose their victims and/or targets deliberately. They attack people and objects that represent groups they reject.
In the current case, that would be the group of suspected scammers, wouldn't it?
Hate Crimes
- are criminal offences.
- are often targeted against the victim's person, property or dignity.
- are crimes against people with specific identifying characteristics.
- send a message of hatred directed against the victim’s entire identity group (message crime).
- can be offline (hate speech) or online (hate posts).
We note: "Hate Crimes" is the generic term, "Hate Speech" refers to offline hate speech and "Hate Posts" refers to hate speech that takes place online. We now ask ourselves: If someone commits a "Hate Crime" in a Discord Voice Chat, is that "Hate Speech" or "Hate Posts"? No matter. In the current case, however, "the group of alleged scammers" would have to use the term "Hate Posts".
Criminal offence + Bias motivation = Hate crime
Bias motivation:
- a negative opinion, a stereotypical assumption, intolerance or hatred directed to the victim
- on the basis of their actual or supposed membership
- of a protected group
... "the [worthy of protection] group of suspected scammers" :O
What can I do?
Good records help the police and the courts to detect and investigate hate crime, and are important for planning and taking action to prevent future offences.
We were told in a PM by a user who feels he belongs to the "[worthy of protection] group of suspected scammers" that he has been "documenting his well-being in relation to Hate Crimes on Hive for a week". Very exemplary!
- If you feel acutely threatened, dial 133. The police will
do everything necessary to protect you.
Will the Austrian police now create Hive accounts in order to do "what is necessary", namely to flag "the hate criminals"? We can recommend someone who can create accounts very cheaply. For at least 50 € + 50 HP delegation (Editor's note: and PowerPoint presentation) and the police can come to the meetups. Win-win.
- If you have been injured, seek medical treatment and make sure your injuries are properly recorded.
"The [worthy of protection] group of suspected scammers" have hopefully already picked up their princess patches and the deep wounds have been properly documented.
- Report the crime to a police station. Witnesses can also report crimes.
What does such a report look like? The [worthy of protection] group of suspected scammers: "Hello police! I've been flagged by the [evil] Hate Criminals for 2 weeks."
A witness: "I am bofisofi and I can testify to everything!!!1!"
How you can help us catch the perpetrator?
Try to take a note of:
- the sequence of events before, during and after the crime, and the damage it caused.
Fortunately, everything is stored in the blockchain and the damage caused, such as lack of sleep and shitty weekends, was recorded in the "documentation of well-being".
- details of the perpetrator's appearance and the clothes they were wearing, as well as any distinguishing features (hairstyle, tattoos, glasses, etc.).
This point brings us to the issue of pseudonymity, which "the group of suspected scammers" keeps questioning. With statements such as: "You are hiding behind anonymity", people who want to protect their identity on the internet are accused of deliberately "hiding" in order to then be able to carry out illegal actions. It seems that people who rely on anonymity or pseudonymity want to protect themselves from exactly such scenarios that we are now experiencing here.
- how the perpetrator left the scene (car, bicycle, train, etc.), and which way they went.
The [nasty] Hate Crimer unfollow and mute "the suspected group of scammers" to get out of their way.
- the contact details of any witnesses who would be prepared to tell us about what
they saw (names, telephone numbers, etc.).
bofisofi, Vienna ★
By: @quekery
Let someone reproach us for not interviewing anyone. After all, there is this category. This special issue is garnished with selected letters to the editors.
@jnmarteau is rambling:
you can make an investiguation without asking the concerned people, those are all my accounts and I spent time training people who will never come as each experience on this blockchain has been with too much agressions and bad words towards people who aren't paid,
After all, all the parties involved were questioned. And you didn't answer the questions clearly. When @manncpt told us about you in December, we also voted for posts from then on when they were sent to us or we saw them by chance. Of course, we didn't know at the time that there were also sock puppet accounts. You also used our logo without being asked and could have approached us at any time. We have neither blocked you nor banned you.
Please show us just one example where hate and aggression towards your accounts played a role before the situation became public.
People who were not paid? You manage most of the accounts yourself. You've confirmed that several times. So you're saying you don't make money through Hive? What about the 99 € course or the courses that cost 87.50 - 726 €, which you even advertise yourself under your posts? If you don't make money with them, then there must be something wrong with your "concept" or with your "accounting". LOOL
I dont know for what Christoph is doing (i dont control his gesture) but I never earned anything I take my rewards of all my accounts to buy new community account to make sense of some pedagogy missing on most behaviors here.
If you don't earn anything, then your paid courses, which you advertise yourself... We repeat ourselves.
Christoph is your partner, defends you permanently and you distance yourself from him. Either you are trying to distract from something or you should not start so many companies/NGOs that you know nothing about and with whose paid courses you earn nothing.
NB: I miss one of my active key from the time Christoph asked me to recover the globalschool account which is also one of my personnal account. BAV
That's cold coffee for us. You don't have the keys because the account was hacked and Christoph had to change the keys. If you don't understand that, we're starting to understand why you don't know how to create accounts for free and that you don't keep other people's keys under false pretences. No wonder you earn exactly 0 € with the paid courses between 87.50 and 726 €.
And in case Christoph deliberately withheld the keys from you, maybe he shouldn't be running your company and probably farming EU money with courses you designed. Which, by the way, was confirmed by you and @manncpt, among others.
The students will arrive soon, You were there from the beginning @globalschool as co-founder & Tutor. As soon as the cultural program starts you will receive the posting key, again. 😉
@prinzvalium is already frantic:
Vienna Gate. Finally something really exciting. I am already looking forward to the sequel 😂
Well, have fun with this special edition!
@mypathtofire leaves nothing to chance:
Thanks for all the great news guys. I also stumbled upon another possible suspect introductory post from Vienna:
The Vienndora's box should perhaps never have been opened. 😂
@woelfchen, the impatient one:
What was the outcome of the Meetup?
Have you not read this special issue yet? Or did you have to take a "smoking break" just as you were about to read the issue? LOOL
@solymi must first go meditate:
I would so love to just post a blank comment.
As empty as the wallets of the "onboarded" accounts?
@danielhuhservice is waiting for the Hivemax:
This is more exciting than a gossip magazine.
Fortunately, a lot of information was served to us scalding hot (Editor's note: Like dumplings at the Almhüttn.) directly into our PMs. LOOL ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me & @tengolotodo.
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are awesome!
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HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @adoore-eu @akida @alex2alex @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @barmbo @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @coquicoin @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @hivecurious @ifarmgirl-leo @industriousliv @ironshield @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @kirstin @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @levi-miron @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @manncpt @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @miketr @mima2606 @misan @monsterbuster @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @mypathtofire @neoxvoter @nessos @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @oscarps @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @saffisara @saggi07 @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @umuk @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @willendorfia @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine
@mary-me was involved in:
- Emergency shelter + Munchie-storage
- What Hate Speech really is
- Editorial
- Vienna Gate - A coincident?
- Readers' letters
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- Secretary of CraftInk
@smooms was involved in:
- "I'm Batmaaaan"
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater
- Vienna Gate - A coincident?
- Readers' letters
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- Chief of CraftInk
@quekery was involved in:
- Drill Sergeant
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Editorial
- Vienna Gate - A coincident?
- Readers' letters
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- CEO of CraftInk
The Supporters were involved in:
- Proof readingDear @hiq.magazine members, Thanks for your contribution, as far as I can tell that was good research :). I´ve said it before and now I will repeat it. You may not know me and yes, I am the sister. But apart from being part of his family (Which is nothing I ever could choose myself), I and also YUM Leadership GmbH has nothing to do with all of this. Neither, Christoph nor Jean were ever part of YUM Leadership Munich Team! There was an Austrian branch office for the time you mention, which they opened and managed. But this one has nothing to do with the one in Munich. So I kindly ask you to remove or add the former Austrian address to your post(s), as it is simply not true. They never had a role for Munich branch and never did any business with @detlev nor any clients of YUM Leadership GmbH.
To the point dear @lizanomadsoul
Very well researched, I am speechless because of the extent of the account farm, that is really bizarre, but also a good lesson,
by the way, the investigation started because of this strange probably AI-generated, unlabeled post:
And another funny thing, the account farm also includes @internetsociety, a renowned organization of the internet that suddenly has an account on Steem/Hive that was miraculously reactivated in January to reblog content from the @globalschool farm.
Cray cray yo!
You mean I could have charged for lessons instead of teaching others for free?....
Well I've got a lot of amazing friends...
A sham-rock.
Credit: reddit
@ganjafarmer, I sent you an on behalf of @andy-vibesYes, you could, but I'm really glad you helped and are helping me for free, brother!
Well the more we all work together the more we can all really do something awesome.
True, buddy!
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@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Thank You for taking the time to report this story so incredibly well!
I am truly impressed!
Huge lessons learnt who to trust or not to trust
I thought that I am “old” and wise enough to avoid such nonsense to support the wrong people and projects.
I truly regret that I helped them….
I am so glad that Julia @heryanna told me just intime that my reputation “Mammasitta’s Network” was used to squeeze some cash out of my actually best friend behind my back for a membership she never wanted and for sure I never offered.
Simply disgusting to do this to her and trick me as well.
I know those 2 “Roosters” for over 5 years and even called them friends at some point.
We needed to stop and put this madness in Public….😉😜 as you can read lots of comments on @quantummaa’s profil
The truth will always come out!
Wow! I'm just at a loss for words how crazy this is..
Thank you for reporting!
Looking forward to the sequel
Ist das echt? Oder ein satirischer Krimiroman? Hier in Österreich, Wien?
Oha... Gut zu wissen. Da hat sich wer SBF als Vorbild genommen oder?
Ist aber hoffentlich nicht normal hier! Danke für all die Infos. Heftige Sache wie es scheint.
Edited: +ABO und +SUB (außer es kostet 99 Euro, dann nicht 🤣🙃)
leider echt - nein ist nicht normal, jedoch leider viel zu lange unentdeckt geblieben und wurde sogar unterstützt/ gevotet
demenstprechend aktuell der Aufschrei..
Schockierend. Das hat grad etwas abgeschreckt muss ich gestehen. Aber gut wenn es schon geregelt wird.
Ist das ein richtiges Hive Magazin hier? Habe es grad erst entdeckt, schaut super aus und gut für News wie ich merke...
Deswegen muss dies ja unbedingt behandelt werden - Schäden begrenzt werden!
Ansonsten kann dies Hive enorm schaden.
Dies ist den Veranstaltern jedoch egal - ihnen geht es lediglich darum es sich in der Opferrolle bequem zu machen - für Antworten auf unsere Fragen wollen sie sogar noch für ihre wertvolle Zeit bezahlt werden.
Scammer halt aus meiner Sicht..
Ja, soweit ich das mitbekommen habe kannst du das Magazin sogar in einer materiellen (statt nur digitalen) Form erhalten :) !
Danke dir für all die infos und Feedback. Ich folge erstmal dem Magazin, mal schauen was da noch für news kommen.
physischen Ausgabe[@quekery] Ja, wir sind echt und der Fall ist auch echt. Wir sind ein satirisches Infotainment Magazin und uns gibt seit über 4 Jahren mit über 100 Ausgaben. Trotz unserer satirischen Note, legen wir aber viel Wert auf Hard Facts. Neben der angesprochenen gibt es uns auch auf deutsch unter @hiq und als Podcast unter @hiq.smartcast.
Da wir echt sind, kann man uns auch abonnieren, indem man +ABO oder +SUB unter einen unserer neuesten Posts schreibt. !PIMP
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@hiq.redaktion just slapped you with , @surrealworld.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Ja dann +ABO und +SUB für mehr. Bin gespannt auf die nächste Ausgabe dann.
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[@quekery] +ABO oder +SUB muss als Antwort auf den eigentlich Post sein, damit unser Skript anspringt. Du könntest es aber auch in deinen ursprünglichen Kommentar reineditieren. !PIZZA
So, nun passt es oder?
[@quekery] Sieht gut aus. In einer halben Stunde müsste das Skript anspringen (einmal die Stunde läuft es)
Holy mackerel... that's a lot of shit hitting the fan! 🙄
Mad props though. Keep on keepin' those naughty Hivians acountable. We're with you! ✊
Do you have to tell them they have the right to remain silent?
Credit: marshmellowman
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an on behalf of @thatcryptodave!LOLZ 🤣
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.
Credit: reddit
@thatcryptodave, I sent you an on behalf of @andy-vibesOh my... SMH
The "AI Topic" has most definitely stirred up a hornet's nest (that's for sure). Most interesting to read your opinions & the thoughts from the Hive Communities. !LOLZ
To the dock
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ@hiq.magazine, I sent you an on behalf of @andy-vibes
look honestly I never got so much fun reading nonsense as I can make appear while doing stuff with my friends as weird as we can be but attacking vulnearable people is maybe not a good idea ;-) my vey best
It's really funny! Thanks for that amazing content you bring up to us on HIVE. Are you creating new accounts with your friends or are you developing your KI?! Or what stuff are you doing?!
I had lot of fun reading as well and I wasn't sure if I should answer on this post.
I do it on your funny comment. So actually you wanted to meet me in real person?! Why?! I am really happy that I caceled that.
So listen one question before I end. When all is so funny why you can't give clear answers of that amazing writen @hiq.magazine or @hiq - article.
It looks like that you are a big scammer. Sorry if I am wrong just clear that up and all it's fine. But it's looks like you also scamed your "businesspartner(s)".
Crazy Crazy Crazy ...
But well yes you wrote in a right way. I never had so much fun reading a @hiq.magazine - Nonsense are you really sure?!?!
Happy HIVE - Happy Life
You are out of @winalab now, because you harm me as business partner.
Hi @manncpt what do you mean exactly? You told me that you don't want to work with me longer on Telegram. Yes I know but thats why we have a contract. Should I post it here?
I wish you massive success and a lot of fun.
That funny thing of all that stuff is that it's not about you, it's not about @winalab. But yes I understand I am out and can focus 100% on my business :-) Maybe a good solution ...
Maybe I should also use the Downvote my first time on HIVE 😂😁 :-)
Be happy and keep on smiling. This is the best medicin in life...
Oha ^^
Also es geht mich zwar nichts an, aber mich würde der Vertrag interessieren.
Kannst ja eventuelle, brisante Stellen, schwärzen ;)
Nein, ich stelle hier nichts öffentlich rein und sinke auf das Niveau anderer. Ein Vertrag bleibt ein Vertrag und ich wollte den damals haben. Ein Kooperationsvertrag :) Alles gut und okay ... Thema gefressen ...
@rajivtranslate we must create proofofhive intelligence LOL
Thanks for making me soo famous
….and YOU didn’t even need “ME” 🤦🏻♀️😂🤩 anymore to get your much needed attention.
Vicious plan of yours
ca suffit Jean!
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here.@sofibofi and me answered this bad researched post in german
@mammasitta we miss you being well said @cryptococoon ^^
You still write weird comments even though I changed my keys!?!You steal my names just like the other funny guy did with #cryptobrunch and #cryptoblogging
All I asked you to help building my App Idea called @petcocoon
I also asked to create my domains, reorganize my website and for sure willing to pay for. You never did send me details.
Je suis une “Maman”!
Don’t mess with me ever again!
I saw all your horrible things you wrote about me. I was always kind and caring.
I mentioned that I don’t need any stress before my surgery and now All THAT.
Shame on YOU!
NOBODY can fool me for too long!
Grow up and stop your little
Boy silly games with this community!!
Just give proper replies ….not much to ask from you. Explain your “master plan” you have in your crazy mind.
Je suis un papa. You fool yourself alone, no need of me for this. You did not have to ask me to make a work... for which you told me you'lle pay or compensate in a way or another.
My plan is not for here.